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Located in: /DFN/game_elem/_item

This is the basic section common to virtually all static objects(the .sitem)

It is not mandatory to enter information, especially since default values exist in the definitions of DS. Refer to existing files as a reference to see what should be specified depending on the type of object being created.


String of characters
Example: plate armor

This is a name for identifying the object. This is not the string named for the designation in the client and it's translations(which are based on the name of the .sitem file).


Selection list(based on item_origine.typ)
Example: fyros

The nationality of the object, i.e the country which to attach it's tradition of manufacture, collection, breeding or extraction.


Selection list(based on item_family.typ)
Example: melee weapon

The kind of object to which it belongs. This explains it's usage.


Selection list(based on item_type.typ)
Example: Magician Staff

The specific type of object in question. This is apparently an essential determination for objects that will be prehensible(most defined types refer to objects with a visible 3D consequence).


File name | Default = bag.item
Example: purse01.sitem

The name of an inventory file(that must have the extension “.sitem”) in connection to this object, which will allow access to the new inventory.

The default file does not exist and it would seem more logical that it is a “.sitem” and not an “item”.
It would be necessary to modify “_item_basics.dfn” and propose a fix to RC and WG!


Integer | Default = 1
Example: 999

The value specified is the maximum quantity that can be stacked in a single inventory location, IF the other characteristics are identical.


Whole number
Example: 10

This value seems to indicate the level of the object(from 1 to 300 and therefore a priority) but this remains to be confirmed!

Shard Exchangeable

True/False | Default = true
Example: False

This seems to make it possible to move the object from one shard to another.

Drop or Sell

True/False | Default = true
Example: False Allows to exchange or sell the object between characters(does not concern the sale to a shop, see Saleable below for this point).

Equipment Info

Subset of characteristics(based on _item_equipment_info.dfn)


File name(in .sbrick)
Example: bccaea1.sbrick

Indicates which “craft brick” that designates the manufacturing plan for this object.

When this section is filled in, then check if this craft plan allows the determination of characteristics when creating by “GM command”.


Number | Default = 0
Example: 0.5

Indicates the size of the object in an inventory and completes the notion of weight(below). This can be very small thing as a very important one, BUT without knowing on what scale this applies. It seems to have to do with the contents for the inventory .sitem.


Number | Default = 0
Example: 0.5

Indicates the weight of the object in an inventory. It complements the above congestion but without knowing to what extent the weight is given or on what scale. It seems to have to do with the contents for the inventory .sitem.



True/False | Default = true
Example: True

Allows(or not) to sale to an merchant( i.e a shop). For “sale or exchange” between players, see the option Drop or Sell above.

No Rent

True/False | Default = false
Example: True

No information about this feature at this moment!!


Number | Default = 0
Example: 50

The price indicated in the game currency.

Time to Equip In Ticks

Integer | Default = 0
Example: 20

Specifying value 10 ticks will make it take an average of one second to equip this object.


True / False | Default = false
Example: True

A consumable item will be destroyed when used.


Selection list(based on _skills.typ)|Default = none
Example: SFM1BMM

The skill required for being able to use the object, based on Skills codes


Integer | Default = 0
Example: 50

The minimum level required(in the skill set above) for being able to use the object.


Number | Default = 0.0
Example: 1.0

Unknown effects! Values between 0.0 and 1.0 seem to be expected. Not able to determine what exactly this causes at his moment. Perhaps it's an necessary relation between the level of the object and that of the competence demanded.


Integer | Default = 0
Example: 25 Apparently it is the “offset” between an object level and that of the wearer but it is difficult to determine exactly what causes this. A “-25” offset is often observed!


Selection list (based on _skills.typ)|Default = none
Example: SDAHZA

A second skill required to be able to use the object, based on Skills codes


Integer | Default = 0
Example: 50

The minimum level required(in the skill set above) for being able to use the object.


Number | Default = 0.0
Example: 1.0

As above, unknown effects! Values between 0.0 and 1.0 seem to be expected without being able to determine exactly what causes this. Perhaps it's an necessary relation between the level of the object and that of the competence demanded.


Nombre entier | Default=0
Exemple : 25

Apparently, it is the “offset” between an object level and that of the wearer but it is difficult to determine exactly what causes this. A “-25” offset is often observed!


Selection list (based on _characteristic.typ) | Default = Unknown
Example: Strength

The characteristic that's necessary for being able to use the object.


Integer | Default = 0
Example: 10

The minimum level required(in the required characteristic above).


Number | Default = 0
Example: 0.5

As above, unknown effects! Values between 0.0 and 1.0 seems to be expected without being able to determine what exactly causes this. Perhaps it's an necessary relation between the level of the object and that of the competence demanded.


Integer | Default = 0
Example: 25

Apparently, it is the “offset” between an object level and that of the wearer but it is difficult to determine exactly what causes this. A “-25” offset is often observed!

Type 1

Selection list (based on _classification_types.typ)|Default = Unknown
Example: TypeKami

Effects to be tested!! This combines with the following characteristic to acquire bonuses/malus(as listed below) against this type of creature.

There is a display bug in the client that causes the bonus/malus to be displayed but NOT the name of the creature type which it is applied against.
This is the sentence(in en.uxt):

uihelpSkillModVsType [@ {FFF9} Competency Bonus: @ {FFFF} +% mod @ {FFF9} vs @ {FFFF}% type]

The “% type” is not resolved.

VS Type skill edit 1

Integer | Default = 0
Example: 25 .
This is the sentence (in en.uxt):

uihelpSkillModVsType [@ {FFF9} Competency Bonus: @ {FFFF} +% mod @ {FFF9} vs @ {FFFF}% type]

The “% type” is not resolved.

VS Type skill edit 1

Integer | Default = 0
Example: 25 This is the skill bonus(or malus) against the creatures listed above(for combat weapons).

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en/ds/rcdsdfn_item_basics.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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