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Use the world_editor software to create missions.

Optional: Click on “Project”, then “Add Landscape”, then choose “newbieland.land” from your “resources/continents/newbieland/” folder.

Click on “Project”, then “Add Primitive” and select all the primitives of your resource/primitives/newbieland/folder.

See also Commented example of a mission creation.

If there is no “mission” primitive, click on “Project”, then “New Primitive”, then choose Missions_editor, and then Mission_tree.

Otherwise, unfold the mission primitive with a left click(for example missions_newbieland.primitives) right click on the first mission tree: missions_newbieland and select Add mission_tree.

Selecting Add_mission_tree

The same mission tree window will open in both cases.

To be sure to compile the mission (the last part of the creation), it is better to start by creating a new primitive just for the mission, then test it. Once it is validated, it can be cut/pasted(ctrl-x, ctrl-v) in the primitive mission primitive primitive. Thus the missions are grouped together or, if the map is large and rich, a set of missions. For example, all missions of the type “Winning pennies”.

Otherwise, there will end up being a lot of primitives for an area, with the risk of getting lost a bit.

The Mission property window opens.

Property of the mission.

The more this property window is filled, the more easy it is :-)

To fill :

  • name: give the name identifying the mission. For example qabb20160603b
  • audience: “solo” means that a single player can take it and validate it. “Group” concerns group quests(to be tested?), “Guild” the quests that will be validated at the level of the guild(also to be tested) .
  • auto_remove_from_journal: once validated, remove itself from the log?
  • automatic: ??? Leave by default as it is waiting to know the details
  • fail_if_inventory_is_full: fails automatically if the inventory is full?
  • giver_primitive: the .primitive where the NPC is located. An NPC already compiled with its missions can be found in urban _ *. Primitive, for example urban_newbieland.primitive
  • global replay_timer: the time before the quest can be resumed after its failure or success, for everyone? Visibly in ticks.
  • mission_category: mission category on Ryzom, it was fighting, crafting, drilling. Where is this defined? What are the options?
  • mission_descriptio n: put the ui to translate from the description of the mission, for example ui_nom_mission_DESC
  • mission_giver: put the identifier of the character giving the quest: $ givervar @ fullname $
  • mission_icon: name of the icon in the ds?
  • mission_titl e: put the ui to translate the title of the mission, for example ui_nom_mission_TITLE
  • mono_instance : ???

* need_validation: ??? Checked by default

  • abandoned: must relate to “invisible” quests that do not appear in the log
  • not_in_journal: The missions that do not appear in the newspaper can make it possible to make certain events; These are not classic missions, the player did something that triggered the start of the quest but he does not know.
  • not_propose : probably also for the invisible quests: the pnj launches the quest, but nothing indicates it?
  • parent_missions: specify the missions on which the current mission depends? You must have validated them to have access to this one?
  • sentence_auto_menu: ???
  • player_replay_timer: The time before the player can resume the quest. Visibly in ticks.
  • replayable: “replayable”, check if it can be done several times.
  • run_only_once: can only be done once.

In variables, add Var_npc and fill it.


name : givevar = name_NPC (title_NPC)
npc_function : title_NPC
npc_name : name_NPC
var_name : givevar

Creating a mission, first step

As a beginning, we start simple.
Choose a Step, then what kind of “objectives”:

  • Step, Done in order to validate the quest.
  • Step_ooo, Done in disorder to validate the quest.
  • Step_if, Several paths needed to validate the quest.
  • Step_any, Only one of the objectives required.

Objectives first


The PC must go to an NPC for the NPC to talk to him to validate the target!


The PC must go to kill a NPC/mob to validate the target!


The PC must use a specific spell to validate the objective!


The PJ must go to hravest mps to validate the lens!


The PC must go to loop mps on a NPC/mob to validate the objective!


The PJ must go to make an object to validate the objective!


The PC must target a NPC/mob to validate the target!


The PC must go to sell a mps to validate the objective!


The PC must go buy a mps/item to validate the lens!


The PJ must give an mps/object to an NPC to validate the objective!


The PC must give money to an NPC to validate the objective!


The PC must go to escort a NPC/mob to validate the target!


The PC must visit a place to validate the objective!


The PJ must have a stanza(skill) and a minimum level to validate the objective!


The PC must go to another mission to validate the objective! (to test)


The PC must wait for a message to validate the objective! (to test)


The PC must wait for a pop scenario to validate the goal! (to test)

secondary objectives

It is possible to put secondary objectives in:

  • pre_actions
  • objectives
  • post_actions


The PC receives money.

Creating a mission with dialogues

Now we add the dialogs.
It is absolutely necessary to place the PC before the NPC before starting a dialogue !!!!!!!!

Choose a dynamic chat:

To finish

Special Condition

Special cases:
To avoid having missions that crash!!!!!

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en/world_editor/missions.1482231541.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/03 19:18 (external edit)

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