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Function used in mission creation.

Mission framework containing a variable folder and the mission step arborescence.

Generic mission parameters can be accessed from that point.


name: name of the mission, will be used as name base for all texts produced for the mission. See rite_nomenclature_guidelines for help on creating tags for rites.

audience: Indicates whether the mission is designed for a single player, a group or a guild.

automatic (Boolean): Marks the mission as automatic. Automatic missions are entered through the contextual talk menu of the mission giver.

giver_primitive: Name of the primitive file where the mission giver has been declared.

global_replay_timer (Optional): Delay (in ticks) before anyone on the server can start the mission again. Starts when the mission is completed.

mission_description: Gives the player a description of the mission. See text guidelines for the formatting requirements.

mission_giver: Name of the NPC that gives the mission.

mission_title: Mission title to be displayed in the interface. See text guidelines for the formatting requirements.

mono_instance (Boolean): Sets the mission to be run only once at any given time. Generally used for missions requiring complex IAS event synchronization.

not_in_journal (Boolean): Prevents the mission to be displayed in the mission log.

not_proposed (Boolean): Prevents the mission to be proposed in the mission interface. Automatic missions are not proposed as well.

parent_missions (Optional): Creates a dependency between missions. When a parent mission ends, all its children missions fail.

phrase_auto_menu: Text of the contextual menu choice that triggers the mission if it is set as automatic.

player_replay_timer (Optional): Delay (in ticks) before the player that took the mission on the server can start the mission another time. Starts when the mission is completed.

replayable (Boolean): Decides if a given player can replay the mission. By default, this parameter is set to false.

run_only_once (Boolean): Indicates that if the mission is completed it won’t be proposed anymore.

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en/primitive/mission/mission_tree.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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