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Located in: /DFN/game_elem/_item

This is the section that characterizes objects that trigger certain commands without having to enter them manually.

It is not mandatory to enter any information, especially since default values exist in the definitions of the DS. Refer to the existing files(as a reference) to see what should be specified depending on the type of object being created.


Example: Money 999 999 999

The command that will be passed on “item triggering”.


Example: :DEV:

The privileges that the character who runs this command must have? The possible list would be (by default on an RC server):

  • DEV : Developer
  • SGM : Senior Game Master
  • GM : Game Master
  • VG : Veteran Guide
  • PR :
  • OBSERVER : Observator
  • EM : Event Manager
  • EG : Event Guide

Characteristic to be tested


Integer | Default: 0
Example: 1

How many times can you file a ticket? Since 0 is default, would this perhaps allow it to run indefinitely?

Characteristic to be tested.

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en/ds/rcdsdfn_item_command_ticket.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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