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Commandes egs

Les commandes egs dans l'écran du egs dans le shard, sont surtout composés de variables pour le jeu. La commande help donne la liste suivante:

  • 0 AllowAnimalInventoryAccessFromAnyStable : If true a player can access to his animal inventory (if the animal is inside a stable) from any stable over the world
  • 1 AllowCharsFromAllSessions : (!IsRingShard only) (For mainland shard) If the stored session id does not match the FixedSessionId: 0: teleport to the stored session id; 1: let the character play anyway, but leave the stored session id unchanged; 2: assig
  • 2 AllowPVP : AllowPVP
  • 3 AnimalHungerFactor : Number of satiety points decreased per tick for each m/tick above the walk speed
  • 4 AnimalSellFactor : factor to apply on animal price to get the price a user can buy them
  • 5 AnimalStopFollowingDistance : When a follower mektoub get further than this distance (in m) from his target, he stops
  • 6 AppliedChargeMaxCount : max number of charge a guild can apply for
  • 7 AreaEffectClipDistance : above this value (in mm) we clip vertical range to 'AreaEffectClipVerticalRange' millimeters
  • 8 AreaEffectClipVerticalRange : vertical range of area effects when area effect range is below 4-5meters (see 'AreaEffectClipDistance')
  • 9 ArmorWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Armor (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 10 AurasUpdateFrequency : update frequency of auras effects (to determine which entities are affected for instance) (in ticks)
  • 11 AutoSpawnForageSourcePeriodOverride : Average time in ticks between two auto-spawns of forage source in a deposit with auto-spawn enabled (set to 0 to use deposit settings instead)
  • 12 AutolauchWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Autolauch (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 13 AxeWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Axe (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 14 BaseGuildBulk : base bulk for a new guild building
  • 15 BaseMaxCarriedWeight : max weight in grammes a player can have on him if his strength is 0
  • 16 BasePlayerRoomBulk : Maximum bulk a player can have in his room
  • 17 BotDamageFactor : Factor applied on all Bots (creature and npcs) damage
  • 18 BowpistolWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Bowpistol (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 19 BowrifleWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Bowrifle (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 20 BuildSpireActive : Activate build spire
  • 21 ChaScore 1RatioPerSourceLifeImpact: Ratio of ChaScore1 damaged per source life (D) impact value
  • 22 CharacterLoadPerTick : Number of character file loaded during the current tick
  • 23 CharacterSavePerTick : Number of character file saved during the current tick
  • 24 CharacteristicBrickStep : characteristic brick progression step(brick xxxx05 match a charac value of characteristic 5*CharacteristicBrickStep)
  • 25 CheckCharacterVisitPlacePeriodGC : Game cycle frequency for the check visit place mission routine
  • 26 ClearAttackFlags : teampraire !!
  • 27 ClientNPCIconRefreshTimerDelay : Max number of gamecycles between 2 refreshes of a single mission giver NPC
  • 28 CombatFlagLifetime : time *in ticks* during which a combat flag is kept 'active'
  • 29 CommaDelayBeforeDeath : Comma time in server tick before a character dead
  • 30 CompassTargetUpdateFrequency : update frequency of the compass target position (in ticks)
  • 31 CorrectInvalidPlayerPositions : If true, invalid player positions will be corrected if when a player logs in
  • 32 CraftFailureProbaMpLost : Probability de destruction de chaque MP en cas d'echec du craft
  • 33 CraftSystemEnabled : bool enabling /disabling the CraftSystem
  • 34 CraftingToolWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for CraftingTool (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 35 CreateCharacterStartSkillsValue : create Character Start skills value
  • 36 CristalMoneyFactor : factor to apply on a cristallisation spell sabrina cost to get the cost in money
  • 37 CriticalHitChances : chances (in%) to make a critical hit during a combat action (5 means 5%)
  • 38 DaggerWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Dagger (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 39 DamageStep : Damage step, used by weapon damage table
  • 40 DataPersistsAsText : If true Persistant data will be stored as text
  • 41 DeathGooDistance : the distance when character take 100% damage from goo path
  • 42 DeathPenaltyMinLevel : No death penalty if best skill value is lesser than DeathPenaltyMinLevel
  • 43 DeathXPFactor : XP to gain after a death is DeathXPFactor * max skill /(1 + death index )
  • 44 DeathXPResorptionTime : XP resorbs totally after DeathXPResorptionTime / NbDeath
  • 45 DefaultInterShardExchangeLevelCap : Default level limit for shards if no limit is explicitly specified
  • 46 DefaultUpdatePeriod : default update period of link spells
  • 47 DefaultWeightHands : Weight of hands for calculate ChaScore2 consumed by action for handed fight
  • 48 DelayBeforeItemTP : delay between item use and teleportation
  • 49 DelayBetweenAttackMessage : Number of tick between each message about spire attacked
  • 50 DeltaTickMustBeApplyForWindermeerCommunityMerge : Delta tick between the 2 server before the merge
  • 51 DepositUpdateFrequency : update frequency of deposits (in ticks)
  • 52 DisablePVPChallenge : If true PVP challenge is disabled
  • 53 DisablePVPDuel : If true PVP duel is disabled
  • 54 DissableDPInRing : Enable or dissable DP system in the Ring (should be dissabled unless this provokes bugs
  • 55 DodgeFactorForForageSkills : Factor aplied on forage skill values to determine the equivalent for dodge
  • 56 DodgeFactorForMagicSkills : Factor aplied on magic skill values to determine the equivalent for dodge
  • 57 DuelQueryDuration : duration in ticks of a duel requests
  • 58 DumpRangeAnalysis : debug dump for range combat
  • 59 EGSLight : Load EGS with a minimal set of feature loaded
  • 60 EasterEggChestSheet : name of the sheet for easter egg chest
  • 61 EaterEggBagSheet : name of the sheet for easter egg bag
  • 62 EcosystemResistancePenalty : Resistance Penalty gived by each ecosystem
  • 63 EnableOutpostDrillerMPGeneration : Set if the outpost drillers generate mps or not
  • 64 EnchantSystemEnabled : bool enabling /disabling the EnchantSystem
  • 65 EntitiesNoActionFailure : hange or just display the NoActionFailure flag - true means no failure
  • 66 EntitiesNoCastBreak : change or just display the NoCastBreak flag - true means no cast break when hit
  • 67 EntitiesNoResist : change or just display the NoResist flag - true means no target resist
  • 68 EquipTimeFactor :
  • 69 EventChannelHistoricSize : Historic size of event channel
  • 70 ExponentialPower : ExponentialPower used by weapon damage table
  • 71 FactionChannelHistoricSize : size of history for player faction channel
  • 72 FameAbsoluteMax : Absolute fame maximum a player can have
  • 73 FameAbsoluteMin : Absolute fame minimum a player can have
  • 74 FameByKill : Number of fame point lost for a kill
  • 75 FameMaxDefault : Default maximum amount of fame (same as neutral max)
  • 76 FameMaxFyrosvFyros : Maximum Fame for a Fyros to their own civ
  • 77 FameMaxFyrosvMatis : Maximum Fame for a Fyros to the Matis civ
  • 78 FameMaxFyrosvTryker : Maximum Fame for a Fyros to the Tryker civ
  • 79 FameMaxFyrosvZorai : Maximum Fame for a Fyros to the Zorai civ
  • 80 FameMaxKamivKami : Max fame for a Kami to the Kami cult
  • 81 FameMaxKamivKaravan : Max fame for a Kami to the Karavan cult
  • 82 FameMaxKaravanvKami : Max fame for a Karavan to the Kami cult
  • 83 FameMaxKaravanvKaravan : Max fame for a Karavan to the Karavan cult
  • 84 FameMaxMatisvFyros : Maximum Fame for a Matis to the Fyros civ
  • 85 FameMaxMatisvMatis : Maximum Fame for a Matis to their own civ
  • 86 FameMaxMatisvTryker : Maximum Fame for a Matis to the Tryker civ
  • 87 FameMaxMatisvZorai : Maximum Fame for a Matis to the Zorai civ
  • 88 FameMaxNeutralvFyros : Maximum Fame for a neutral to the Fyros civ
  • 89 FameMaxNeutralvKami : Max fame for a neutral to the Kami cult
  • 90 FameMaxNeutralvKaravan : Max fame for a neutral to the Karavan cult
  • 91 FameMaxNeutralvMatis : Maximum Fame for a neutral to the Matis civ
  • 92 FameMaxNeutralvTryker : Maximum Fame for a neutral to the Tryker civ
  • 93 FameMaxNeutralvZorai : Maximum Fame for a neutral to the Zorai civ
  • 94 FameMaxTrykervFyros : Maximum Fame for a Tryker to the Fyros civ
  • 95 FameMaxTrykervMatis : Maximum Fame for a Tryker to the Matis civ
  • 96 FameMaxTrykervTryker : Maximum Fame for a Tryker to their own civ
  • 97 FameMaxTrykervZorai : Maximum Fame for a Tryker to the Zorai civ
  • 98 FameMaxZoraivFyros : Maximum Fame for a Zorai to the Fyros civ
  • 99 FameMaxZoraivMatis : Maximum Fame for a Zorai to the Matis civ
  • 100 FameMaxZoraivTryker : Maximum Fame for a Zorai to the Tryker civ
  • 101 FameMaxZoraivZorai : Maximum Fame for a Zorai to their own civ
  • 102 FameMemoryInterpolation : Guild fame interpolation time in ticks
  • 103 FameMinToDeclare : Minimum level of fame needed to declare membership to a clan
  • 104 FameMinToKOS : Minimum fame needed to not be KOS to a clan
  • 105 FameMinToRemain : Minimum fame needed to remain as a member of a clan
  • 106 FameMinToTrade : Minimum fame needed to trade with a clan
  • 107 FameStartFyrosvFyros : Starting fame of a Fyros to their own civ
  • 108 FameStartFyrosvKami : Starting fame of a Fyros to the Kami cult
  • 109 FameStartFyrosvKaravan : Starting fame of a Fyros to the Karavan cult
  • 110 FameStartFyrosvMatis : Starting fame of a Fyros to the Matis civ
  • 111 FameStartFyrosvTryker : Starting fame of a Fyros to the Tryker civ
  • 112 FameStartFyrosvZorai : Starting fame of a Fyros to the Zorai civ
  • 113 FameStartMatisvFyros : Starting fame of a Matis to the Fyros civ
  • 114 FameStartMatisvKami : Starting fame of a Matis to the Kami cult
  • 115 FameStartMatisvKaravan : Starting fame of a Matis to the Karavan cult
  • 116 FameStartMatisvMatis : Starting fame of a Matis to their own civ
  • 117 FameStartMatisvTryker : Starting fame of a Matis to the Tryker civ
  • 118 FameStartMatisvZorai : Starting fame of a Matis to the Zorai civ
  • 119 FameStartTrykervFyros : Starting fame of a Tryker to the Fyros civ
  • 120 FameStartTrykervKami : Starting fame of a Tryker to the Kami cult
  • 121 FameStartTrykervKaravan : Starting fame of a Tryker to the Karavan cult
  • 122 FameStartTrykervMatis : Starting fame of a Tryker to the Matis civ
  • 123 FameStartTrykervTryker : Starting fame of a Tryker to their own civ
  • 124 FameStartTrykervZorai : Starting fame of a Tryker to the Zorai civ
  • 125 FameStartZoraivFyros : Starting fame of a Zorai to the Fyros civ
  • 126 FameStartZoraivKami : Starting fame of a Zorai to the Kami cult
  • 127 FameStartZoraivKaravan : Starting fame of a Zorai to the Karavan cult
  • 128 FameStartZoraivMatis : Starting fame of a Zorai to the Matis civ
  • 129 FameStartZoraivTryker : Starting fame of a Zorai to the Tryker civ
  • 130 FameStartZoraivZorai : Starting fame of a Zorai to their own civ
  • 131 FameTrendResetDelay : Guild fame trend reset delay in ticks
  • 132 FameWarningLevel : Level at which a player is notified that their fame is getting too low
  • 133 FightAreaEffectOn : Are effect for fight are active if variable = true
  • 134 FirstUser : First user id used for Monkey player
  • 135 FixedSessionId : For a mainland shard, the session id
  • 136 ForageAngle :
  • 137 ForageCareBeginZone :
  • 138 ForageCareFactor : Factor for care delta
  • 139 ForageCareSpeed : Speed of care action in action/tick
  • 140 ForageChaScore 4AutoRegenRatio: Ratio of auto-regen of ChaScore4 after an extraction
  • 141 ForageChaScore 4RatioOfLocateDeposit:
  • 142 ForageDebug : Debug mode for forage phrases (0=normal 2=ChaScore4Only 5=ChaScore4+skill 7=prospectionWithVariables 10=fullCheat)
  • 143 ForageExplosionDamage : Max ChaScore1 hit once by a forage explosion
  • 144 ForageExtractionAbsorptionEcoSpecFactor : Ecosystem specialization reduces harmfulness
  • 145 ForageExtractionAbsorptionEcoSpecMax : Ecosystem specialization reduces harmfulness
  • 146 ForageExtractionAbsorptionMatSpecFactor : Material specialization reduces harmfulness
  • 147 ForageExtractionAbsorptionMatSpecMax : Material specialization reduces harmfulness
  • 148 ForageExtractionCareEcoSpecFactor : Ecosystem specialization raises care
  • 149 ForageExtractionCareMatSpecFactor : Material specialization raises care
  • 150 ForageExtractionNastyEventXPMalusRatio :
  • 151 ForageExtractionNaturalDDeltaPerTick : D increase per tick
  • 152 ForageExtractionNaturalEDeltaPerTick : E increase per tick
  • 153 ForageExtractionNbParticipantsXPBonusRatio :
  • 154 ForageExtractionTimeMinGC : Minimum time of extraction in ticks
  • 155 ForageExtractionTimeSlopeGC : Slope of base extraction time curve
  • 156 ForageExtractionXPFactor :
  • 157 ForageForceImpactScheme :
  • 158 ForageForcedDaycycle : -1=Use real day cycle, 0=Day/Dawn, 1=Day/Day, 2=Day/Evening, 3=Night/Nightfall, 4=Night/Night
  • 159 ForageForcedSeason : -1=Use real season, 0=Spring, …, 3=Winter
  • 160 ForageForcedWeather : -1=Use real weather, 0=Best, …, 3=Worst
  • 161 ForageKamiAngerDecreasePerHour : Level of kami anger automatically decreased per hour (10×3600 gamecycles)
  • 162 ForageKamiAngerOverride : Force all deposits to the specified kami anger level (debug option)
  • 163 ForageKamiAngerThreshold 1: Threshold 1 of kami anger level (<ForageKamiAngerThreshold2)
  • 164 ForageKamiAngerThreshold 2: Threshold 1 of kami anger level (>ForageKamiAngerThreshold1)
  • 165 ForageKamiOfferingSpeed : Speed of offering action in action/tick
  • 166 ForageKamiPunishDamage : Max ChaScore1 hit once by an angry (invisible) kami
  • 167 ForageLevel :
  • 168 ForageLocateDepositUpdateFrequency : update frequency of locate deposit effect
  • 169 ForageMinimumRatioRmAreaInDeposit :
  • 170 ForageProspectionXPBonusRatio :
  • 171 ForageQualityCeilingClamp : Prevent to go past the ceiling
  • 172 ForageQualityCeilingFactor : Factor for ceiling of quality growth
  • 173 ForageQualityImpactFactor : Factor for extraction impact
  • 174 ForageQualitySlowFactor : Factor for slowness of quality growth
  • 175 ForageQualitySlowFactorDeltaLevelRatio : Each delta between quality level in extraction action and player's level slows the quality raising from this amount
  • 176 ForageQualitySlowFactorMatSpecRatio : Material specialization in extraction speeds up the quality raising from this amount
  • 177 ForageQualitySlowFactorQualityLevelRatio : Each quality level in extraction action slows the quality raising from this amount
  • 178 ForageQuantityBaseRate : Base of extraction rate
  • 179 ForageQuantityBrick 1:
  • 180 ForageQuantityBrick 10:
  • 181 ForageQuantityBrick 11:
  • 182 ForageQuantityBrick 12:
  • 183 ForageQuantityBrick 2:
  • 184 ForageQuantityBrick 3:
  • 185 ForageQuantityBrick 4:
  • 186 ForageQuantityBrick 5:
  • 187 ForageQuantityBrick 6:
  • 188 ForageQuantityBrick 7:
  • 189 ForageQuantityBrick 8:
  • 190 ForageQuantityBrick 9:
  • 191 ForageQuantityImpactFactor : Factor for extraction impact
  • 192 ForageQuantitySlowFactor : Factor for slowness of quantity growth
  • 193 ForageQuantityXPDeltaLevelBonusRate : Delta level increase per qtty unit (except 1st one)
  • 194 ForageRange :
  • 195 ForageReduceDamageTimeWindow : Time in tick before a blowing up when Reduce Damage actions are taken into account
  • 196 ForageSiteNbUpdatesToLive : Number of deposit updates before a forage site stock is reset
  • 197 ForageSiteRadius : Radius of foage site area
  • 198 ForageSiteStock : Number of extractions before a forage site is empty
  • 199 ForageSourceSpawnDelay : Time (ticks) between end of prospection & spawning the source(s)
  • 200 ForageSystemEnabled : bool enabling /disabling the ForageSystem
  • 201 ForageToolWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for ForageTool (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 202 ForageValidateSourcesSpawnPos : If true, the AIS checks all source spawn positions
  • 203 ForceAbsorption :
  • 204 ForceQuarteringRight : Allow anyone to quarter a dead creature
  • 205 FreeTrialSkillLimit : Level limit for characters belonging to free trial accounts
  • 206 GMChannelHistoricSize : historic size of a gm channel
  • 207 GameEventFile : game event file holding all g.e. stuff
  • 208 GlobalDebugDamageFactor : global damage factor (debug only)
  • 209 GlobalFactionPointPriceFactor : this factor is applied to all faction point prices
  • 210 GuildChargeSavePeriod :
  • 211 GuildCreationCost :
  • 212 GuildMaxMemberCount :
  • 213 GuildMaxOutpostCount : max number of outposts per guild
  • 214 GuildSavePeriod :
  • 215 GuildSavingPeriod : guild saving period in ticks
  • 216 GuildSystemEnabled : bool enabling /disabling the GuildSystem
  • 217 HandToHandDamage : damage factor when fighting without weapons
  • 218 HandToHandLatency : attacks latency *in ticks* when fighting without a weapon
  • 219 HandToHandReachValue : reach value (~allonge) when fighting without a weapon
  • 220 HarvestAreaEffectOn : Are effect for harvest (toxic cloud) are active if variable = true
  • 221 HarvestSystemEnabled : bool enabling /disabling the HarvestSystem
  • 222 HitArmsSlowDuration : duration (in seconds) of a slow attack when hit to arms
  • 223 HitArmsSlowFactor : slowing factor when hit to arms (+20 = +20% to attack latency)
  • 224 HitChestChaScore 2LossFactor: factor of damage also lost in ChaScore2 when hit to chest
  • 225 HitFeetDebuffDuration : duration in seconds of dodge debuff when hit to feet
  • 226 HitFeetDebuffValue : value of skills dodge when hit to hands
  • 227 HitHandsDebuffDuration : duration in seconds of skills debuff when hit to hands
  • 228 HitHandsDebuffValue : value of skills debuff when hit to hands
  • 229 HitHeadStunDuration : duration (in seconds) of a stun when hit to head
  • 230 HitLegsSlowDuration : duration (in seconds) of a slow move when hit to legs
  • 231 HitLegsSlowFactor : slowing factor when hit to legs (-20 = -20% to move speed)
  • 232 HominBaseProtection : Homin base protection against magic common damage (cold, acid, rot)
  • 233 HominRacialProtection : Homin base protection against magic racial damage (Fire, Poison, Shockwave, Electricity)
  • 234 HominRacialResistance : Homin base resistance against magic racial spell type
  • 235 IntangibleTimeAfterTP : intangible time after a teleport or a respawn (in ticks)
  • 236 ItemPriceCoeff 0: polynom coeff of degree 0 in the price formula
  • 237 ItemPriceCoeff 1: polynom coeff of degree 1 in the price formula
  • 238 ItemPriceCoeff 2: polynom coeff of degree 2 in the price formula
  • 239 ItemPriceFactor : factor to apply on non raw material items to compute their price
  • 240 JewelryWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Jewels (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 241 KillAttribMinFactor : min fraction of the total damage done on a creature that a group/player must do to be attributed a kill
  • 242 LastUser : Last user id used for Monkey player
  • 243 LauncherWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Launcher (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 244 LoadMax : Max Monkey player
  • 245 LoadOutposts : If false outposts won't be loaded
  • 246 LoadPVPFreeZones : If true PVP free zones will be loaded
  • 247 LoadPVPGuildZones : If true PVP guild zones will be loaded
  • 248 LoadPVPVersusZones : If true PVP versus zones will be loaded
  • 249 LootMoneyAmountPerXPLevel : Amount of money to earn when looting, per XPLevel of the looted NPC
  • 250 MaceWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Mace (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 251 MagicAreaEffectOn : Are effect for magic are active if variable = true
  • 252 MagicResistFactorForCombatSkills : factor on combat skill level to get equivalent magic resist level
  • 253 MagicResistFactorForForageSkills : factor on forage skill level to get equivalent magic resist level
  • 254 MagicResistFactorForMagicSkills : factor on magic skill level to get equivalent magic resist level
  • 255 MagicResistSkillDelta : value always added to player base magic resist
  • 256 MagicSkillStartValue : Minimum magic skill used for break cast and resist tests
  • 257 MagicianStaffWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for MagicianStaff (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 258 MaxAbsorptionFactor : Maximum magic damage absorption factor, 100 = factor 1.0f, base absorption is sum of jewel level
  • 259 MaxAngleForRangeCombat : Max angle in Radians between player heading and target position to validate range combat
  • 260 MaxAreaTargetCount : maximum number of target in an area effect spell/missile
  • 261 MaxCharacteristicValue : Max value for player's characteristics
  • 262 MaxDisconnectTimeForQueue : max time a player can stay disconnected wihtout being removed from it's mission queues, in seconds (default = 1 week)
  • 263 MaxDistanceForPVPPointsGain : max distance from PvP combat to gain PvP points (faction and HoF points) from team PvP kills (in meters)
  • 264 MaxDistanceForXpGain : max distance from combat to gain Xp at creature death (in meters)
  • 265 MaxDistanceGooDamage : the maximum distance when character take damage from goo path
  • 266 MaxEnterCriticalAnswerTime : time the player has to answer to the server request about entering a mission critical ppart, in ticks (default = 60 s)
  • 267 MaxFamePriceVariation : maximum price variation ( in absolute value ) that can be due to fame
  • 268 MaxFameToTrade : maximum fame value taken in account in trade
  • 269 MaxGameCycleSaleStore : maximum time game cycle an item stay in sale store before been destroyed
  • 270 MaxGooDamageRatio : the factor applied goo damage for calculate effective goo damage (distance = 0 - 100% * ratio * base ChaScore1 = damages)
  • 271 MaxLevelNpcItemInStore : Maximum level for item solded by NPC
  • 272 MaxMagicProtection : Maximum protection a character can have against a magic damage
  • 273 MaxMagicResistanceBonus : Max bonus resistance against magic spell type
  • 274 MaxNPCRawMaterialQualityInSell : maximum quality of raw material selled by NPC
  • 275 MaxNoRentDisconnectedTime : Number of minutes of log off time after no rent item are deleted
  • 276 MaxPVPDeltaLevel : maximum delta level used to compute the faction points gain
  • 277 MaxPlayerBulk : Maximum bulk a player can have on him
  • 278 MaxXPGainPerPlayer : Max XP gain by any one player on any creature (each team member can gain up to this value)
  • 279 MessageOfTheDay : Message of the day sended at new connected player
  • 280 MinDamage : Min damage (when skill 0), used by weapon damage table
  • 281 MinFameToBuyGuildBuilding : Minimum Fame To Buy a Guild Building
  • 282 MinFameToBuyPlayerBuilding : Minimum Fame To Buy a Player Building
  • 283 MinFameToTrade : minimum fame value taken in account in trade
  • 284 MinPVPDeltaLevel : minimum delta level used to compute the faction points gain
  • 285 MinSleepingTime : min 'sleeping' time, the duration after which a player who has set himself to sleep mode cannot awake. in seconds (default = 2 min)
  • 286 MinTwoWeaponsLatency : Min attack latency (in ticks) when using 2 weapons
  • 287 MissionForcedSeason : -1=Use real season, 0=Spring, …, 3=Winter
  • 288 MissionForcedTime : -1=Use real ryzom time, [0, 24[=fake time for missions (e.g. 16.5 for 16:30)
  • 289 MissionPrerequisitsEnabled : Activate the checking of pre requisits for mission
  • 290 MissionQueueFile : file holding all mission queues stuff
  • 291 MissionQueueSavePeriod : interval between saves in ticks (default = 90s)
  • 292 MissionSystemEnabled : bool enabling /disabling the MissionSystem
  • 293 ModPerSupernumeraryOpponent : modifier on defense (parry/dodge) per opponent after 'n'
  • 294 MonkeyLoadEnable : 1 enabling fixed sequence monkey simulation, 2 enabling random sequence monkey simulation, 3 restart Monkey 2/ 0 disabling the Monkey Load simulation
  • 295 MonoMissionTimout : default timout of mono mission
  • 296 MountDuration : delay in ticks between mount order and player really mounted on creature
  • 297 NBLoginStats : Nb logins stats kept (logon time, logoff time
  • 298 NBMaxItemNpcSellDisplay : NB max item can be displayed for npc item list selled
  • 299 NBMaxItemPlayerSellDisplay : NB max item can be displayed for player item list selled
  • 300 NBMaxItemYoursSellDisplay : NB max item can be displayed for your item list selled
  • 301 NBMeanCraftRawMaterials : Mean of raw material used for craft an item, it's used for scale xp win when crafting an item with effective raw material used
  • 302 NBTickForGooDamageRate : nb tick needed for apply goo damage again
  • 303 NBTickForNewbieGooDamageRate : nb tick needed for apply goo damage again in newbieland
  • 304 NbEventsToProcessInTimerManagerUpdate :
  • 305 NbNpcMissionGiverDescQueriesAll : Counted for all requested NPCs
  • 306 NbNpcMissionGiverDescQueriesHavingMissions : Counted for NPCs having missions only
  • 307 NbOpponentsBeforeMalus : number of opponent one can handle without defense malus
  • 308 NbProcessedEventInTimerManagerUpdate :
  • 309 NbTickForRegenCreature : nb tick needed for regenerate scores of all creature (total creature / number regenerated per tick)
  • 310 NbTotemPointToBuild : Number of points in the faction pool needed to build a totem
  • 311 NewbieGooDamageFactor : percentage of life lost at maximum from goo in newbieland
  • 312 NoLinkSurvivalAddTime : add some time to dead links
  • 313 NoLinkTimeBlind : add some time to dead Blind links
  • 314 NoLinkTimeDot : add some time to dead Dot links
  • 315 NoLinkTimeFear : add some time to dead Fear links
  • 316 NoLinkTimeMadness : add some time to dead Madness links
  • 317 NoLinkTimeRoot : add some time to dead Root links
  • 318 NoLinkTimeSleep : add some time to dead Sleep links
  • 319 NoLinkTimeSlow : add some time to dead Slow links
  • 320 NoLinkTimeSnare : add some time to dead Snare links
  • 321 NoLinkTimeStun : add some time to dead Stun links
  • 322 NumberDayFactorGuildNeedForChallengeOutpost : Nombre de 'level outpost / factor' jours d'existance que la guilde doit avoir pour pouvoir challenger un outpost
  • 323 NumberDaysMinusOutpostLevelForChallenge : Number to substract from outpost level to get oldness required to challenge an outpost
  • 324 OupostPowerRadius : Radius of an outpost power in meters
  • 325 OutpostClientTimersUpdatePeriod : period in seconds between 2 updates of outpost timers on clients
  • 326 OutpostDrillerTimeUnit : Production time of mp in the driller (in seconds)
  • 327 OutpostEditingConcurrencyCheckDelay : delay in ticks used to check if 2 actions for editing an outpost are concurrent
  • 328 OutpostFightRoundCount : number of rounds in an outpost fight
  • 329 OutpostFightRoundTime : time of a round in an outpost fight, in seconds
  • 330 OutpostJoinPvpTimer : Max time the player has to answer the JoinPvp Window, in seconds
  • 331 OutpostLeavePeriod : time duration before a user who has left outpost zone looses his pvp flag
  • 332 OutpostLevelDecrementTime : time to decrement an outpost level in seconds (in peace time)
  • 333 OutpostPowerDuration : duration of outpost powers in ticks
  • 334 OutpostRangeForCancelOnReset : Time range before next attack period in which a service reboot will cancel the challenge
  • 335 OutpostSavingPeriod : Save period of outposts in ticks (1 outpost saved at a time)
  • 336 OutpostStateTimeOverride : Each state can be set to a shorter time in seconds, 0 means default computed value
  • 337 OutpostUpdatePeriod : Period in ticks between 2 updates of the same outpost
  • 338 PVPActionTimer : time duration of pvp action flag, each time a character made a pvp action, corresponding flag is true during this timer
  • 339 PVPFactionPointBase : it is the base used in faction point gain formula
  • 340 PVPFactionPointLossFactor : in faction PvP the killed players loses the faction points gained per killer multiplied by this factor
  • 341 PVPFameRequired : Minimum of positive or negative fame for PVP
  • 342 PVPHoFPointBase : it is the base used in HoF point gain formula
  • 343 PVPHoFPointLossFactor : in faction PvP the killed players loses the HoF points gained per killer multiplied by this factor
  • 344 PVPMagicDamageFactor : Factor applied on Magic Damage in PVP
  • 345 PVPMeleeCombatDamageFactor : Factor applied on Melee Damage in PVP
  • 346 PVPRangeCombatDamageFactor : Factor applied on Range Damage in PVP
  • 347 PVPTeamMemberDivisorValue : for team PvP progression add this value to the faction points divisor for each team member above one
  • 348 PVPZoneEnterBufferTime : duration in ticks of the time buffer triggered when someone enters a PVP zone
  • 349 PVPZoneLeaveBufferTime : duration in ticks of the time buffer triggered when someone leaves a PVP zone
  • 350 PVPZoneWarningRepeatTime : duration in ticks used to repeat warnings of PVP zones
  • 351 PVPZoneWarningRepeatTimeL : duration in ticks used to repeat warnings of PVP zones for time left is more than one minute
  • 352 PVPZoneWithDeathPenalty : if true a player killed by another player in a PVP zone will have a death penalty
  • 353 PackAnimalSystemEnabled : bool enabling /disabling the PackAnimalSystem
  • 354 PhysicalCharacteristicsBaseValue : Physical characteristic base value used to compute base score value
  • 355 PhysicalCharacteristicsFactor : Factor used to compute base score value from characteristic value
  • 356 PikeWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Pike (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 357 PistolWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Pistol (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 358 PlayerChannelHistoricSize : historic size of a player channel
  • 359 PostCastLatency : add some post cast time to magic (latency in ticks)
  • 360 QuarteringQuantityAverageForBoss 5: Control the quantity of quartered material of normal creatures '5' and '8'
  • 361 QuarteringQuantityAverageForBoss 7: Control the quantity of quartered material of normal creatures '7'
  • 362 QuarteringQuantityAverageForCraftCarnivore : Control the global quantity in quartering for craft RMs of carnivores
  • 363 QuarteringQuantityAverageForCraftHerbivore : Control the global quantity in quartering for craft RMs of herbivores (H/B/P)
  • 364 QuarteringQuantityAverageForMissions : Control the global quantity in quartering for mission RMs
  • 365 QuarteringQuantityForInvasion 5: Control the quantity of quartered invasion material of creatures '5'
  • 366 QuarteringQuantityForInvasion 7: Control the quantity of quartered invasion material of creatures '7'
  • 367 RechargeMoneyFactor : factor to apply on a recharge spell sabrina cost to get the cost in money
  • 368 ReferenceLatencyForWear : latency used as reference for weapon wear, a weapon with this latency will have a wear factor of 1.0
  • 369 RegenDivisor : Divisor used for compute regenerate per seconde in repos (divide characteristics per divisor)
  • 370 RegenOffset : Regen offset
  • 371 RegenReposFactor : Divisor used for compute regenerate per seconde in action (regen repos / factor)
  • 372 ResPawnPVPInSameRegionForbiden : When character dead in PvP Faction, it can't respawn in same same region of it's death
  • 373 ResistIncreaseAcid : value added to Acid resist each time a Acid spell is cast on an entity
  • 374 ResistIncreaseBlind : value added to Blind resist each time a Blind spell is cast on an entity
  • 375 ResistIncreaseCold : value added to Cold resist each time a Cold spell is cast on an entity
  • 376 ResistIncreaseElectricity : value added to Electricity resist each time a Electricity spell is cast on an entity
  • 377 ResistIncreaseFear : value added to Fear resist each time a Fear spell is cast on an entity
  • 378 ResistIncreaseFire : value added to Fire resist each time a Fire spell is cast on an entity
  • 379 ResistIncreaseMadness : value added to Madness resist each time a Madness spell is cast on an entity
  • 380 ResistIncreasePoison : value added to Poison resist each time a Poison spell is cast on an entity
  • 381 ResistIncreaseRoot : value added to Root resist each time a Root spell is cast on an entity
  • 382 ResistIncreaseRot : value added to Rot resist each time a Rot spell is cast on an entity
  • 383 ResistIncreaseShockwave : value added to Shockwave resist each time a Shockwave spell is cast on an entity
  • 384 ResistIncreaseSleep : value added to Sleep resist each time a Sleep spell is cast on an entity
  • 385 ResistIncreaseSlow : value added to Slow resist each time a Slow spell is cast on an entity
  • 386 ResistIncreaseSnare : value added to Snare resist each time a Snare spell is cast on an entity
  • 387 ResistIncreaseStun : value added to Stun resist each time a Stun spell is cast on an entity
  • 388 RifleWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Rifle (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 389 ShieldWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Shield (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 390 ShieldingRadius : effective radius of the 'shielding' power
  • 391 SkillCraftValueLimiter : Skill value limit
  • 392 SkillFightValueLimiter : Skill value limit
  • 393 SkillHarvestValueLimiter : Skill value limit
  • 394 SkillMagicValueLimiter : Skill value limit
  • 395 SmoothingFactor : SmoothingFactor used by weapon damage table
  • 396 SpawnedDeadMektoubDelay : nb tick before a dead mektoub despawn)
  • 397 SpearWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Spear (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 398 StaffWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Staff (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 399 StatDBSavePeriod : stat database save period in ticks
  • 400 StoreSavePeriod : sell store save period in ticks
  • 401 SwordWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for Sword (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 402 TeleportSellFactor : factor to apply on teleport price to get the price a user can buy them
  • 403 TickFrequencyCompassUpdate : Min time in tick between 2 updates of mission compass of a character
  • 404 TickFrequencyNpcControlUpdate : Min time in tick between 2 updates of udate of npc control
  • 405 TimeBeforeDisconnection : delai during character stay in game after a disconnection for prevent logoff exploit
  • 406 TimeForPVPFlagOff : time before pvp flag return to off become effective (in game cycle)
  • 407 TimeForResetPVPFlag : minimal time before reset pvp flag (in game cycle)
  • 408 TimeForSetPVPFlag : time before set pvp flag become effective (in game cycle)
  • 409 TimeWithoutPointForSamePVPKill : players will not get any point for the same PvP kill for this time in seconds
  • 410 TotalNbItemsForSale : Total number of items for sale (read-only)
  • 411 TotemBuildTime : Time needed to build a spire (in ticks)
  • 412 TotemRebuildWait : Time to wait to rebuild a spire (in ticks)
  • 413 ToxicCloudDamage : Max ChaScore1 hit by a toxic cloud at ToxicCloudUpdateFrequency
  • 414 ToxicCloudUpdateFrequency : update frequency of toxic cloud damaging (in ticks)
  • 415 TriggerRequestTimout :
  • 416 TwoHandAxeWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for TwoHandAxe (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 417 TwoHandMaceWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for TwoHandMace (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 418 TwoHandSwordWearPerAction : define the 'wear per action' for TwoHandSword (1.0 = -1 HP for each action)
  • 419 UnmountDuration : delay in ticks between unmount order and player really unmounted from creature
  • 420 UpdatePeriodBlind : update period of Blind link spells
  • 421 UpdatePeriodDot : update period of Dot link spells
  • 422 UpdatePeriodFear : update period of Fear link spells
  • 423 UpdatePeriodMadness : update period of Madness link spells
  • 424 UpdatePeriodRoot : update period of Root link spells
  • 425 UpdatePeriodSleep : update period of Sleep link spells
  • 426 UpdatePeriodSlow : update period of Slow link spells
  • 427 UpdatePeriodSnare : update period of Snare link spells
  • 428 UpdatePeriodStun : update period of Stun link spells
  • 429 UseAsyncBSPlayerLoading : Use BS for Asynchrone player loading
  • 430 UseFemaleTitles : Use female titles when character is a female character
  • 431 UseNewNewbieLandStartingPoint : set if create new character start at new noobland or old
  • 432 UseOutpostExploitFix : set true to enable outpost exploit fix
  • 433 UseProxyMoneyForOutpostCosts : If true outpost costs can be paid by player issuing command if guild has not enough money
  • 434 VerboseCDBGroup : Flag to enable or dissable verbose logging in cdb_group.cpp
  • 435 VerboseFactionPoint : set if faction point system is verbose or not
  • 436 VerboseMissions : Logging of mission parsing/event (0/1)
  • 437 VerboseQuartering :
  • 438 VerboseShopParsing : activate verbose mode for shop category parsing
  • 439 VerboseWorldInstance : world instance activity verbose
  • 440 WearMalusCraftFactor : Factor for apply wear penalty to craft
  • 441 WornState 1 : define the 'WornState1' for items (0.2 = 20% of hp)
  • 442 WornState 2 : define the 'WornState2' for items (0.2 = 20% of hp)
  • 443 WornState 3 : define the 'WornState3' for items (0.2 = 20% of hp)
  • 444 WornState 4 : define the 'WornState4' for items (0.2 = 20% of hp)
  • 445 XPTeamMemberDivisorValue : for team XP progression, add this value to the xp divisor for each team member above one
  • 446 convertToPdr : Load all possible characters from xml/bin save format and save to pds format
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fr/commandes_egs.txt · Dernière modification : 2021/12/03 18:19 de

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