Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
Pages trouvées :
- _item_3d.dfn
- _item_basics.dfn
- _item_command_ticket.dfn
- _item_crafting_tool.dfn
- _item_equipment_info.dfn
- item_animset.typ
- item_color.typ
- item_crafting_tool.typ
- item_damage_type.typ
- item_family.typ
- item_map.typ
- item_origine.typ
- item_slot_type.typ
- item_type.typ
- The objects(.sitem)
- background_sound_item
- sound_group_item.dfn
Résultats plein texte:
- The shops
- used as a means to be able to sell/buy different items from an NPC, be it an equipe'able item or a teleport pact. Families or certain services(apartment, gui... of "objects"(that are to be sold) follows: <code> item: itarmor.sitem 50 100 Item: itarmor.sitem 100 500 Item: itarmor.sitem 150 1000 Item: itarmor.sitem 200
- _item_basics.dfn
- ====== _item_basics.dfn ====== Located in: ''/DFN/game_elem/_item'' This is the basic section common to virtually all static objects(the .sitem) It is not mandatory to enter information, espec... translations(which are based on the name of the .sitem file). ===== origin ===== // Selection list(based
- Cosmetics
- er the ''cosmetic'' parameter in the [ 'ds:rcdstypitem_family | feature ''family''] in the''basics'' sec... simple object contains the normal sections of a .sitem object, namely ''basics'' and ''3D'' but also pos... ith the following sections: * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_basics | basics (_item_basics.dfn)]]; * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_cosmetics | Cosmetics (_item_cosmetics.
- Armor
- ''armor'' parameter is entered in [[en:ds:rcdstypitem_family | feature ''family '']]. As usual, I pres... n object that contains the normal sections of a .sitem object, namely ''basics'' and ''3D'' plus the sec... ith the following sections: * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_basics | basics(_item_basics.dfn)]]; * [[eh:ds:rcdsdfn_item_armor | armor(_item_armor.dfn)]]; <-- Y
- To file tickets
- o file tickets ====== Filing tickets are special items that allow you to place an order/complaint on th... d ticket'' parameter is entered in [[en:ds:rcdstypitem_family | feature ''family'']]. As usual, I will ... contains only the "normal sections" of a given .sitem object, namely ''basics'' and ''3D''. It is ther... ith the following sections: * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_basics | basics (_item_basics.dfn)]]; * [[en:d
- Consumable items
- ====== Consumable items ====== Consumable items destroys itself when used! They can trigger many effects(usually powers). S... meter in the ''basics'' section in [[en:ds:rcdstypitem_family | feature ''family'']]. [[en:ds:rcdsconso... object contains only the "normal sections" of a .sitem object, namely ''basics'' and ''3D'', plus the se
- The objects(.sitem)
- ====== The objects(.sitem) ====== [[en:ds:rcdsdfnsitem|objects of the type .sitem]] are those that can be used in game for the character to interact with his ... mmodation and services. There are [[en:ds:rcdstypitem_family|families]] to which objects must belong(bu
- The craft tools
- the ''crafting tool'' parameter in [[en:ds:rcdstypitem_family|feature ''family'']]. As usual, the conte... object) contains only the normal sections of a .sitem object, namely ''basics'' and ''3D'' **plus** the... with the following sections: * [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_basics|basics (_item_basics.dfn)]]; * [[en:rcdsdfn_item_crafting_tool|crafting tool (_item_crafting_
- _item_3d.dfn
- ====== _item_3d.dfn ====== Located in: ''/DFN/game_elem/_item'' This is the visual information of the objects to a... ===== // Selection list (based on [[en:ds:rcdstypitem_map|item_map.typ]]) // \\ Example: // Low Quality // Objects sharing the same ".shape" can have several
- item_family.typ
- ====== item_family.typ ====== Located in: ''/DFN/game_elem/_item'' This is a list of the different object familie... |**very big seed**|tbd| VERY_BIG_SEED| |**mission item**|tbd| MISSION_ITEM| |**crystallized spell**|tbd| CRYSTALLIZED_SPELL| |**item sap recharge**|tbd| ITEM_
- _item_crafting_tool.dfn
- ====== _item_crafting_tool.dfn ====== Located in: ''/DFN/game_elem/_item'' Contains information about the tools needed to... ===== // List of choices(based on [[en:ds:rcdstypitem_crafting_tool_type | item_crafting_tool_type.typ]]) | Default: None // \\ Example: // ArmorTool // The
- _item_equipment_info.dfn
- ====== _item_equipment_info.dfn ====== Located in: ''/DFN/game_elem _item'' Contain zone information for equip objects(to ... ===== // Selection list (based on [[en:ds:rcdstypitem_slot_type|item_slot_type.typ]]) // \\ Example: //chest// List of available object slots to place on a
- _item_command_ticket.dfn
- ====== _item_command_ticket.dfn ====== Located in: ''/DFN/game_elem/_item'' This is the section that characterizes objects... 99 999 999// The command that will be passed on "item triggering". ===== Priviledge ===== //Text// \\ ... o run indefinitely? <WRAP center round todo 60%> Characteristic to be tested. </WRAP> {{tag>dfn sitem}}
- item_damage_type.typ
- ====== item_damage_type.typ ====== Located in: ''/DFN/game_elem/_item'' These are the different types of damage that c... ED| |**Piercing**|tbd|PIERCING| |**Slashing**|tbd|SLASHING| |**Blunt**|tbd|BLUNT| {{tag>item typ item}}
- Possible properties of consumables
- rcdsconsumable | consumables]] in [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_item_consumable? &#Property_0 | part Property]]. It's... Settings ^ |**FG_RMFAM_FILT**|tbd|tbd|tbd| |**FG_ITEMPART_FILT**|tbd|tbd|tbd| |**SP_TAUNT**|tbd|tbd|tbd... d| |**TA_UNMOUNT**|tbd|tbd| |**TA_CONSUME**|tbd|tbd| |**NUM_VALUES**|tbd|tbd| {{tag>sitem consumable}}