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Devising and modelling flora

Creating the base shape for a tree or a bush

There is an excellent modeler tool, that allows you to devise a high definition tree or bush (High Poly in modeling language), which you can fine here: http://arbaro.sourceforge.net/
It's written in java, hence multi-platform, and can be downloaded on this page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/arbaro/

Once you've defined your vegeteal, you can export the result in Blender (using the .obj format). Form there, it is possible for someone knowing Blender to create a Low Poly version, which can be used ingame.

There are tutorial vids in English, and quite detailed ones, such as:


One tutorial is planned here to give you the bases for using and proposing models to be used for Khanat.

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en/conception_et_modelisation_de_la_flore.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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