The Ryzom Core commands
A List of existing commands for the Ryzom Core game engine(both for the client and the server).
Client commands
The commands require a certain number of arguments, the first often being(some(rare) does not ask for it) an “id”! Following this kind of order(of an id) of a certain “mob” or sometimes that of a “csr” or perhaps most often of a “character”(or any one) will pass the asked argument.
These 3 base commands is used to request the id(OBS: It's quite complex and hard to get by hand without access to the admin service):
/a send the id of the character that launches the command. /b send the target id of the character that launches the command. /c <name> send the id of the character with the name passed in argument.
The rest of the arguments(given between <> in the site but without if) must be passed after the name of the command.
Arguments between [] are optional.
Example: (x is replaced by a, b or c)
/x [<character name>] <command name> [<argument list to switch to command>]
The | symbol in an argument means “or”.
CreateItemInBag: <eid> <sheetId>|<sheetName> <quantity> <quality> [force]
Means that one has to pass(in the argument) the shhetID OR the sheetName followed of the quantity, the quality and optionally the force.
Ex gray commands:
Command | Explanation | parameters | rights | id |
command | aide | arguments | rights | id |
Are disabled, they do exist but are either “commented in the code” or deactivated in any way possible. (There's still to double-check those that aren't)
Server commands
These commands are to be launched(server side) in the window corresponding to the service.