Datasheets de définition
Tous les datasheets se basent sur des fichiers .typ et .dfn qui permettent de les construire correctement pour le système. Ceux sur le son ont une section dédiée car ils ne sont pas stockés au même endroit que les autres.
Les fichiers de définition des datasheets sont dans un répertoire nommé DFN dans khanat-ressources/leveldesign.
Il existe néanmoins quelques exceptions dans ce répertoire, qu'il faudrait analyser, de façon à comprendre la raison de leur présence là, voire de corriger cela si c'est fautif :
À noter que ces fichiers ne sont donc pas présentés dans cette section.
- Les fichiers .typ :
Types define basic Georges types and the UI element used for editing these types.
- Les fichiers .dfn :
Definitions define the structure and layout of forms and sheets and finally the forms/sheets are the actual data that will be loaded into a client or server.
source :
Liste des pages présentes ici
- formulae.typ
- _change_ai_state.dfn
- _light.dfn
- _rgba.dfn
- _creature_size.typ
- _ai_combatif.dfn
- _item_range_weapon.dfn
- ecosystem.typ
- _ai_vitesse.dfn
- text_emotes.dfn
- _ai_pastatoid_def.dfn
- automaton_other_states.dfn
- _fx_ps_user_params_standard.dfn
- audiofx.dfn
- bot_healer_special_phrases.typ
- titles.dfn
- _attack_radius.typ
- _length.dfn
- bot_chat_choice_list.typ
- _item_effects.dfn
- _ai_motivation_dfn.dfn
- range_weapon_type.typ
- _ai_init_var.typ
- melee_fighter_group_action.dfn
- item_origine.typ
- item_shield_category.typ
- _typ.dfn
- sky_ref_color.typ
- Les outils de récolte
- _action_nature.typ
- item_taming_range.typ
- game_creature.typ
- _ai_comportement_tolk.dfn
- outpost.dfn
- attack_list.dfn
- uint32.typ
- plant.dfn
- _primitive.dfn
- mission_icon.dfn
- _root_default_attack.dfn
- __trap__filename.typ
- bot_buffer_attack_phrases.typ
- _training_characteristic_skills.dfn
- _harvest_skills.dfn
- _training_characteristic_specialized_skills.typ
- _default_equipment.dfn
- armor.dfn
- _peuple.typ
- _outpost_building_driller.dfn
- region_list.typ
- attack_id.dfn
- _regen.dfn
- item_service.typ
- automaton_spell_states.dfn
- _creature_combat.dfn
- _fauna_races.dfn
- _player_default_equipment.dfn
- _magic_healer_skills.typ
- string.typ
- aiaction_type.typ
- _brick_families.typ
- float.typ
- _effect_modifier.dfn
- _functionality_attribute.dfn
- _ai_type.typ
- _item_3d_fx.dfn
- _generic_specialized_skills.typ
- id_to_string_array.dfn
- _ai_motivation_param.dfn
- creature_sap_formuli.typ
- _ai_dynmaic_object.dfn
- _functionality.dfn
- _ai_type_def.dfn
- _entity_types.typ
- _ai_nourriture.dfn
- _range_specialized_skills.typ
- animation_fx_set.dfn
- _building_powers.dfn
- _localisation_size_adjustment.dfn
- tribe.dfn
- item_mp_group.typ
- season.typ
- _localisation_slot.typ
- bot_chat_page.typ
- _creature_phrases_shooter.dfn
- _title_civ.typ
- localisation_table.dfn
- _ai_motivation_health.dfn
- test.typ
- _craft_skills.typ
- _position_in_family.typ
- _deposit_mp.dfn
- outpost_squad.dfn
- _creature_equipment.dfn
- death_impact.dfn
- bot_melee_defence_phrases.typ
- _creature_3d_eyes_color.typ
- _specialized_skill_type_and_associated_carac.dfn
- item.typ
- weather_function_modifier.dfn
- _defense_skills.typ
- _item_scroll.dfn
- _check_continent.dfn
- Joaillerie
- _static_string.dfn
- uint64.typ
- _creature_3d_shadow.dfn
- weather_function_visual.dfn
- ai_charognard_lair.dfn
- _ai_operator.typ
- _creature_phrases.dfn
- Type de MP selon l'usage artisanal
- _title_cult.typ
- aiaction_effect_type.typ
- _ai_vegetal.dfn
- _physical_damage.dfn
- _magic_alteration_specialized_skills.typ
- _plant_fx_info.dfn
- skill_tree.dfn
- _skill_data.dfn
- _creature_3d_hair_color.typ
- _skills.typ
- iboolean.typ
- _item_scores_modifier.dfn
- _ai_group_action.dfn
- item.dfn
- uint16.typ
- _craft_skills.dfn
- Les outils d'artisanat
- _absorb_score.dfn
- region.dfn
- _plant_game_param.dfn
- _sbrick_credit.dfn
- _creature_phrases_healer.dfn
- _fx_trail.dfn
- forage_source.dfn
- sitem.dfn
- text_id_correspondance.dfn
- Les logements
- loot_set.dfn
- _modifier.dfn
- brick_level_adjustment_table.dfn
- _ai_path_elm.dfn
- _paliers.dfn
- _civilization_specialized_skills.typ
- _static_string_params.typ
- _ai_viande.dfn
- ecosystem.dfn
- characterdamagelocalisationtable.typ
- succes_chances_table.dfn
- race_stats.dfn
- _creature_texture_equipment.typ
- Les champs calculés dans les Data Sheets
- _item_crafting_tool.dfn
- _item_faber_learning.dfn
- point_name.typ
- commission.dfn
- item_mp_family.typ
- _ai_operational.dfn
- _change_behaviour.dfn
- saibrick.dfn
- _sentence_modifier_operator.typ
- aiaction_aiming_type.typ
- _ai_static_object.dfn
- skill_stage_type_table.dfn
- bot_mage_attack_phrases.typ
- _trading_skills.typ
- _ai_comportement_fight.dfn
- Datasheets de gestion du son
- alpha.typ
- float.typ
- context_sound.dfn
- music_sound.dfn
- transposition.typ
- user_var_binding.dfn
- stream_file_sound.dfn
- parameter_id.typ
- simple_sound.dfn
- background_sound_item
- typ.dfn
- mixer_config.dfn
- distance.typ
- int.typ
- iboolean.typ
- doppler.typ
- _typ.dfn
- complex_sound.dfn
- pattern_mode.typ
- soundbank.dfn
- sound_group_item.dfn
- angle.typ
- gain.typ
- filename.typ
- string.typ
- boolean.typ
- rolloff.typ
- background_flag_config.dfn
- listener.dfn
- direction.dfn
- _type.typ
- background_sound.dfn
- sound_group.dfn
- priority.typ
- sound.dfn
- stream_sound.dfn
- animation_state.dfn
- _creature_phrases_melee.dfn
- outpost_building.dfn
- _loot_set_row.dfn
- _fx_ps_user_params_weak.dfn
- _skill_stage_association.dfn
- _text_emote.dfn
- _ai_poisson.dfn
- _civilization_skills.dfn
- _item_melee_weapon.dfn
- _ai_comportement_sleep.dfn
- gender.typ
- _item_consumable.dfn
- _item_special_effects.dfn
- _creature_loot_harvest_state.typ
- item_family.typ
- _item_command_ticket.dfn
- _pacte_type.typ
- _magic_attack_skills.typ
- _creature_harvest.dfn
- ai_poisson_lair.dfn
- _success_chances_line.dfn
- item_mp_faber_type.typ
- _job.typ
- spell_mode.typ
- _difficulty_modifier.dfn
- trigger.typ
- ai_herbivore_lair.dfn
- _magic_healer_skills.dfn
- _range_skills.dfn
- _creature_damage_shield.dfn
- item_type.typ
- _title.typ
- _ai_viande_terrestre.dfn
- _magic_alteration_skills.dfn
- _ai_behaviour.dfn
- _root_melee_combat.dfn
- _engage.dfn
- _creature_race.typ
- group_actions.dfn
- caster_buffer_group_action.dfn
- damage_shield_type.typ
- Les tickets de commande
- _item_equipment_modifier.dfn
- item_memorization_slot_types.typ
- _transfert.dfn
- _item_ammo.dfn
- _training_characteristic_skills.typ
- _berserk.dfn
- outpost_building_type.typ
- _faber_filter2.typ
- _root_magic.dfn
- item_damage_type.typ
- item_special_effect.typ
- _fx_ps_user_params_strong.dfn
- _magic_healer_specialized_skills.typ
- _player_skin.typ
- plantscalemin.typ
- color.typ
- encyclo_thema.dfn
- _protections.dfn
- _ai_attribut.typ
- encyclo_album.dfn
- creature_stat.typ
- _ai_motivation_value.typ
- lair.dfn
- _ai_patate.dfn
- _building_power.dfn
- _melee_skills.typ
- _bot_buy_sell.dfn
- _ai_motivation_param_fatigue.dfn
- civilisation.dfn
- _modify_var.dfn
- item_animset.typ
- saiphrase.dfn
- _ai_saison.typ
- sint16.typ
- _creature_ia.dfn
- timed_fx_mode.typ
- weather_function_params.dfn
- _ai_manager.dfn
- bot_healer_defence_phrases.typ
- _creature_3d_equipment.dfn
- item_armor_protection.typ
- race.dfn
- teleport_type.typ
- _ai_path_finding.dfn
- animset_mode.dfn
- _ai_init_var.dfn
- animset_list.dfn
- _crafting_skills.dfn
- _brick_mp.dfn
- _creature_resists.dfn
- _ai_creature.dfn
- _fx_ps_user_params_weak_combo.dfn
- sint8.typ
- _ai_motivation_influence.dfn
- _root_common.dfn
- animation_magic.dfn
- Les matières premières
- _characteristic.typ
- _creature_3d_ground_fx.dfn
- _effect_functions.typ
- Les cosmétiques
- weather_setup.dfn
- sint64.typ
- starting_role.dfn
- _creature_derivated_scores.dfn
- _ai_behaviour_param.dfn
- item_teleport_type.typ
- _item_3d_fx_static.dfn
- _ai_animal.dfn
- _season_light_cycle.dfn
- _ai_comportement_chase.dfn
- _outpost_building_driller_mp.dfn
- _duration_in_action_type.typ
- _set_effect_modifier.dfn
- stick_mode.typ
- _cancel_effet_type.dfn
- _loot_table_row.dfn
- attack_type.typ
- _item_pet.dfn
- Les tickets de téléportation
- _ai_group_attack.typ
- building.dfn
- item_attack_type.typ
- _creature_text_id.dfn
- item_ammo_type.typ
- item_mp_protection_type.typ
- sbrick.dfn
- _ai_motivation_fatigue.dfn
- _temporal_acceleration.dfn
- _fx_user_param.typ
- sky_object.dfn
- _set_localisation.dfn
- spell.dfn
- fight_config.dfn
- continents.typ
- _civilization_skills.typ
- _ai_fish.dfn
- body_to_bone.dfn
- _magic_attack_skills.dfn
- success_chances_table.dfn
- _brick_family.typ
- _creature_phrases_mage.dfn
- _data_elem.dfn
- people.typ
- _item_faber_component.dfn
- _generic_skills.dfn
- Les boucliers
- _area_effect.dfn
- _range_skills.typ
- sint32.typ
- _sbrick_families.typ
- _target_types.typ
- aiaction.dfn
- _skill_type_and_associated_carac.dfn
- _fx_ps_user_params_strong_combo.dfn
- effect_type.typ
- Les .creature
- character_name.typ
- _modify_var_temp.dfn
- _ai_object.dfn
- _affect_aggressors.dfn
- _set_sentence_nb_cycles.dfn
- _ai_manager_param.dfn
- _item_taming_tool.dfn
- regen_table.dfn
- _ai_food.dfn
- Les catalyseurs d'expérience
- _latency_modifier.dfn
- item_effect_type.typ
- _range_combat_damage_modifiers.dfn
- continent.dfn
- _item_teleport.dfn
- _fx_ps.dfn
- _mission_logic_table_entry.dfn
- _root_range_combat.dfn
- _ai_location.dfn
- _sentence.dfn
- _brick_energy_type.typ
- _melee_skills.dfn
- item_map.typ
- item_mp_faber_property.typ
- _set_dispell_transfert.dfn
- armorpiece.dfn
- _check_armor_set.dfn
- _item_faber_plan.dfn
- _effect_type.typ
- _sbrick_parameter.dfn
- _world_map_child.dfn
- sky_color_gradient_info.dfn
- _cost_modifier.dfn
- _plant_instance.dfn
- reaction.typ
- plant_name.typ
- _ai_group_move.typ
- _add_valid_target_type.dfn
- role.dfn
- job_mode.typ
- _defense_skills.dfn
- Les objets inscriptibles
- _ai_creature_spawn.dfn
- Les objets d'inventaire
- _item_mp_param.dfn
- _item_faber.dfn
- _classification_types.typ
- _cancel_effect.dfn
- _item_cosmetic.dfn
- _magic_attack_specialized_skills.typ
- item_guild_option_type.typ
- village_ig.dfn
- _item_training_tool.dfn
- _root_faber.dfn
- Les armures
- string_array.dfn
- aiaction_linkottype.typ
- spell_id.dfn
- _creature_basics_type.typ
- _ai_is_a.dfn
- landmark.dfn
- _creature_3d.dfn
- automaton_generic_states.dfn
- phrase.dfn
- emot.dfn
- ai_omnivore_lair.dfn
- _creature_items.dfn
- role.typ
- _learning_playable_races.typ
- _knowledge_market.dfn
- actions_groupe.dfn
- _target_pets.dfn
- item_mp_use.typ
- Les objets de domestication
- _magical_damage.dfn
- _creature_bag.dfn
- _item_faber_mp_parameters.dfn
- _sbrick_optional.dfn
- _stun.dfn
- _specialized_skills.typ
- _ai_gabari.dfn
- randomseed.typ
- item_workshop_needed.typ
- uint8.typ
- _title_unblock.dfn
- automaton_state.dfn
- item_mp_category.typ
- item_taming_tool_type.typ
- floradensity.typ
- _ai_player.dfn
- _item_regen_characteristic_modifier.dfn
- _loot.dfn
- plantscalemax.typ
- _data_elem.typ
- Les armes à distance
- _range.dfn
- animation.dfn
- _creature_loot.dfn
- _creature_chat_profile.typ
- sky_color_mode.typ
- Les munitions
- _creature_shopkeeper_type.dfn
- healer_group_action.dfn
- _root_tame.dfn
- sbrick_magic_range.dfn
- caster_attack_group_action.dfn
- _suffix_type.typ
- automaton_motion_states.dfn
- _skill_category.typ
- _trading_skills.dfn
- _ai_comportement.dfn
- _world_continent.dfn
- item_mp_property_depth.typ
- item_cosmetics_types.typ
- _item_basics.dfn
- _root_repair_item.dfn
- stick_mode.dfn
- _root_harvest.dfn
- itemstat.dfn
- Les objets préhensibles
- _ai_charogne.dfn
- spell_cast_stage.typ
- bot_chat_program.typ
- _ai_relation.dfn
- _creature_3d_skin.typ
- item_hitpoint_formuli.typ
- ai_pastatoid_def.dfn
- _kamic_impregnation.dfn
- range_fighter_group_action.dfn
- _ai_motivation_param_hunger.dfn
- carrier_phrases.dfn
- _ai_comportement_eat.dfn
- _set_effect_duration.dfn
- __trap__filename.typ
- bot_melee_attack_phrases.typ
- deposit.dfn
- animation_fx_set_by_lvl.dfn
- _plant_textureset.typ
- _brick_power.typ
- _world_map.dfn
- cast_fx.dfn
- _stats.dfn
- Le temps en jeu
- character_characteristics.typ
- cast_ray.dfn
- action_xp_factor.dfn
- creature_hitpoint_formuli.typ
- bot_chat.dfn
- _ai_vegetal_terrestre.dfn
- Les armes de mêlée
- _valid_target_races.dfn
- _ai_pastatoid.dfn
- _ai_creature_elem.dfn
- Les objets consommables
- _creature_collision.dfn
- _ai_lair.dfn
- _sbrick_mandatory.dfn
- _ai_motivation_hunger.dfn
- _ai_fame.dfn
- _faber_filter1.typ
- spell_id.typ
- fx_repeat_mode.typ
- _entity_msgs.dfn
- _creature_texture.typ
- animset_type.dfn
- _damage_value.typ
- _item_equipment_info.dfn
- _root_tracking.dfn
- _brick_basics.dfn
- ai_group_move.typ
- harvest_skills.typ
- _crafting_skills.typ
- _ai_virtual_dfn_arry.dfn
- automaton_list.dfn
- loot_table.dfn
- zc.dfn
- bot_chat_action.typ
- brick.dfn
- item_armor_max_protection.typ
- bot_chat_family.typ
- _creature_mp.dfn
- item_firing_range.typ
- attack.dfn
- Les propriétés possibles des consommables
- dataset.dfn
- _global_resist.dfn
- brick_base.dfn
- deathpact.dfn
- _vector.dfn
- spell_list.dfn
- _magic_specialized_skills.typ
- spell_type.typ
- _homins_races.dfn
- _creature_species.typ
- _item_harvest_tool.dfn
- _difficulty_appreciation.typ
- _item_guild_option.dfn
- _training_skills.typ
- int.typ
- _target_beasts_train.dfn
- _creature_color_equipment.typ
- _ai_comportement_walk.dfn
- _ai_creature_type.typ
- Les enchantements
- creature_ecosystem.typ
- automaton.dfn
- _deposit_mp_season.dfn
- _creature_type.typ
- _item_special_effect.dfn
- automaton_mode_states.dfn
- Les boutiques
- _ai_action_server.typ
- _item_food.dfn
- _harvest_specialized_skills.typ
- _item_regen_scores_modifier.dfn
- fx.dfn
- _ai_model_creature.dfn
- _type.typ
- _ai_bag.dfn
- _display_static_texts.dfn
- law.dfn
- Les services
- sky_object_version.dfn
- _root_add_to_train.dfn
- primitive.typ
- _creature_characteristics.dfn
- _trading_specialized_skills.typ
- item_weight.typ
- item_color.typ
- _root_refine_item.dfn
- _creature_properties.dfn
- sky_object_priority.typ
- world.dfn
- _career.typ
- attack_list_entry.dfn
- town_list.typ
- bot_shooter_attack_phrases.typ
- _type.dfn
- _item_skills_modifier.dfn
- creature_stamina_formuli.typ
- _melee_specialized_skills.typ
- _check_target_level.dfn
- aiaction_area_type.typ
- creature.dfn
- item_magazine_size.typ
- faction.dfn
- _creature_combat_move.dfn
- _combat_move.dfn
- area.dfn
- _generic_skills.typ
- _magic_skills.dfn
- _item_mp.dfn
- _check_target_actions.dfn
- prices_table.dfn
- animation_fx.dfn
- _ai_object_type.typ
- Les codes de compétences
- _ai_motivation.dfn
- sky.dfn
- item_crafting_tool.typ
- _item_shield.dfn
- _item_service.dfn
- aiaction_combat_damage_type.typ
- _fx_ps_user_params_critical.dfn
- weather_function.dfn
- _sbrick_target_restriction.typ
- _move_competences.dfn
- _crafting_specialized_skills.typ
- _brick_learning.dfn
- _skill_role_category.typ
- _brick_type.typ
- _brick_valid_targets.dfn
- xp_table.dfn
- _ignore_protection.dfn
- _ai_mouvable.dfn
- _sbrick_basics.dfn
- _engage_mode.dfn
- Les objets de mission
- sky_color_info.dfn
- _disengage.dfn
- ai_predateur_lair.dfn
- _flora_races.dfn
- _ai_motivation.typ
- mission_logic_table.dfn
- _scores.typ
- item_category.typ
- automaton_atk_states.dfn
- _creature_phrases_buffer.dfn
- _brick_level_adjustment_line.dfn
- _change_sentence_latency.dfn
- _brick_client.dfn
- role_definition.dfn
- ai_manager.dfn
- bot_chat_option.dfn
- bot_buffer_defence_phrases.typ
- sphrase.dfn
- Les objets (.sitem)
- faber_group_action.dfn
- _ai_timer.typ
- _training_score_skills.typ
- _ai_population.dfn
- Les ticks
- _ai_herbe.dfn
- trader_group_action.dfn
- _item_bag.dfn
- _sentence_modifier.dfn
- type_property.typ
- _ai_comportement_explore.dfn
- _magic_alteration_skills.typ
- _phrase_nature.typ
- _modifier_mode.typ
- _plant_3d_info.dfn
- player.dfn
- _localisation_table_line.dfn
- aimgr.dfn
- _skillscode.typ
- item_slot_type.typ
- _training_score_specialized_skills.typ
- _item_xp_catalyser.dfn
- filename.typ
- _ai_static_type.dfn
- light_cycle.dfn
- localisation_size_adjustment_table.dfn
- _ai_init_var_value.dfn
- _training_score_skills.dfn
- _item_3d.dfn
- edit.typ
- _creature_basics.dfn
- Paramètres à renseigner selon usage des Mps
- bot_shooter_special_phrases.typ
- _restore_mp.dfn
- actionlist.dfn
- id_to_string.dfn
- _faction.typ
- _knowledge_mp.dfn
- _role_master.typ
- item_mp_property.typ
- _root_training.dfn
- _ai_game_var.dfn
- animation_set.dfn
- _effect.dfn
- _training_progression.dfn
- village.dfn
- _set_effect_dynamic_modifier.dfn
- _magic_skills.typ
- _loot_money.dfn
- _skills_and_specialized_skills.typ
- Les familiers
- _training_specialized_skills.typ
- flora.dfn
- item_slot.typ
- boolean.typ
- item_weapon_max_damage.typ
- _fog.dfn
- L'héritage dans les datasheets
- harvester_group_action.dfn
- Les aliments
- _creature_movespeed.dfn
- _item_armor.dfn
- _ai_motivation_explore.dfn
- bot_mage_special_phrases.typ