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The armor is what dresses the character, whether it's considered a real armor, or perhaps a simple garment, even an undergarment. This also concerns what covers the head, like helmets and hats.

In the basics section, the armor parameter is entered in feature ''family ''.

As usual, I present here the contents of the Data Sheet files directly, without going through Georges Editor, to simplify the presentation, but free to everyone to use this editor, of course. This also allows to have the LOGs filled, which I cut for clarity here.

Contents of the Data Sheet

An armor is an object that contains the normal sections of a .sitem object, namely basics and 3D plus the section dedicated to armor, called armor and even the section objects made for crafting tools.

It is therefore appropriate to fill in a DS with the following sections:

Again… the parentage will save the repetitions.

Fichier exemple

Check the relevance of the “faber” part, wich is not called in sitem.dfn(but in sbrick.dfn). Especially since it is redundant of the part crafting tool .

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FORM Revision="$Revision: 1.0 $" State="modified">
    <STRUCT Name="basics">
      <ATOM Name="name" Value="zorai heavy boots"/>
      <ATOM Name="ItemType" Value="Heavy boots"/>
      <ATOM Name="family" Value="armor"/>
      <ATOM Name="origin" Value="zorai"/>
      <STRUCT Name="EquipmentInfo">
        <ATOM Name="WearEquipmentMalus" Value="0.6"/>
        <ARRAY Name="EquipmentSlots">
          <ATOM Value="Feet"/>
      <ATOM Name="Bulk" Value="7"/>
      <ATOM Name="Time to Equip In Ticks" Value="10"/>
      <ATOM Name="RequiredSkill" Value="none"/>
      <ATOM Name="RequiredSkillQualityFactor" Value="1"/>
      <ATOM Name="RequiredSkillQualityOffset" Value="-15"/>
      <ATOM Name="RequiredCharac" Value="Constitution"/>
      <ATOM Name="RequiredCharacQualityFactor" Value="1"/>
      <ATOM Name="RequiredCharacQualityOffset" Value="-20"/>
      <ATOM Name="CraftPlan" Value="armor01craftplan.sbrick"/>
    <STRUCT Name="armor">
      <ATOM Name="Armor category" Value="Heavy"/>
      <STRUCT Name="Protections">
        <ATOM Name="PiercingMax" Value="200"/>
        <ATOM Name="PiercingFactor" Value="0.25"/>
        <ATOM Name="SlashingMax" Value="175"/>
        <ATOM Name="SlashingFactor" Value="0.15"/>
        <ATOM Name="BluntMax" Value="150"/>
        <ATOM Name="BluntFactor" Value="0.1"/>
        <ATOM Name="RotMax" Value="300"/>
        <ATOM Name="RotFactor" Value="0.75"/>
    <STRUCT Name="crafting tool">
      <ATOM Name="type" Value="Blacksmith tools"/>
    <STRUCT Name="3d">
      <ATOM Name="shape" Value="ZO_HOM_armor01_bottes.shape"/>
      <ATOM Name="shape_female" Value="ZO_HOF_armor01_bottes.shape"/>
      <ATOM Name="map_variant" Value="Low Quality"/>
      <ATOM Name="icon" Value="AR_botte.tga"/>
      <ATOM Name="icon background" Value="BK_zorai.tga"/>
      <ATOM Name="icon overlay" Value="PW_heavy.tga"/>
      <ATOM Name="color" Value="UserColor"/>
    <STRUCT Name="faber">
      <ATOM Name="Tool type" Value="ArmorTool"/>

Adding to language files

Do not forget to add new datasheets to the language files, so the client may be able to display the objects.

This is done with files like item_words_XX.txt (XX denoting the ISO code of the language, see part dedicated to localization). The itemID values to be entered in this file must match files ending with the .sitem armor01.

It would seem that it is not necessary to name an entire sitemame if the same ID affects several DSs.
By entering armor as itemID, the corresponding terms of the language file will be used for all DS starting with bigbag so here it will concern all armor that will be designated under the same name.

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en/ds/rcdsarmor.1480349642.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:18 (external edit)

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