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Model: Fauna



Zone and Climate
  • (Aerial/Ground/Aquatic/Underground)
  • (Cold/Warm/Dry/Wet)
Known mutations

Referencing the various known subspecies: different morphological characteristics| Pendo of Ashtarie, pendo commun Pendo to mask, known as black pendo, spread in ratmidju Pendorid, pendo demon, mythical creature

Pendo of Ashtarie, common pendo Pendo with mask, called black pendo, scattered in ratmidju Pendorid, pendo demon, creature mythical


This is the “Enumeration” of the diet(of the species) in the form of “URLs” to create links between the pages.

  • Cannibal: “???, are there homins that eat each other?”
  • Carnivore: “Animals eaten…”
  • Herbivore: “grazed plants… ()” * Frugivore: “why not?” * Hominivore: “Animals and vegetables eaten… ()”


Who eats them? What does threaten them?

Reproduction, social life

How does the species multiply? One small or both large? The relationship from studies? Solitary or in a herd, maybe in a pack? What is the relationship between the different sexes?


Is the species hunted? Exploited for agricultural purposes or domesticated for transport?

Notes of scientific observations

text and notes of various observations

The pendo is a social reptilian creature and very familiar with the ra, which he/she does not seem to fear. Despite it's good looks, it's capable of running fast and make high jumps, grabbing it's prey between it's sharp pointed teeth. It communicates with the help of yelping and enjoys the company of man.

Some bands of pendo have ended up settling nearby.. and they live on the remains thrown by the “ra”. They can become aggressive when they are hungry, or when the young have just hatched. Some varieties are still very wild, and it is possible tha(in groups) they feel strong enough to hunt larger prey, So why not the ra? Migrations of large concentrations of individuals have already been observed, which gather around the flocks of herbivores during there great migration. It is then dangerous and unwise to approach it.

Some men claim to have domesticated a pendo, but it seems that this have been done with great difficulties because of only listening to it's own master, which he definitely identifies as a member of his pack.

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en/wiki/modele/faune.1483374985.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:18 (external edit)

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