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Located in: /DFN/game_elem/_item

This is the visual information of the objects to allow them to be displayed correctly in the game client, either in the 3D area or just in the inventory/manipulation icons.


String of characters
Example: fy_acc_sword.shape

It is a .shape file used to display the object, whether on the body of the character(clothing, hairstyle) or in his hands(weapon, accessory) in the 3D zone of the client.


String of characters
Example: fy_acc_sword.shape It is a .shape file used to display the object, whether on the body of the character(clothing, hairstyle) or in her hands(weapon, accessory), in the 3D zone of the client.
This is the form used either:

  • For female characters(clothes, hairstyles, all sexual elements that must have a dedicated shape due to the morphology);
  • For objects held in the left hand.

If for a prehensible object, only the shape field is given and it can only be equipped only in the right hand. It is necessary to repeat the same “.shape” in female_shape to be able to display the left hand with it(the reverse being true of course).


Selection list (based on item_map.typ)
Example: Low Quality Objects sharing the same “.shape” can have several textures applied, depending on the quality of finish(Plans 1, 2 or 3 on Atys). This is explained in the Multitexturing.
This can be used for other purposes: New/Used/Broken… These are just three different textures that allow you to create variants without having to recreate a new object each and every time.
Here we indicate which texture we want to apply according to the parameters specified in the “.shape”.


String of characters
Example: AR_botte.tga

This is the basic image representing the object as an icon. It must be partly transparent to manage its background(indicating certain parameters).

The image must have the size of: 40×40 pixels. Formats allowed is .tga(but even .png seems to work well.. and is much lighter). To be partially colored, you must enter the color field below and make sure that an image with the same name(but with the added suffix _mask ) is present.
For example: AR_botte_mask.tga

icon background

String of characters
Example: BK_matis_brick.tga

This is the background image of the object(usually to indicate some parameters like nation provenance or ecosystem).

The image must have the size of: 40×40 pixels. Formats allowed is .tga(but even .png seems to work well.. and is much lighter).

icon overlay

String of characters
Example: PW_light.tga

This is an additional symbol indication that will be added over the image(such as stars to indicate light, medium or heavy armor in Ryzom).

The image must have the size of: 40×40 pixels. Formats allowed is .tga(but even .png seems to work well.. and is much lighter).

icon overlay2

String of characters
Example: PW_light.tga

This is a second additional symbol indication that will be added over the image(as above).

The image must have the size of: 40×40 pixels. Formats allowed is .tga(but even .png seems to work well.. and is much lighter).


Indications RGB (based on color.typ) | Default = “255,255,255”
Example: 32,17,185

RGB indication that will be used as background color of the given icon.

OBS: Check how this interacts with the indication of a background image!!


Indications RGB(based on color.typ) | Default = “255,255,255”
Example: 32,17,185

RGB indication that will be used to color the entire icon, icon, icon overlay, and icon overlay2.

For this part and the next two(up to IconOver2Color), if the object is of an equip type(like an hand or as garment), simply fill in the color field below.

Check the interactions between coloring, this may only be useful for image icon


Indications RGB (based on color.typ) | Default = “255,255,255”
Example: 32,17,185 RGB indication that will be used to color the overlay on the icon overlay image above.


Indications RGB (based on color.typ) | Default = “255,255,255”
Example: 32,17,185

RGB indication that will be used to color the overprint on the icon overlay2 image above.

text overlay

String of characters
Example: ZORAI

Text that will be written over the icon at the top left to allow identification at a glance. It is advisable to write it in uppercase for more readability and not to use more than 6 letters(because otherwise it does not hold).

OBS: This text does not seem to be used for all types of objects(if so, yet to be determined)!!


Selection list(based on item_animset.typ)
Example: 1H Sword

Animation class that will be used to animate the creature when it holds the object(in hand).


List of choices(based on item_color.typ)
Example: Red

Color of the 3D object equipped according to the defined variants. This indication is sufficient to indicate the colors for the icon, provided that it is delineated under the type “XXX.tga” for the main icon and “XXX_mask.tga” for the area to be colored by this value(see _item_3d_fx.dfn)


True / False
Example: False

Indicates whether particle system effects are attached to the object. See fx above.

never hide when equiped

True / False | Default = False
Example: False

This only applies to prehensile objects, which will remain visible whatever the activity(mount back, swimming, sitting etc).

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en/ds/rcdsdfn_item_3d.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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