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Texture tools


To manipulate the textures of the ryzom game, we need the following tools:

  1. bnp_make (and bnp_make-frontend)
  2. tga2dds
  3. a drawing tool: Gimp and its plugin “DDS”

You can find the deposits by clicking below:

Concerning the linux version, the tools were compiled in static and can be used on any distribution/libc.

bnp file


Bnp_make is used to unpack “.bnp”.
Overall from here we can review all the textures of the game, even the interface elements.

After copying bnp_make to the folder containing the .bnp file and doing:

  • Under linux: ./bnp_make -u filename.bnp
  • on Windows: bnp_make.exe -u filename.bnp

At the moment it is better to work only on .tga
For .dds, you need a second tool to create it, apparently the export gimp does not respect the Nevrax format, then you must use the tool tag2dss available in the tool package.

To unpack all bnp at once:

  • for i in /working directory/*.bnp ; do ./bnp_make -u $i ; done
  • for %i in (*bnp) do bnp_make.exe -u %i

SYNTAXE bnp_make

SYNTAXE bnp_make

 Usage: bnp_make.exe [-h][-v][-p][-u][-l][-o<destination>][-i<wildcard>][-n<wildcard>] <input>
Where options are:
  -h or --help : Display this help
  -v or --version : Display version of this program
  -p or --pack : Pack the directory to a BNP file
  -u or --unpack : Unpack the BNP file to a directory
  -l or --list : List the files contained in the BNP file
  -o <destination>, -o<destination>, --output <destination> or --output=<destination> : Output directory or file
  -i <wildcard>, -i<wildcard>, --if <wildcard> or --if=<wildcard> : Add the file if it matches the wilcard (at least one 'if' conditions must be met for a file to be adding)
  -n <wildcard>, -n<wildcard>, --ifnot <wildcard> or --ifnot=<wildcard> : Add the file if it doesn't match the wilcard (all the 'ifnot' conditions must be met for a file to be added).
  input : Input directory or BNP file depending on command

dds file

Open a dds file

The easiest way is to install Gimp plus the gimp-dds You must add in GIMP-2.0\lib\ gimp\2.0\plug-ins.

On the other hand it will be necessary to pass through the tool tga2dds to re-compress the dds cleanly.

converting from tga/png to dds

How to successfully save an DDS?
- I'm having problems saving an DDS img, gimp plugin saves thedds, i paste it to bnp & and receives error… Paint Net saving result in the number “​2”​ in background in menu. I'm editing the menu( launcher_bg.dds ).
- ​I suggest you use tga2dds to convert your TGA or PNG to DDS :) It uses only NeL supported DDS versions. And if you see “​2”,​ it means your texture is not a 2^x number and your graphic card doesn'​t seem to support “non-power of two”. Nowadays all graphic cards supports “​non-power of two” textures but you anyways need a multiple of 4(or 8) for with and height. What is the size of your image?
- Link for tga2dds, google hits milion result'​s. :/
- ​Did you compile the NeL tools? There is a tga_2_dds folder in code/​nel/​tools/​3d :)
- Ahh sorry, I forgot;

This tool can convert a PNG or TGA image to DDS format and automatically generate the associated mipmaps. As it is said in the forum exchange, it is better to use this tool because it generates the DDS with correct format compatible with that of Ryzom, which is not necessarily the case of GIMP.

SYNTAXE tga2dds

SYNTAXE tga2dds

Usage: tga2dds [-h][-v][-o<output.dds>][-a<algo>][-m][-r<FACTOR>] <input...>
Convert TGA or PNG image file to DDS compressed file using DXTC compression (DXTC1, DXTC1 with alpha, DXTC3, or DXTC5).
  The program looks for possible user color files and load them automatically, a user color file must have the same name as the original tga file, plus the extension "_usercolor"
Eg.: pic.tga, the associated user color file must be: pic_usercolor.tga
Where options are:
  -h or --help : Display this help
  -v or --version : Display version of this program
  -o <output.dds>, -o<output.dds>, --output <output.dds> or --output=<output.dds> : Output DDS filename or directory
  -a <algo>, -a<algo>, --algo <algo> or --algo=<algo> : Conversion algorithm to use
  1      for DXTC1 (no alpha)
  1A     for DXTC1 with alpha
  3      for DXTC3
  5      for DXTC5
  tga16  for 16 bits TGA
  tga8   for 8  bits TGA
  png16  for 16 bits PNG
  png8   for 8  bits PNG
  default : DXTC1 if 24 bits, DXTC5 if 32 bits.
  -m or --mipmap : Create MipMap
  -r <FACTOR>, -r<FACTOR>, --reduce <FACTOR> or --reduce=<FACTOR> : Reduce the bitmap size before compressing
  FACTOR is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8
  input : PNG or TGA files to convert

To simplify: export from gimp the modified text in tga format, then in command line

  • ./ tga2dds filename.tga -m
  • tga2dds.exe filename.tga -m

We can also export from PNG, in principle.

Batch processing of all .tga images in a folder:

  • for i in ./*.tga; do ./tga2dds $ i -m; done
  • for% i in (* tga) do tga2dds.exe -m% i

Or batch processing of all .tga or .png images in a folder:

  • for% i in (* tga * png) do tga2dds.exe -m% i

To check: tga could create worries with some pieces. Conversion can be done in batch(of png to tga) thanks to Image Magick(to install on computer): For i in * .png; do convert $ i -channel A -separate $ i.tga; done Note: it does not give much at home… — zatalyz 2016/01/04 23:22

Create and modify a texture

There is a dedicated section for the graphical aspect of texture creation. ←- Needs to be created!!

Generate the final texture in RyzomCore format

Integrate the texture into play


Old names of mobs used in textures

  • Arana alias h11 m(
    - fo_mo_h11
    - fo_mo_h11_boss
    - fo_mo_h11_feuillage_boss
    - fy_mo_h11
  • Arma
    - fy_mo_arma
    - PR_MO_arma
    - TR_MO_arma
    - JU_MO_arma
    - ju_mo_arma_boss
  • Bawaab alias h02 m(
    - fo_mo_h02
    - fo_mo_h02_boss
    - ju_mo_h02
  • Bodoc alias bul
    - fy_mo_bul_dead
    - fy_mo_bulbrown
    - fy_mo_bull_armature
    - PR_MO_bul
    - TR_MO_BulGrey
    - JU_MO_BulRed
    - ju_mo_bulred_boss
  • Bolobi alias h06 m(
    - fo_mo_h06
    - tr_mo_h06
    - tr_mo_h06_boss
  • Capryni
    - fy_mo_capryni
    - JU_MO_capryni
    - ju_mo_capryni_boss
    - PR_MO_capryni
    - TR_MO_capryni
  • Clapclap
    - JU_MO_clapclap
    - PR_MO_clapclap
    - pr_mo_clapclap_boss
    - GO_MO_clapclap
    - TR_MO_clapclap
    - tr_mo_clapclap_boss
  • Clopper alias cococlaw
    - fy_mo_cococlaw
    - pr_mo_cococlaw
    - pr_mo_cococlaw_boss
    - tr_mo_cococlaw
    - GO_MO_cococlaw
  • Cratcha alias spittingweeds
    - FO_MO_spittingweeds_écorce01
    - FO_MO_spittingweeds_écorce02
    - fo_mo_spittingweeds_écorce02_boss
    - FO_MO_spittingweeds_feuille01
    - FO_MO_spittingweeds_feuille02
    - fo_mo_spittingweeds_feuille02_boss
    - FO_MO_spittingweeds_fruit01
    - FO_MO_spittingweeds_fruit02
    - fo_mo_spittingweeds_fruit02_boss
    - FO_MO_spittingweeds_pointes01
    - FO_MO_spittingweeds_pointes02
    - fo_mo_spittingweeds_pointes02_boss
    - FO_MO_spittingweeds_tete01
    - FO_MO_spittingweeds_tete02
    - fo_mo_spittingweeds_tete02_boss
    - FO_MO_spittingweeds_tronc01
    - FO_MO_spittingweeds_tronc02
    - fo_mo_spittingweeds_tronc02_boss
    - GO_MO_spittingweeds_écorce
    - GO_MO_spittingweeds_feuille
    - GO_MO_spittingweeds_fruit
    - GO_MO_spittingweeds_pointes
    - GO_MO_spittingweeds_tete
    - GO_MO_spittingweeds_tronc
  • Cray alias estrasson
    - JU_MO_estrasson
    - ju_mo_estrasson_boss
    - R_MO_estrasson
    - TR_MO_estrassonspec
    - GO_MO_estrasson
  • Cute
    Primal ordinaire
    - TR_MO_Cute_bras
    - TR_MO_Cute_cheveux
    - TR_MO_Cute_cuisses
    - TR_MO_Cute_dos
    - TR_MO_Cute_handdownside
    - TR_MO_Cute_handupside
    - TR_MO_Cute_mollets
    - TR_MO_Cute_pieds
    - TR_MO_Cute_torso
    - TR_MO_Cute_visage
    Primal boss
    - tr_mo_cute_bras_boss
    - tr_mo_cute_cheveux_boss
    - tr_mo_cute_cuisses_boss
    - tr_mo_cute_dos_boss
    - tr_mo_cute_handdownside_boss
    - tr_mo_cute_handupside_boss
    - tr_mo_cute_mollets_boss
    - tr_mo_cute_pieds_boss
    - tr_mo_cute_torso_boss
    - tr_mo_cute_visage_boss
    Primal tribu
    - tr_mo_cute_bras_tribal
    - tr_mo_cute_cheveux_tribal
    - tr_mo_cute_cuisses_tribal
    - tr_mo_cute_dos_tribal
    - tr_mo_cute_handdownside_tribal
    - tr_mo_cute_handupside_tribal
    - tr_mo_cute_mollets_tribal
    - tr_mo_cute_pieds_tribal
    - tr_mo_cute_torso_tribal
    - tr_mo_cute_visage_tribal
    Primal goo
    - go_mo_cute_bras
    - go_mo_cute_cheveux
    - go_mo_cute_cuisses
    - go_mo_cute_dos
    - go_mo_cute_handdownside
    - go_mo_cute_handupside
    - go_mo_cute_mollets
    - go_mo_cute_pieds
    - go_mo_cute_torso
    - go_mo_cute_visage
  • Cuttler alias c02 m(
    - fo_mo_c02
    - fy_mo_c02
    - fy_mo_c02_boss
  • Frahar
    Primal ordinaire
    - FY_MO_Frahar_cheuvpoil
    - FY_MO_Frahar_doscape
    - FY_MO_Frahar_jambpied
    - FY_MO_Frahar_tete
    - FY_MO_Frahar_torse
    Primal boss
    - fy_mo_frahar_cheuvpoil_boss
    - fy_mo_frahar_doscape_boss
    - fy_mo_frahar_jambpied_boss
    - fy_mo_frahar_tete_boss
    - fy_mo_frahar_torse_boss
    Primal tribu
    - fy_mo_frahar_cheuvpoil_tribal
    - fy_mo_frahar_doscape_tribal
    - fy_mo_frahar_jambpied_tribal
    - fy_mo_frahar_tete_tribal
    - fy_mo_frahar_torse_tribal
    Primal goo
    - go_mo_frahar_cheuvpoil
    - go_mo_frahar_doscape
    - go_mo_frahar_jambpied
    - go_mo_frahar_tete
    - go_mo_frahar_torse
  • Frippo alias h03 m(
    - fo_mo_h03
  • Gibbai
    Primal ordinaire
    - zo_mo_gibbai_avt-bras
    - zo_mo_gibbai_bras
    - zo_mo_gibbai_cuisses
    - zo_mo_gibbai_dos
    - zo_mo_gibbai_hand-downside
    - zo_mo_gibbai_hand-upside
    - zo_mo_gibbai_mollets
    - zo_mo_gibbai_pieds
    - zo_mo_gibbai_torso
    - zo_mo_gibbai_visage
    Primal boss
    - zo_mo_gibbai_avt-bras_boss
    - zo_mo_gibbai_bras_boss
    - zo_mo_gibbai_cuisses_boss
    - zo_mo_gibbai_dos_boss
    - zo_mo_gibbai_hand-downside_boss
    - zo_mo_gibbai_hand-upside_boss
    - zo_mo_gibbai_mollets_boss
    - zo_mo_gibbai_pieds_boss
    - zo_mo_gibbai_torso_boss
    - zo_mo_gibbai_visage_boss
    Primal tribu
    - zo_mo_gibbai_avt-bras_tribal
    - zo_mo_gibbai_bras_tribal
    - zo_mo_gibbai_cuisses_tribal
    - zo_mo_gibbai_dos_tribal
    - zo_mo_gibbai_hand-downside_tribal
    - zo_mo_gibbai_hand-upside_tribal
    - zo_mo_gibbai_mollets_tribal
    - zo_mo_gibbai_pieds_tribal
    - zo_mo_gibbai_torso_tribal
    - zo_mo_gibbai_visage_tribal
    Primal goo
    - go_mo_gibbai_bras
    - go_mo_gibbai_cuisses
    - go_mo_gibbai_dos
    - go_mo_gibbai_hand-downside
    - go_mo_gibbai_hand-upside
    - go_mo_gibbai_hand-upside
    - go_mo_gibbai_pieds
    - go_mo_gibbai_torso
    - go_mo_gibbai_visage
  • Gingo alias chorani
    - fy_mo_chorani
    - JU_MO_chorani
    - ju_mo_chorani_boss
    - GO_MO_chorani
  • Gnoof alias h05 m(
    - tr_mo_h05
    - tr_mo_h05_boss
    - fo_mo_h05
    - fo_mo_h05_boss
  • Goari alias hachtaha
    - fy_mo_hachtaha
    - fy_mo_hachtaha_boss
    - PR_MO_Hachtaha
    - tr_mo_hachtaha
    - GO_MO_Hachtaha
  • Gubani alias h12 m(
    - ju_mo_h12
    - pr_mo_h12
    - pr_mo_h12_boss
  • Horncher alias diranak
    - fy_mo_diranak
    - TR_MO_diranak
    - tr_mo_diranak_boss
    - TR_MO_diranakspec
    - GO_MO_diranak
    - pr_mo_diranak
  • Igara alias kazoar
    - JU_MO_kazoar
    - ju_mo_kazoar_boss
    - GO_MO_kazoar
    - fy_mo_kazoar
  • Izam alias lightbird
    - fy_mo_lightbird
    - JU_MO_lightbird
    - PR_MO_lightbird
    - TR_MO_lightbird
    - tr_mo_lightbird_boss
  • Javing alias c01 m(
    - fo_mo_c01
    - fo_mo_c01_boss
    - ju_mo_c01
  • Jubla alias endrobouchea
    - JU_MO_endrobouchea_champi01
    - JU_MO_endrobouchea_champi02
    - ju_mo_endrobouchea_champi02_boss
    - JU_MO_endrobouchea_feuillage01
    - JU_MO_endrobouchea_feuillage02
    - ju_mo_endrobouchea_feuillage02_boss
    - JU_MO_endrobouchea_troncA01
    - JU_MO_endrobouchea_troncA02
    - ju_mo_endrobouchea_tronca02_boss
    - JU_MO_endrobouchea_troncB01
    - JU_MO_endrobouchea_troncB02
    - ju_mo_endrobouchea_troncb02_boss
    - go_mo_endrobouchea_champi
    - go_mo_endrobouchea_feuillage
    - GO_MO_endrobouchea_troncA
    - GO_MO_endrobouchea_troncB
  • Jugula alias c04 m(
    - fo_mo_c04
    - fo_mo_c04_boss
    - pr_mo_c04
    - go_mo_c04
  • Kiban alias kittinocto
    - TR_MO_kittinocto
    - tr_mo_kittinocto_boss
    - GO_MO_kittinocto
    - gr_mo_kittinocto
    - PR_MO_kittinocto
  • Kidinak alias c05 m(
    - fy_mo_c05
    - pr_mo_c05
    - pr_mo_c05_boss
    - go_mo_c05
    - gr_mo_c05
    - tr_mo_c05
  • Kincher alias kitimandib
    - fy_mo_kitimandib
    - fy_mo_kitimandib_boss
    - JU_MO_kitimandib
    - GO_MO_kitimandib
    - gr_mo_kitimandib
  • Kinrey alias kitihank
    - PR_MO_kitihank
    - pr_mo_kitihank_boss
    - * fy_mo_kitihank
    - GO_MO_kitihank
    - gr_mo_kitihank
    - TR_MO_kitihank
    - tr_mo_kitihank_boss
  • Kipee alias pucetron
    - PR_MO_pucetron
    - TR_MO_pucetron
    - tr_mo_pucetron_boss
    - TR_MO_pucetronspec
    - fy_mo_pucetron
    - gr_mo_pucetron
    - JU_MO_pucetron
  • Kipesta alias kitikil
    - PR_MO_kitikil
    - pr_mo_kitikil_boss
    - GO_MO_kitikil
    - fy_mo_kitikil
    - gr_mo_kitikil
  • Kipucka alias kitinagan
    - TR_MO_kitinagan
    - tr_mo_kitinagan_boss
    - TR_MO_kitinaganspec
    - GO_MO_kitinagan
    - gr_mo_kitinagan
    - PR_MO_kitinagan
  • Kipucker
  • Kirosta alias kitiniga/kitinega
    - JU_MO_kitiniga
    - fy_mo_kitiniga
    - fy_mo_kitiniga_boss
    - fy_mo_kitinigaspec
    - gr_mo_kitiniga
    - TR_MO_kitinigaspec
    - GO_MO_kitinega
  • Kizarak alias kitinarak
    - fy_mo_kitinarak
    - fy_mo_kitinarak_boss
    - fy_mo_kitinarakspec
    - GO_MO_kitinarak
    - gr_mo_kitinarak
    - JU_MO_kitinarak
    - JU_MO_kitinarakspec
    - TR_MO_kitinarakspec
  • Kizoar alias kitifly
    - TR_MO_kitifly
    - tr_mo_kitifly_boss
    - TR_MO_kitiflyspec
    - JU_MO_kitifly
    - PR_MO_kitifly
    - GO_MO_kitifly
  • Lumper alias kakty
    - fy_mo_kakty
    - PR_MO_kakty
    - pr_mo_kakty_boss
    - GO_MO_kakty
  • Madakam alias h10 m(
    - ju_mo_h10
    - ju_mo_h10_boss
    - fo_mo_h10
  • Mektoub
    - fy_mo_mektoub
    - fy_mo_mektoub_arnachement
    - fy_mo_mektoub_pack
    - fy_mo_mektoub-selle
    - JU_MO_mektoub
    - JU_MO_mektoub_arnachement
    - ju_mo_mektoub_boss
    - JU_MO_mektoub_pack
    - JU_MO_mektoub-selle
    - PR_MO_mektoub
    - PR_MO_mektoub_pack
    - PR_MO_mektoub_selle
    - TR_MO_mektoub
    - TR_MO_mektoub_arnachement
    - tr_mo_mektoub_boss
    - TR_MO_mektoub_pack
    - TR_MO_mektoub_package
    - TR_MO_mektoubcompet
    - TR_MO_mektoub-selle
  • Messab alias filin
    - JU_MO_filin
    - PR_MO_filin
    - TR_MO_filin
    - tr_mo_filin_boss
    - GO_MO_filin
  • Najab alias ryserb
    - JU_MO_ryserb
    - TR_MO_ryserb
    - tr_mo_ryserb_boss
    - TR_MO_ryserbspec
    - GO_MO_ryserb
  • Ocyx alias c03 m(
    - fo_mo_c03
    - fo_mo_c03_boss
    - fy_mo_c03
    - GO_MO_C03
  • Ploderos alias h08 m(
    - fy_mo_h08
    - ju_mo_h08
    - ju_mo_h08_boss
  • Psykopla alias phytopsy
    - PR_MO_phytopsy_tete01
    - pr_mo_phytopsy_tete01_boss
    - pr_mo_phytopsy_tete02
    - PR_MO_phytopsy_tronc01
    - pr_mo_phytopsy_tronc01_boss
    - PR_MO_phytopsy_tronc02
    - go_mo_phytopsy_tete
    - go_mo_phytopsy_tronc
  • Ragus alias regus
    - JU_MO_Regus
    - TR_MO_Regus
    - tr_mo_regus_boss
    - GO_MO_regus
  • Raspal alias h01 m(
    - fy_mo_h01
    - fy_mo_h01_boss
    - fo_mo_h01
    - fo_mo_h01_boss
  • Rendor alias h04 m(
    - fo_mo_h04
    - fy_mo_h04
    - fy_mo_h04_boss
    - go_mo_h04
  • Shalah alias h07 m(
    - fy_mo_h07
    - tr_mo_h07
    - tr_mo_h07_boss
  • Shooki alias swarmplant
    - FY_MO_swarmplant_bourseA01
    - FY_MO_swarmplant_bourseA02
    - fy_mo_swarmplant_boursea02_boss
    - FY_MO_swarmplant_bourseB01
    - FY_MO_swarmplant_bourseB02
    - fy_mo_swarmplant_bourseb02_boss
    - FY_MO_swarmplant_bourseshaut01
    - FY_MO_swarmplant_bourseshaut02
    - fy_mo_swarmplant_bourseshaut02_boss
    - FY_MO_swarmplant_champignon01
    - FY_MO_swarmplant_champignon02
    - fy_mo_swarmplant_champignon02_boss
    - FY_MO_swarmplant_feuillages01
    - FY_MO_swarmplant_feuillages02
    - fy_mo_swarmplant_feuillages02_boss
    - FY_MO_swarmplant_tige01
    - FY_MO_swarmplant_tige02
    - fy_mo_swarmplant_tige02_boss
    - go_mo_swarmplant_boursea
    - go_mo_swarmplant_bourseb
    - go_mo_swarmplant_bourseshaut
    - go_mo_swarmplant_champignon
    - go_mo_swarmplant_feuillages
    - go_mo_swarmplant_tige
  • Slaveni alias sapenslaver
    - JU_MO_sapenslaver_bibu01
    - JU_MO_sapenslaver_bibu02
    - ju_mo_sapenslaver_bibu02_boss
    - JU_MO_sapenslaver_feuille01
    - JU_MO_sapenslaver_feuille02
    - ju_mo_sapenslaver_feuille02_boss
    - JU_MO_sapenslaver_tronc01
    - JU_MO_sapenslaver_tronc02
    - ju_mo_sapenslaver_tronc02_boss
    - GO_MO_sapenslaver_feuille
    - GO_MO_sapenslaver_fruit
    - GO_MO_sapenslaver_tronc
  • Stinga alias electroalg
    - TR_MO_electroalg_bras01
    - tr_mo_electroalg_bras01_boss
    - TR_MO_electroalg_bras02
    - TR_MO_electroalg_tronc01
    - tr_mo_electroalg_tronc01_boss
    - TR_MO_electroalg_tronc02
    - GO_MO_electroalg_bras
    - GO_MO_electroalg_tronc
  • Timari alias ryzoholo
    - JU_MO_ryzoholo
    - ju_mo_ryzoholo_boss
    - JU_MO_ryzoholo_spec
    - GO_MO_ryzoholo
    - fy_mo_ryzoholo_spec
  • Torbak alias jungler
    - JU_MO_jungler
    - ju_mo_jungler_boss
    - TR_MO_jungler
    - GO_MO_jungler
  • Tyrancha alias c06 m(
    - fy_mo_c06
    - pr_mo_c06
    - pr_mo_c06_boss
  • Varinx alias varynx
    - fy_mo_varynx
    - fy_mo_varynx_boss
    - PR_MO_varynx
    - GO_MO_varynx
  • Vorax alias ryzholok
    - TR_MO_ryzholok
    - tr_mo_ryzholok_boss
    - TR_MO_ryzholokspec
    - JU_MO_ryzholok
    - go_mo_ryzholok
  • Wombai alias h09 m(
    - ju_mo_h09
    - ju_mo_h09_boss
    - tr_mo_h09
  • Yber
    - JU_MO_yber
    - GO_MO_yber
    - TR_MO_yber
    - tr_mo_yber_boss
  • Yelk alias vampignon
    - PR_MO_vampignon
    - pr_mo_vampignon_boss
    - TR_MO_vampignon
    - TR_MO_vampignonspec
    - GO_MO_vampignon
    - fy_mo_vampignon
  • Yetin alias c07 m(
    - ju_mo_c07
    - ju_mo_c07_boss
  • Yubo alias dag
    - fy_mo_dag
    - JU_MO_Dag
    - PR_MO_dag
  • Zerx
    - fy_mo_zerx
    - JU_MO_zerx
    - PR_MO_zerx
    - TR_MO_Zerx
    - tr_mo_zerx_boss


  • fy_mo_ryzetacee
    - TR_MO_ryzetacee
    - tr_mo_ryzetacee_boss
    - TR_MO_ryzetaceecaustic
    - ju_mo_ryzetacee
    - ju_mo_ryzetacee_boss
  • fy_mo_sagass
    - fy_mo_sagass_selle
    - ju_mo_sagass
    - ju_mo_sagass_selle / - tr_mo_sagass
    - tr_mo_sagass_selle
  • FX_goo01


  • ref
  • spec / spec_boss
  • tr_mo_kami_fire_spec
  • TR_MO_kami_guide_2
  • tr_mo_kami_guide_2_dk
  • tr_mo_kami_guide_3
  • tr_mo_kami_guide_3_dk
  • tr_mo_kami_guide_4
  • tr_mo_kami_guide_4_dk
  • TR_MO_kami_PR_2
  • TR_MO_kami_PR_2_dk
  • tr_mo_kami_preacher_3
  • tr_mo_kami_preacher_3_dk
  • tr_mo_kami_preacher_4
  • tr_mo_kami_preacher_4_dk
  • TR_MO_kamiforet
  • TR_MO_kamiforet_black
  • TR_MO_kamiguard
  • TR_MO_kamiguard_black
  • TR_MO_kamiguard_spec
  • TR_MO_kamiguard_specblack
  • tr_mo_kitinqueen
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en/outils_texture.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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