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- Ryzom Core @en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core
- atique:ryzom_core:ryzom_core.jpg?400 |}} This is the game engine used to create the [[um1>Khanat]] [[en:tag:informatique:mmorpg:start|MMORPG]]. This is a f... 3D game client, which is rendered graphically by the "NeL" engine. {{INLINETOC}} ===== Overview of the Ryzom Core system ===== The "Ryzom Core" is based
- Programmation
- P> This is related to computing, with relation to the MMORPG, the Ryzom Core engine or something else. <WRAP center round box 60%> ===== The Ryzom Core game engine ===== We rely on the game engine [[|Ryzom Core]] to cre
- Datasheet @en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:datasheet
- ===== Datasheet ===== The management and manipulation of datasheets is an Ryzom format that allows almo... ame) to be created. <WRAP center round info 60%> The information on the different types will be added as soon as they are documented, which probably will b... item]]** </WRAP> Static .sitem objects are one of the essential types of the datasheet, these allows yo
- The Primitives @en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:datasheet:primitives
- ===== The Primitives ===== The primitive files actually construct the world at the same time as the player travels, and this by using the elements defined in the data sheet