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Cosmetics concern three things:

  • Hairstyles
  • hair Colour
  • Facial tattoos

Simply enter the cosmetic parameter in the [ 'ds:rcdstypitem_family | feature family] in thebasics section.

As usual, I present the contents of the “Data Sheet files directly”, without going through “Georges Editor” just for simplifying the presentation, but feel free to use this editor if you like. This also allows to have the LOGs filled out, but which i removed for clarity here.

Contents of the Data Sheet

This simple object contains the normal sections of a .sitem object, namely basics and 3D but also possibly the “Cosmetics” part.

It's therefore appropriate to fill a “DS” with the following sections:

Again, the parentage will save repetitions.

Fichiers exemples


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FORM Revision="$Revision: 1.0 $" State="modified">
    <STRUCT Name="basics">
      <ATOM Name="origin" Value="matis"/>
      <ATOM Name="family" Value="cosmetic"/>
      <ATOM Name="ItemType" Value="Tatoo Female"/>
      <ATOM Name="Saleable" Value="true"/>
      <ATOM Name="Price" Value="100"/>
      <ATOM Name="Consumable" Value="False"/>
    <STRUCT Name="3d">
      <ATOM Name="icon" Value="ICO_Tatoo.tga"/>
      <ATOM Name="icon background" Value="BK_matis.tga"/>
    <STRUCT Name="Cosmetics">
      <ATOM Name="Visual Property Value" Value="$filename"/>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FORM Revision="$Revision: 1.0 $" State="modified">
  <PARENT Filename="_zo_hair_style.sitem"/>
    <STRUCT Name="basics">
      <ATOM Name="origin" Value="zorai"/>
      <ATOM Name="family" Value="cosmetic"/>
      <ATOM Name="ItemType" Value="HairMale"/>
      <ATOM Name="Price" Value="100"/>
      <ATOM Name="Consumable" Value="FALSE"/>
      <ATOM Name="Drop or Sell" Value="false"/>
      <ATOM Name="Saleable" Value="true"/>
      <STRUCT Name="EquipmentInfo">
        <ARRAY Name="EquipmentSlots">
          <ATOM Value="Head"/>
    <STRUCT Name="3d">
      <ATOM Name="shape" Value="ZO_HOM_cheveux_style02.shape"/>
      <ATOM Name="icon" Value="ICO_Haircut.tga"/>
      <ATOM Name="icon background" Value="BK_zorai.tga"/>

Hair color

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FORM Revision="$Revision: 1.O $" State="modified">
    <STRUCT Name="basics">
      <ATOM Name="origin" Value="tryker"/>
      <ATOM Name="family" Value="cosmetic"/>
      <ATOM Name="ItemType" Value="HairColorFemale"/>
      <ATOM Name="Price" Value="500"/>
      <ATOM Name="Consumable" Value="FALSE"/>
    <STRUCT Name="3d">
      <ATOM Name="icon" Value="ICO_Haircolor.tga"/>
      <ATOM Name="icon background" Value="BK_tryker.tga"/>
    <STRUCT Name="Cosmetics">
      <ATOM Name="Visual Property Value" Value="$filename"/>

As usual, think of parentage to decline series by reducing the seizures.

Adding to language files

Do not forget to add our new datasheets to the language files, so the client may be able to display the objects.

For objects, it's file type is: item_words_XX.txt (XX denoting the ISO code of the language, see part dedicated to localization). The itemID values entered in this file must match the file ending of .sitem' haircut01.

<WRAP center round tip 60% It would seem that it is not necessary to name an entire sitemame if the same ID affects several DSs.
By entering haircut as itemID, the corresponding terms of the language file will be used for all DS's beginning with haircut so(in this case) it will concern all the haircuts that will be designated under the same name . </WRAP>

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en/ds/rcdscosmetics.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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