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Function used in mission creation.

Action used to set or modify constrains on objectives. All value that will be set again will take the new input values. Constrains set to zero or nil will be cancelled.


name: Action name, only used by the mission designer.

inside_place: Specifies a place that the player must not leave. Enter “none” to cancel related constrains.

inside_place_delay: Overrides the default delay allowed to the player to re-enter the place (in ticks).

outside_place: Specifies a place that the player must not enter. Enter “none” to cancel related constrains.

outside_place_delay: Overrides the default delay allowed to the player to leave the place (in ticks).

time_period: Objectives can only be validated during the period of the day (format <start_hour> <start_minute> ; <end_hour> <end_minute>, 0 0 ; 0 0 to cancel) or during a specific season (format <season> or none to cancel).

timer: Timer before the objectives are considered failed (in ticks).

wear: Objectives can only be validated if the player is wearing specified items. Enter “none” to cancel related constrains.

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en/primitive/mission/set_constrains.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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