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Ajout d'un titre en jeu

Log du canal #ryzom ( irc.freenode.net ) du 03/06/2013 concernant ce sujet Information concernant le wiki : https://ryzomcore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RC/Adding+In+Game+Titles

<liria> sfb: this morning I have tried to follow the "adding title" wiki. 
<sfb> url?
<liria> but at the step : « Creating the sbrick, which should be located in code/ryzom/common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/game_element/sbrick/title is a pretty trivial matter. »
<liria> I found it not trivial ....
<liria> http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/AddingTitles
<yubo> <http://ln-s.net/-Cva> (at dev.ryzom.com)
<liria> Is there any tutorial on how to create the sbrick ?
<sfb> Total side note
<sfb> Stop using dev.ryzom.com
<sfb> It'll probably completely disappear soon.
<sfb> https://ryzomcore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RC/Adding+In+Game+Titles
<yubo> <http://ln-s.net/-Cvt> (at ryzomcore.atlassian.net)
<sfb> That's the corresponding article in the new documentations ite.
<sfb> Okay, so what is the problem?
<sfb> Oh. You want a title tied to a brick?
<liria> yes
<sfb> Because you're following the article or because you want to? (;
<liria> I am following the article because I want it ! :p
<sfb> liria: I don't think you need to set anything special in the brick
<sfb> It's just using the brick's presence in yoru character as an indicator.
<liria> sfb : do you mean that the sbrick is the  xml struct addd to the unbloc.title from the wiki ? 
<sfb> liria: No.
<sfb> liria: Sorry, too many people at once.
<sfb> liria: unblock says when the title is available to players.
<sfb> liria: You can see in there the atoms you can use to unblock a title.
<sfb> liria: Using bricks are just one way to unblock a title
<sfb> liria: So you don't have to make a new brick, you could use an existing one.
<liria> sfb: I understood this, but latter, what sbrick shoul  the player ton learn ?
<sfb> liria: Typically you're either using a specific sbrick - like lets say you make a brick for a high level acid rain.
<sfb> liria: You could make a special title for those guys who have grinded their way to getting this
<sfb> liria: The "code/ryzom/common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/game_element/title" technique is used for events
<sfb> liria: So you/your GM could give sbricks to players who participated in an event.
<sfb> All you have to do is create a new title, set the FamilyId to BPTEA, give it an icon and call it good
<sfb> You could add some skill/etc requirements.
<sfb> But really just the presence of the brick is enoguh
<liria> thanks sfb.
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