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Function used in mission creation.


name : Variable name only used by the mission designer.

npc_function : (optional) Actual function (if any) of the npc entity in the related primitive.

npc_name : Actual name of the npc entity in the related primitive.

var_name : Variable tag to be used in the script with this nomenclature $<text_inserted_in_var_name_field>$.

You can also specify the following suffixes:

  • fullname : return the full name of the npc, i.e. the name and the function surrounded with $
  • function : return the function of the npc.

$the_var_name.fullname$ will be expanded as npcName$function_name$

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en/primitive/mission/var_npc.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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