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Godot Client: Specifications

Purpose of this document

This document lists the different functionalities (without detailing them here, each module will have its own page) to be integrated in each new version of the Godot Khaganat client. It describes the different versions of the client and their expected content, as well as the priorities of each module.


We won't get a full client on the first draft. So we propose a succession of versions, each one adding new features iteratively to the previous one.

Each version is numbered x.y.z (see semantic version management).

  • x = major version. This number will change to 1 when the final version (i.e. fully respecting the final objectives) is completed.
  • y = minor version. Incremented when the modules planned for the new iteration are completed and integrated.
  • z = debug version. Incremented when bug fixes are added to a minor version, without adding new functionality.



Version 0.1

  1. Creation of the client project database in Godot
  2. Module 4
  3. Module 1

Version 0.2

  1. Module 3
  2. Module 2

Version 0.3

List of modules to be integrated to be defined


Final Version 1.0

This part describes the result as it must be to consider that the Godot client is an acceptable prototype with respect to the future network client.

This means that the “final” Godot client described in this document is a “solo” version of the client. It will not contain any functional “network” functionality, but may integrate partially functional elements without a network layer (for example, a “Chat” panel that will be dedicated to instantaneous discussions in the network client).

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en/gamedesign/khanat_client_godot/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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