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TAG: data

Creation of a new continent This tutorial is one in making, always written/tested/finalized/formatted... The whole tutorial(as of now) is based in an translati…, ,
Gitflow GitFLow is a fairly widespread organization of Git repositories that segregates things properly and therefore collaborates with a large number of peo…,
Mercurial The Ryzom Core Game Server data is hosted on Bitbucket, which uses the Mercurial repository. We currently use the git system via a local Gitlab insta…, ,
Deposits and technical collaboration on Khaganat WIP : For each repository, there is an description(on a dedicated page) and technical information on how it sh…, ,
Ryzom Data Because I find this text quite usefull to start understanding data in ryzom and since I haven't seen it anywhere before finding it by accident I put…, , , , ,
The workflow type of work Work in progress This is an ideal description, the work on each of the deposits may be slightly different in detail even if the prin…, ,
Ryzom Data Parce que je trouve que ce texte est une bonne introduction à la compréhension des donnée dans RyzomCore et que je ne l'ai vu nul part (et aucun lie…, , , , ,
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