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Godot 3D Client

Khanat migrated to the Godot engine in 2018 to develop a new client for the OpenNeL Server system: https://godotengine.org/

The publisher documentation can be found here: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/

To get started with Godot or simply to know the basics in order to get an idea of how this software works, we advise you to read the following two pages of the documentation :

Collaborate on the 3D Game Client

The client's specifications have been created to define the steps to follow, functions to implement and assets to integrate: Godot Client: Specifications. This is the reference document for anyone who wants to work on the project.

If you want to join the game client creation team, we use a repository on our Gitlab, with a repository management policy.

Testing with Godot / Developing Plugins for the Client

A group dedicated to tests and trials under Godot has been specially created on GitLab: Godot Sandbox. If you want to share your various tests, this is the place to do it.

Simply create a repository there containing the items in your Godot folder where your test is located, that way anyone can copy it and then open it with Godot to test in turn, or even contribute if you wish. It's up to you to choose whether you accept contributions or not.

This is the ideal place to create the plugins that will be needed by Level Designers to create the game's content.

You can also submit your submission below.

Particles Systems

Repository address: godot_sandbox/particles_system

The purpose of this repository is to become familiar with the particle systems in Godot and thus to create a certain number of the most usual or potentially present on Khanat.

If some people want to bring their tests there, just ask yannk to get access to the write repository.

Godot Assets

Repository address: godot_sandbox/khanat-assets---3d-godot-client]

This repository is used to store assets ready to be used in a Godot client, under a double license A-GPL(code and scripts) and CC-BY-SA(assets) to be compatible with the eventual use in the game client. More permissive licenses are possible. If some people want to try it, just ask yannk to get access to the write repository.


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en/godot/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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