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- How to participate and enrich the Khanat encyclopedia @en:wiki
- the most confidential information, use the spoil tag. <Hidden> Like this! </ Hidden> === Categorization of articles === For tags(the categories to which the article belongs), we want you to take a look at of what's in [[en:tag:start|tag]]. In general an article mainly belongs to a category, but it can be related to much more. I
- Encyclopedia of Khanat
- d all living things. \\ <WRAP right align>**[[en:tag:biologie:start|=> Know more]]**</WRAP> </WRAP> <... and territory" on ra. \\ <WRAP right align>**[[en:tag:geographie:start|=> Know more]]**</WRAP> </WRAP> ... associated sciences. \\ <WRAP right align>**[[en:tag:technologie:start|=> Know more]]**</WRAP> </WRAP>... n and social science. \\ <WRAP right align>**[[en:tag:societe:start|=> Know more]]**</WRAP> </WRAP> <W
- Navigation in the encyclopedia @en:tag
- == Navigation in the encyclopedia ====== * [[en:tag:tag|Back to the tag list "fixe"]] * [[en:tag:howto|Construction principles of the section]] ===== The categorization in
- First steps on Khanat
- each place reserves its share of challenges: [[fr:tag:biologie:faune:start|fauna]] not really willing t... s to be explored... All this is only a small [[fr:tag:geographie:territoire:start|insight]]... And if ... eets, and discover thousands of other things [[fr:tag:societe:occupation:start|occupations]]((Even if, ... pending on your encounters and your choices, your destiny finds its place in the Khanat. {{tag>Draft}}
- The Khan of Eons
- y be encountered: * The Secret of Secrets. * The Palace of an thousand doors... {{tag>personnage}}
- The Sacred Language: the Lojban
- nal purity of the language. A permanent work of upgrading is therefore necessary. {{tag>linguistique}}
- Animation: Principles of the tab @en:animation
- the most secret data, remember to use the “spoil” tag, like this: <hidden>This could have been a spoil<
- Biology @en:tag:biologie
- &sort¬ags}} ===== Subcategories ===== ~~NOCACHE~~ <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton > {{tag>um1}}
- Geography @en:tag:geographie
- ~~NOTOC~~ <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton > {{tag>Um1}} ===== Articles ===== {{topic>géographie&n
- Society @en:tag:societe
- sort¬ags}} ===== Sub-Categories ===== ~~NOCACHE~~ <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton > {{tag>Um1}}
- Technology @en:tag:technologie
- r&sort¬ags}} ===== Sub-Category ===== ~~NOCACHE~~ <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton > {{tag>um1}}
- Model: Fauna @en:wiki:modele
- Notes of scientific observations ===== Text and notes of various observations. {{tag>Modèles Faune}}