Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
Pages trouvées :
- _item_crafting_tool.dfn
- item_crafting_tool.typ
- _item_3d.dfn
- _item_basics.dfn
- _item_command_ticket.dfn
- _item_crafting_tool.dfn
- _item_equipment_info.dfn
- item_animset.typ
- item_color.typ
- item_crafting_tool.typ
- item_damage_type.typ
- item_family.typ
- item_map.typ
- item_origine.typ
- item_slot_type.typ
- item_type.typ
- The objects(.sitem)
- background_sound_item
- sound_group_item.dfn
- destroy_item
- give_item
- Complex item declaration
- recv_item
- var_item
Résultats plein texte:
- The shops @en:ds
- used as a means to be able to sell/buy different items from an NPC, be it an equipe'able item or a teleport pact. Families or certain services(apartment, gui... of "objects"(that are to be sold) follows: <code> item: itarmor.sitem 50 100 Item: itarmor.sitem 100 500 Item: itarmor.sitem 150 1000 Item: itarmor.sitem 200
- Shops
- ist of objects sold by presenting as below: <code>item : itarmor.sitem 50 100 item : itarmor.sitem 100 500 item : itarmor.sitem 150 1000 item : itarmor.sitem 200 5000 item : itarmor.sitem 250 10000 </code> It means
- Client interface's configuration
- ==== <ctrl type="sheet" /> ==== GOAL : Display a item special's button, brick... SYNTAX: <WRAP prewrap... ET, and can have QUANTITY and/or QUALITY nature="item" // "item", "brick", "spell" brick_type="" // "COMBAT", "MAGIC". may be important for some f... item="" col_noitem="true" // "true": when no item, modulate the color with the global color oncli
- Unified network
- D", cbClientReturnToMainland }, { "CLIENT:ITEM:DROP", cbClientItemDrop }, { "CLIENT:ITEM:PICK_UP_CLOSE", cbClientItemPickUpClose }, { "CLIENT:ITEM:SWAP", cbClientItemSwap }, { "CLIENT:ITEM:HARVEST", cbClientItemHarvest }, { "CLIENT:ITEM:HARV
- Added fishing activity
- fugee"/> <ATOM Name="family" Value="generic item"/> <ATOM Name="ItemType" Value="Generic"/> <ATOM Name="sack_type" Value="1"/> <STRUCT... Larva"/> <ATOM Name="family" Value="generic item"/> <ATOM Name="ItemType" Value="Generic"/> <ATOM Name="Drop or Sell" Value="true"/> <
- EGS commands
- ight * **48 DelayBeforeItemTP **: delay between item use and teleportation * **49 DelayBetweenAttack... fter a teleport or a respawn (in ticks) * **236 ItemPriceCoeff **0: polynom coeff of degree 0 in the price formula * **237 ItemPriceCoeff **1: polynom coeff of degree 1 in the price formula * **238 ItemPriceCoeff **2: polynom coeff of degree 2 in the p
- pre_requisite @en:primitive:mission
- primitive:mission:start|mission creation]]. This item holder allows to set special conditions that will... to know listed bricks. See [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|item_guidelines]] for the formatting requirements. **require_fame:** List of couples Facti... ach mentioned faction. See [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|item_guidelines]] for the formatting r
- Complex item declaration @en:primitive:mission
- ====== Complex item declaration ====== Rules and information used in [[en:primitive:mission:start|mission creation]]. ===== Item declaration in a string format ===== Some parame... body_count$** </WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP> ===== Item declarations in an array format ===== Some instructions require complex item declaration in an array format like item/quantity
- destroy_item @en:primitive:mission
- ====== destroy_item ====== Function used in [[en:primitive:mission:start|mission creation]]. Action which destroys the items that match the given filters: * The item sheet must match. * The quality must be at least the one wanted. * At max quantity of the items are destroyed. The system: * selects first t
- The System localization/translation of the Ryzom Core
- ame parameterName : identifier parameterType : ‘item’ | ‘place’ | ‘creature’ | ‘skill’ | ‘role’ | ‘eco... wing replacements(in English): ''"Report me ** $ item.da $ $ $ ** "'' And the file will contain the following names: Item name da Hammer hammer L’ échelle l’ échelle
- Armor @en:ds
- ith the following sections: * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_basics | basics(_item_basics.dfn)]]; * [[eh:ds:rcdsdfn_item_armor | armor(_item_armor.dfn)]]; <-- Yet to be defined!! * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_crafting_tool | cr
- Cosmetics @en:ds
- ith the following sections: * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_basics | basics (_item_basics.dfn)]]; * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_cosmetics | Cosmetics (_item_cosmetics.dfn)]]; * [[en:ds: rcdsdfn_item_3d | 3d (_item_3d.dfn)]]. Ag
- Formatting Syntax @en:wikitools:syntaxe
- rts ordered and unordered lists. To create a list item, indent your text by two spaces and use a ''*'' f... ordered ones. * This is a list * The second item * You may have different levels * Another item - The same list but ordered - Another item - Just use indention for deeper levels - That's i
- To file tickets @en:ds
- o file tickets ====== Filing tickets are special items that allow you to place an order/complaint on th... ith the following sections: * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_basics | basics (_item_basics.dfn)]]; * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_command_ticket | CommandTicket (_item_command_ticket.dfn)]];
- Consumable items @en:ds
- ====== Consumable items ====== Consumable items destroys itself when used! They can trigger many effects(usually powers). S... ith the following sections: * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_basics | basics (_item_basics.dfn)]]; * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_consumable | Consumable (_item_consumab