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- Ryzom Core @en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core
- ue:ryzom_core:ryzom_core.jpg?400 |}} This is the game engine used to create the [[um1>Khanat]] [[en:tag... :start|MMORPG]]. This is a free engine with an 3D game client, which is rendered graphically by the "NeL... is the standard client(which allows access to the game). * 2: Secondly, an debug client with additional tools for deployment of the game. Configuration files are small(text/xml) files t
- Game Design @en:tag:gamedesign
- ====== Game Design ====== {{ :fr:gamedesign.jpg?direct&450 |Detail of posting on Game Design, CC-BY New Media Consortium}} The big word is d... ts, everything related to the way we conceive the game. Of game players, on how to create a system that'
- Programmation @en:tag:informatique
- <WRAP center round box 60%> ===== The Ryzom Core game engine ===== We rely on the game engine [[|Ryzom Core]] to create our MMORPG. ... l]] * [[en:rediger_quete|Quest writing for the game]] * [[en:trace_d_installation_du_serveur_de_jeu|Game server installation trace]] [[en:informatique|L
- Graphics @en:tag:graphisme
- ]] * [[en:plush|Put a "prehensile plush" in the game]] <-- Does not exist!! * [[en:multitexturing|Mu
- Datasheet @en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:datasheet
- s an Ryzom format that allows almost everything(ingame) to be created. <WRAP center round info 60%> The