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Function used in mission creation.


chat_parameters: Describe the reference chat for the bot. Chat is specified with a series of keywords followed by a colon then by parameter(s).

  • shop: a space separated list of shop category or alias as defined in the file shop_category.cfg
  • -shop: a space separated list of shop category or alias that are not offered in shop by default.
  • item: a space separated list of shop item. Items are sheet name without the trailing ‘.item’.
  • -item: a space separated list of shop item that are not offered in shop by default.
  • nitem: a space separated list of named item. <name>; <price>; <faction_type : kami | karavan | fyros | zorai | tryker | matis >; <price in faction_points>;
  • -mission a space separated list of mission name that are not offered by default.
  • op (Optional Parameters) a ‘free’ strings that will be parsed by EGS.

Actually, the available optional parameters are:

  • op : guild_caretaker:<teleport_destination> The bot is a guild caretaker, linked to the building associated to the specified destination. This bot will sell guild building, rolemasters, etc.
  • op : player_caretaker :<teleport_destination> The bot is a player caretaker, linked to the building associated to the specified destination. This bot will sell player building, rolemasters, etc.
  • op : guild_rolemaster : < craft | harvest | fight | magic> The bot proposes guild charges to player

NB: the negated keyword (-shop, -item and –mission) are more used in npc_state_chat nodes to dynamically change the content of the shop/chat.

equipment: Describe the equipment for the bot. Equipment is specified with a series of keywords followed by a color then by parameter(s). Keywords are case insensitive and must be placed one by line.

  • RI define weapon in right hand. The only one parameter is the weapon sheet name (including filename extension) or write “none” to remove the item in hand.
  • LI define weapon in left hand. The only one parameter is the weapon sheet name (including filename extension) or write “none” to remove the item in hand.
  • HAT or IH flag the presence of a hat. No parameter.

New detailed coloration

  • CHEAD set the head color (used either for hair or for hat). Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated (e.g. 1 2 3 4).
  • CARMS set the arms color. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.
  • CHANDS set the hands color. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.
  • CBODY set the body color. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.
  • CLEGS set the legs color. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.
  • CFEETS set the foots color. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.

Old commands (keep for compatibility and usefulness)

  • UPPER or CU set the head, arms, hands and body color at once. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.
  • LOWER or CL set the legs and foots color at once. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.
  • HAIR or CH set the hair(aka head) color. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.
Number Colour
0 Red
1 Beige
2 Green
3 Cyan
4 Blue
5 Purple
6 White
7 Black

is_stuck Flag to force the bot to spawn at the specified world location, even if the location is in a collision zone. This is used for placing merchant and other useful bot into closed shop for example.

keywords This is a set of keywords for the bot.

level This is the level of bot. The level is appended to the end of the sheet_server to obtain the server sheet name.

sheet_client This is the ‘visual’ sheet for the bot. All visual information are extracted from this sheet (e.g. sex, race, clothes…).

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en/primitive/mission/npc_bot.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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