Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
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Résultats plein texte:
- Text guidelines reference document @en:primitive:mission
- e requirements ===== * Using directly a phrase tag that refers to an existing string in the translated file. <WRAP box 95%> Example: \\ **PHRASE_TAG** \\ There must be a phrase in the translated file with the “PHRASE_TAG” tag. </WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP> For objectives with several items (kill different creatures, forage
- Creating your first article @en:wikitools:redac
- ces using the <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton > tag Listing of sub-categories (tags) using the {{count>+&namespace1:namespace2}} tag Categories of the section filled in with tags with the {{tag>tag1}} tag </file> <WRAP center round help 60%> I’d like to find something better than that… </WRAP> T
- Ryzom Core @en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core
- ====== Ryzom Core ====== {{ :fr:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:ryzom_core.jpg?400 |}} This is the game engine used to create the [[um1>Khanat]] [[en:tag:informatique:mmorpg:start|MMORPG]]. This is a fre... %> <WRAP center align> **Primitives**</WRAP> [[en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:datasheet:primitives:star... ments(like objects, creatures, etc..). \\ \\ [[en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:datasheet:start|>Director
- Welcome to the Khaganat project
- ntertaining universes. \\ <WRAP rightalign>**[[en:tag:association:start|=> Know more]]**</WRAP> </WRAP>... about game conception. \\ <WRAP rightalign>**[[en:tag:gamedesign:start|=> Know more]]**</WRAP> ---- <WR... he website's design... \\ <WRAP rightalign>**[[en:tag:graphisme:start|=> Know more]]**</WRAP> ---- <WRA... very welcome to join!! \\ <WRAP rightalign>**[[en:tag:informatique:start|=> Know more]]**</WRAP> </WRAP
- Portal : Association @en:tag:association
- ns]] * [[en:afk|Vocabulary: the AFK] * [[en:tag:association:credits:start]] * [[en:tag:association:regles:start|Rules]] * [[fr:association:start... is an automatic list of all the items bearing the tag **Association**. </wrap> {{topic>Association&noh... &sort¬ags}} ===== Subcategories ===== ~~NOCACHE~~ <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton > {{tag>tag}}
- Client interface's configuration
- ags **. \\ Possible tags are: * @{F3DF} : Color tag (in hexadecimal, define with 0 to F (0 to 15 maxi... for each RGBA component) * @{T10} : Tabulation tag. The number indicate the minimum separation (in c... nly </code> </WRAP> Options for the cells (<TD> tag)<WRAP prewrap 650px> <code xml> Cells can have a... * [[fr:interface_khanat_client]] pour la partie gameplay {{tag>Client Interface Informatique MMORPG}}
- Development
- medesign or c ++, it's a very long process. [[En:tag:tools:start|Tools]]: Some basic concepts, useful software, general principles to know. [[En:tag:graphic:start|Graphic]]: everything related to gr... an [[en:graphotek|the drawing in general]]. [[In:tag:computer:start|Programming]]: The code, the serve... classify to a certain page, or in wait to find a suitable one. {{Tag> programming game design MMORPG}}
- Wikhan
- **[[fr:developpement|Développement]]** * [[fr:tag:gamedesign:start|Game design]] * [[fr:tag:graphisme:start|Graphismes]] * [[fr:tag:informatique:start|Programmation]] * **[[fr:espace_crea... ue]] * [[fr:sonotheque|Sonothèque]] * [[fr:tag:start|Catégories - Tous les tags]] * **[[fr:fa
- Unified network
- ce }, { "REIR", cbReleaseEntitiesInRanges }, { "TAG_CHG", cbTagChanged }, { "BIDG_CNTR", cbRecvBindi... , cbClientPvpChooseClan }, { "CLIENT:PVP:PVP_TAG", cbClientPvPSetTag }, { "CLIENT:PVP:SET_NEUTRAL_ALLEGIANCE", cbClientPvPSetNeutralAllegiance }... GISTER_AI_EVENT_REPORTS", SABRINA::cbUnregisterServiceAI }, }; </code> </hidden> {{tag>Serveur NEL}}
- MMORPG Game Design @en:gamedesign
- ction, the first one being Khanat. See also [[en:tag:gamedesign:start]] which lists everything related... sign document, and other info currently under the tag [[en:tag:gamedesign:start|gamedesign]]. If you are motivated, have fun! </WRAP> {{tag>gamedesign}}
- Nomenclature guidelines reference document @en:primitive:mission
- gits) > **Example:** \\ R_10_02 ===== Phrase tag ===== During the phrase generation process, the mission name is added in front of the phrase tag with an underscore in between. This part will thus only cover tag nomenclature. Tags are built in three parts: phr... 0_02_ O_KI_BANDITS_1 R_10_02_ M_T2_FORGERON_1 R_10_02_ P_LDF_BRIEF_1 {{tag>primitives ryzom_core}}
- Graphics @en:tag:graphisme
- round 60%> **<fs x-large>Les sources</fs>** [[en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:start|General information... is an automatic list of all the items bearing the tag: **Graphisme** </wrap> ~~NOCACHE~~ <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton> **Articles** {{topic>fr?graphisme&noheader&sort¬ags}} {{tag>tag}}
- Programmation @en:tag:informatique
- ign round> **<fs x-large>The sources</fs>** [[en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:start|General information... is an automatic list of all the items bearing the tag ** Informatique **. </wrap> ~~NOCACHE~~ <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton > **Articles** {{topic>fr?Informatique&noheader&sort¬ags}} {{tag>tag}}
- Shard commands
- :GM:EM| Set a position flag: <flag name>| |setPvPTag|| Set player character PvP tag to true or false| |setSkillsToMaxValue|:DEV:SGM:GM:EM:| Set player sk... Set the url name of a bot | |eventSpawnToxic|:DEV:SGM:GM:EM:| Add toxic cloud | {{tag>utilities}}
- add_compass @en:primitive:mission
- y used by the mission designer. **npc_to_add:** Tag name of the NPC to add. **place_to_add:** Tag name of the place to add. {{tag>primitives ryzom_core}}