Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
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Résultats plein texte:
- pre_requisite
- primitive:mission:start|mission creation]]. This item holder allows to set special conditions that will... to know listed bricks. See [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|item_guidelines]] for the formatting requirements. **require_fame:** List of couples Facti... ach mentioned faction. See [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|item_guidelines]] for the formatting r
- Complex item declaration
- ====== Complex item declaration ====== Rules and information used in [[en:primitive:mission:start|mission creation]]. ===== Item declaration in a string format ===== Some parame... body_count$** </WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP> ===== Item declarations in an array format ===== Some instructions require complex item declaration in an array format like item/quantity
- destroy_item
- ====== destroy_item ====== Function used in [[en:primitive:mission:start|mission creation]]. Action wh... s the items that match the given filters: * The item sheet must match. * The quality must be at leas... tem: * selects first the lowest quality of the item possible. * search in the player inventory (bag... rite in the sys info who destroyed the items. **Item/quantity/quality**: Array containing given item d
- npc_bot
- s that are not offered in shop by default. * **item:** a space separated list of shop item. Items are sheet name without the trailing ‘.item’. * **-item:** a space separated list of shop item that are not offered in shop by default. * **n
- Information regarding missions
- |depositzone]] * [[en:primitive:mission:destroy_item|destroy_item]] * [[en:primitive:mission:do_mission|do_mission]] * [[en:primitive:mission:dyn_answer... n:forage|forage]] * [[en:primitive:mission:give_item|give_item]] * [[en:primitive:mission:give_money|give_money]] * [[en:primitive:mission:group_fauna|g
- depositzone
- ble to specify directly mats codes (without the .sitem, in the "exact_mp_item" table. Thus, for the missions, deposits can be created which contain the specif... deposit is done. For each existing mat sheet m*.sitem: - If the name can be found in the "exact_mp_item" table, select - Else: * if the ecosystem of
- recv_item
- ====== recv_item ====== Function used in [[en:primitive:mission:start|mission creation]]. ===== Proper... ve items to the whole group at the same time. **Item/quantity/quality:** Array containing given item description. See [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|item_guidelines]] for the formatting requiremen
- buy
- al):** Allow to add a description to the step. **Item/quantity/quality:** Array containing the descript... See the [[en:primitive:mission:primitivemissiondocitem_guidelines|complex item declaration]] for the formatting requirements. ===== Default variables ===== npc_name (bot): $npc$ For item number X <WRAP column 30%> Variable name \\ Item_
- craft
- al):** Allow to add a description to the step. **Item/quantity/quality:** Array containing the descript... need to be looted. See the [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|complex item declaration]] for the formatting requirements. ===== Default variables ===== For item number X <WRAP column 30%> Variable name \\ Item_
- forage
- al)**: Allow to add a description to the step. **Item/quantity/quality**: Array containing the descript... at need to be foraged. See [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|item_guidelines]] for the formatting requirements. ===== Default variables ===== For item number X ^ Variable name ^ Formal expression ^ E
- give_item
- ====== give_item ====== Function used in [[en:primitive:mission:start|mission creation]]. Objective: T... al)**: Allow to add a description to the step. **Item/quantity/quality**: Array containing the descript... that need to be sold. See [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|item_guidelines]] for the formatting requirements. ===== Default variables ===== npc_name
- loot
- al)**: Allow to add a description to the step. **Item/quantity/quality**: Array containing the descript... hat need to be looted. See [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|item_guidelines]] for the formatting requirements. ===== Default variables ===== For item number X ^ Variable name ^ Formal expression ^ E
- npc_group
- lias that are not offered in shop by default. * item : a space separated list of shop item. Items are sheet name without the trailing ‘.item’. * -item : a space separated list of shop item that are not offered in shop by default. * -mission
- sell
- l):** Allow to add a description to the step. **Item/quantity/quality:** Array containing the descript... that need to be sold. See [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|item guidelines]] for the formatting requirements. ===== Default variables ===== npc_name (bot): ''$npc$'' For item number X: ^ Variable name ^ Formal expression
- kill
- umber of kills needed. See [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|item_guidelines]] for the formatting requirements. **fauna/quantity**: Creature sheets and ... umber of kills needed. See [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|item_guidelines]] for the formatting requirements. **group**: Group name tag. The player ne