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Writing principles

One wiki, one function

Wikhan, the Khaganat wiki

It is used to reference the useful resources, without entering in the details of the game universe.


The Unity of Memory 1 is the encyclopaedia of the first world, the Khanat. The articles have to respect the neutrality in point of view, and to focus on the data of the world. Long biographies and adventures stories will find their place in the Mediatiki (see below). It is interesting to put links toward it (for quoting your sources ;-) ).

The Great Multimedia Library (Mediateki)

This database gathers the whole creation of the Khanat: books, sheets music, paintings, etc…


Respect copyrights and check, before copying texts and links, if you’re allowed to.

If someone disagrees with the way you’re writing, listen to his/her reasons, and ask for the arbitration of a mediator if needed (moderators, among others, are trained for this role). Seek consensus, not to be right at any price.

Don’t hesitate to write, but avoid saying or doing whatever you think about in the idea that there will be no consequence. The wiki protects itself (pages history, possibility given to everyone to edit and correct), but it is always better to give one’s best, so that the final work is of the best quality ever.

Be free

Let yourself go, dare to correct a comma or narrate the adventures of your heroes. Dare to make mistakes and use the wrong tags. Dare to place your texts under CC BY1) ! Khaganat is there to allow you to dream and to see your dreams become reality…

Even if, since we’re mostly a French association, this one may be more accurate
CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Driven by DokuWiki
en/wikitools/redac/principe_redac.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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