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Commands Explanation Parameters
listPDRFiles list files in the current directory [<wildcard>]
displayWeather Display current weather at specified pos <x> <y>
csrCmd Invoke a CSR command from service console or admin tool without the need to have a CSR logged in <csrCommandName> <command params>+
addLocalizedChan Add a new dyn chat channel <string name of the channel localized name>
addChan Add a new dyn chat channel <string name of the channel localized name>
removeChan Remove a new dyn chat channel <string name of the channel localized name>
setChanHistoricSize Set size of the historic for a localized channel <string name of the channel localized name><size>
addChanClient add a client to a channel <client name or user id><string name of the channel localized name>[1=Read/Write, 0=ReadOnly(default)]
removeChanClient remove a client to a channel <client name or user id><string name of the channel localized name>
setChanClientWriteRight set write right for a client in the given channel <client name or user id><string name of the channel localized name><1=Read/Write, 0=ReadOnly(default)>
chanList display the list of all channels
debugMissionsQueues dump mission queues for debug
permanentBan permanently ban a player (player must be online)
permanentUnban unban a player (player must be online)
nbKnownPhrases display nb of known phrases for player <eid>
useCatalyser use an xp catalyser <eId> [<slot in bag>]
displayPositionStack Display the position stack of a character (top to bottom) (works as soon as player is connected) <eid>
popPosition Remove the top position in the stack of a character <eid>
farTPSubst Substitute a position in the stack (no immediate far TP does not lock the stack works as soon as player is connected). Pos in meters. Default values = current values <eid> index <sessionId> [<X> <Y> [<Z> [<Heading>]]]
revive player revives at full health at his location <eId>
quitDelay Inform the player that the shard will be stopped in N seconds <timeBeforeShutdown>
Inactive giveMoney Give money to a player <eid> <money>
Inactive giveSP Give SP (skill points) to a player <eid> <SP>
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en/commandes_serveur_egs.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:19 by

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