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- Ryzom Core @en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core
- ====== Ryzom Core ====== {{ :fr:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:ryzom_core.jpg?400 |}} This is the game engine used to create the [[um1>Khanat]] [[en:tag:informatique:mmorpg:start|MMORPG]]. This is a fre... %> <WRAP center align> **Primitives**</WRAP> [[en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:datasheet:primitives:star... ments(like objects, creatures, etc..). \\ \\ [[en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:datasheet:start|>Director
- Programmation
- ign round> **<fs x-large>The sources</fs>** [[en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:start|General information... is an automatic list of all the items bearing the tag ** Informatique **. </wrap> ~~NOCACHE~~ <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton > **Articles** {{topic>fr?Informatique&noheader&sort¬ags}} {{tag>tag}}
- The Primitives @en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:datasheet:primitives
- is an automatic list of all the items bearing the tag **primitives**. </wrap> {{topic>fr?primitives&noh... notags}} ===== Subcategories ===== ~~NOCACHE~~ <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton > {{tag>datasheet}}
- MMORPG @en:tag:informatique:mmorpg
- ags}} ===== Subcategories ===== ~~NOCACHE~~ <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton > {{tag>informatique}}
- Datasheet @en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:datasheet
- tags}} ===== Sub-categories ===== ~~NOCACHE~~ <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton > {{tag>Ryzom_core}}
- world_editor @en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:datasheet:world_editor
- iases \\ ===== Subcategories ===== ~~NOCACHE~~ <catlist -noHead -noAddPageButton > {{tag>datasheet}}