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This translation is older than the original page and might be outdated. See what has changed.
Translations of this page?:

Different Work

The “works list” of Khanat!

This section is particularly useful for collecting collective works. Each page is in the namespace of it's respective author and the final work is gathered here thanks to the plugin include(“Includes” the pages of another namespace). Look at how dust_dreams is assembled or ask for help on IRC.

Also lists the work of a single author!

The icon indicates the quality of the text document, sufficiently finalized to be part of the “basic” readings when one wants to discover Khanat.


News and short texts

Insolites, inclassables

  • La Crypte:A text about being halfway between Awake and still in an Dream.. on a parallel reality…
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en/oeuvres/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:18 by

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