Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
Pages trouvées :
- Hardcoded information
- forage
- Programmation
- Ryzom Core
- Datasheet
- The Primitives
- world_editor
- Fortune
- Informations hardcodées
- Yakalfr : Forum Khaganat
- forage_source.dfn
- creature_hitpoint_formuli.typ
- creature_sap_formuli.typ
- creature_stamina_formuli.typ
- formulae.typ
- item_hitpoint_formuli.typ
- Fiche "Forum"
- forage
- Programmation
- Bot
- Bug
- Client
- Gameplay
- OpenNeL /Ryzom Core
- Sécurité
- Serveur
- Web
- Inventaire
- Datasheet
- Sysadmin
- ammo
- anim
- armor
- bag
- bone
- brick
- calcul
- champ
- clothes
- consumable
- cosmetic
- craft
- crafting_tool
- creature
- crystallized_spell
- dfn
- ecosystem
- family
- food
- fx
- handled_item
- harvest
- inventory
- item_sap_recharge
- item
- jewelry
- melee_weapon
- mission_item
- mp
- pet
- pnj
- Les Primitives
- race
- range_weapon
- raw_material
- role
- scroll
- service
- shield
- sitem
- skelet
- skill
- taming_tool
- teleport
- tool
- typ
- valeur
- world_editor
- xp_catalyser
Résultats plein texte:
- EGS commands @en
- en) of the shard are mainly composed of variables for the game. The "help command" gives you the follow... llowCharsFromAllSessions **: (!IsRingShard only) (For mainland shard) If the stored session id does not... r **: Number of satiety points decreased per tick for each m/tick above the walk speed * **4 AnimalSe... xCount **: max number of charge a guild can apply for * **7 AreaEffectClipDistance **: above this val
- Commandes egs @fr
- llowCharsFromAllSessions **: (!IsRingShard only) (For mainland shard) If the stored session id does not... r **: Number of satiety points decreased per tick for each m/tick above the walk speed * **4 AnimalSe... xCount **: max number of charge a guild can apply for * **7 AreaEffectClipDistance **: above this val... morWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Armor (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **10 Aura
- The System localization/translation of the Ryzom Core @en
- Ryzom Core ====== {{INLINETOC}} ===== General Information ===== There are basically "two" distinct parts for localization in Ryzom. The first part(and the sim... erface names, error messages). The second part is for the dynamically generated server texts. {{ :fr:rc... ode" embedded in the name. Detail about the file formats follow below: ==== Code Language ==== The la
- F.A.Q @en
- the recurring questions you see passing, and ask for answers! </WRAP> {{INLINETOC}} ===== Khaganat/... Khaganat also plans to develop a "help structure" for various artistic creations(novels, films, etc.), also giving the necessary tools for managing a community. **Khanat** is the first "developed world" in the project. It's foremost a world before it's even a MMORPG! Thus a un
- Synthèse @fr
- nt être recréés (trouver les liens sur le nouveau forum, déplacer les sujets au besoin, faire les artic... z: j'ai pus trouver quelque liens vers le nouveau forum mais c'est pas sur à 100% pour certain que ce s... jet. A noter que parfois j'ai mis un lien vers le forum directement accessible parfois je l'ai juste mi... tive, chaque thème abordé renvoie à des sujets du forum et des articles du wiki qui le concernent. Il s
- Object of the month: creating and deploying cudlly toys "Atys' mobs" in game @en
- {{ fr:00-tuto-peluche.png?200 |}} Prerequisite for modelising only the cuddly toy: * Having insta... led the NEL tool "//tga2dds.exe//". Prerequisite for deploying the cuddly toy on a game server: * H... bit further in this tutorial. Some useful links for these prerequisites: * Downloading the assets ... * Set-up the drive letter for the asset
- Client interface's configuration @en
- und todo 60%> Even it's partially corrected and reformated, this page still need work to be clear. Part... dynamicly a parameter in the script (with a link for exemple). **Note:** //**OBLIGATOIRE**// ((necess... rces/blob/lirria/translation/work/wk.uxt|wk.uxt]] for exemple). The grid type of the localisation ident... t"| |posparent|parent|Define the element's parent for the position| |sizereference| |possible value: "w
- Shard commands @en
- explanations given on [[|forum Ryzom]])) ^ | : DEV: | Developer | Rights developer, has all ... | (CSR) This is the supreme (or almost) authority for the server. It resolves conflicts as a last resor... M: | Game Master | (CSR) They are the entry point for all requests for support. Their role is to handle
- Yakalfr : Forum Khaganat @fr
- ====== Yakalfr : Forum Khaganat ====== Ce yakalfr((On dit aussi cahier des charges, mais ça ne me sembl... té.)) détaille les fonctionnalités utiles pour le forum de Khaganat. C'est un forum assez classique et basique (première partie) avec des specificités propr... ux besoins du projet (seconde partie). Le but du forum de Khaganat est double : * Permettre de racon
- Added fishing activity @en
- in my mind that i finally gave up). It will therefore be necessary to recover "the whole" in a somewha... is almost all the created/modified code i have. For points "1 to 8", it's advise'able that you __afte... georges_editor]] which does a nice syntax check. For point 8, viewing/modifying the primitive file, th... to use [[en:world_editor]]. ===== Add animation for ra ===== Edit file leveldesign/game_element/anim/
- Gestion d'une communauté @fr
- /Community Building on the Web: Secret Strategies for Successful Online Communities// [[wp>Amy_Jo_Kim|d... nt pas aux mêmes codes sur un site comme [[|Doctissimo]] ou [[https://linuxf... ique|Historique]] ; on en trouve une ébauche [[kh>forum/index.php/topic,258.msg821.html#msg821|ici]] mais il reste encore à mettre en forme d'une façon sympa. Dans beaucoup de communaut
- Configuration de l'interface client @fr
- r round todo 60%> Bien qu'en partie corrigée et reformatée, cette page demande encore du travail pour ê... isme (mais c'est peut-être plus simple pour les informaticiens de les laisser). Faites-vous plaisir, éd... IABLE**| |scale|false|si false, le W et le H sont forcés à être de la taille de la texture| |rot|0|défi... type="bitmap" />]] BUT: Affiche une valeur sous forme de barre. Pour l’instant 4 versions : (normal,
- Commandes shard @fr
- cations données sur le [[|forum Ryzom]].)) ^ | :DEV: | Developper |Droits dévelop... : * <wrap hi>/a infos</wrap> : Affiche les informations sur soi. * <wrap hi>/b infos</wrap> : Affiche les informations sur le joueur ciblé au moment où la comman
- _title.typ @fr:ds
- _Master**|tbd|Range_Heavy_Weapon_Smith_Master| |**Forager_Apprentice**|tbd|Forager_Apprentice| |**Forager**|tbd|Forager| |**Desert_Forager**|tbd|Desert_Forager| |**Forest_Forager**|tbd|Forest_Forager| |**
- Unified network @en
- ied network ====== CUnifiedNetwork is the handler for all messages between service on Network Layer 5. ... ps://|Wireshark]] Protocol Dissector for the Unified Network communications. <del>Header d... n and an example with the "TOCK" message are done for now.</del> All messages in the example .pcap are ... TASETS * AP (allocate property) * FWD_ACKATE (forward ackate) * FWD_ACKATP (forward ackatp) * S