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Traductions de cette page?:

Commande Aide paramètres
setMap set the active map <name>
setMgr set the active manager within a map <name>|<slot>
setGrp set the active group within a manager <name>|<slot>
newFaunaManager create the fauna manager for a region <name> [<slot>]
newPlaceXYR <place name> <x> <y> <r> <verticalPos>
newHerbivoreGroup <group name>
newPredatorGroup <group name> <spawn point> <eat point> <rest point>
newPlantGroup <group name> <spawn point> <eat point> <rest point>
newAnimatGroup <group name> <spawn point> <eat point> <rest point>
newScavengerGroup <group name> <spawn point> <eat point> <rest point>
addHerbivorePopulation add a population version to the current group <creature type> <qty> [<type> <qty>] […] […]
newUrbanManager create the urban npc manager for a sttlement <name> [<slot>]
newStationaryGroup <group name>
npcAddGrpPatrol add a group to the manager <name>
npcAddGrpGuard add a group to the manager <name>
npcAddGrpWandering add a group to the manager <name>
npcGrpSetRoute setup a patrol route <route name>
npcMgrDefaults setup the manager dummy bot
npcGrpDefaults setup the manager dummy bot
addNpc create a new npc <x> <y> <theta>
npcSetColours set the npc clothing colour scheme <colour scheme>
npcSetName set npc name <name>
npcSetGameForm set the .CREATURE sheet to use for game stats <sheet name>
npcSetLookForm set the .CREATURE sheet to use for look on client <sheet name>
npcSetLookType set the possible look types <keyword>
npcSetChat set the npc chat parameters <keyword>[…]
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