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en:concepts_arts [2016/12/26 16:33] – [Concepts arts] Domperssen:concepts_arts [2021/12/03 18:19] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Concepts arts ====== ====== Concepts arts ======
-The art concepts constitute the essential graphic basis of a game project. It is with these drawings that the artistic director define the lines and gives indications to the people who will subsequently have to model, texture, animate ...+The concept arts constitute the essential graphic basis of a game project. It is with these drawings that the artistic director define the lines and gives indications to the people who will subsequently have to model, texture, animate...
 <WRAP box round> <WRAP box round>
 <WRAP center align>**Tutorial video**</WRAP> <WRAP center align>**Tutorial video**</WRAP>
-[[http://www.davidrevoy.com|David Revoy]], This "painter and illustrator" made an excellent tutorial(1h:30 long) video on all the graphics work. Not only did he do it originally for the Blender Foundation, but in addition he merged it all to an 1hour and 30 minutes long video tutorial on Youtube. And especially: __it uses only free tools and is based on__ [[http://www.gimp.org/|Gimp]] and [[http: //al.chemy.org | Alchemy]] for this Tutorial.+[[http://www.davidrevoy.com|David Revoy]], This "painter and illustrator" made an excellent tutorial(1h:30 long) video on all the graphics work. Not only did he do it originally for the Blender Foundation, but in addition he merged it all to an 1hour and 30 minutes long video tutorial on Youtube. And especially: __it uses only free tools and is based on__ [[http://www.gimp.org/|Gimp]] and [[http://al.chemy.org|Alchemy]] for this Tutorial.
 \\ By the way, visit the site or DeviantArt page. He has worked as an art director at the Blender Foundation and you will recognize the art concepts from some of their videos. A talented guy who shares and teaches with as much talent as he draws: \\ By the way, visit the site or DeviantArt page. He has worked as an art director at the Blender Foundation and you will recognize the art concepts from some of their videos. A talented guy who shares and teaches with as much talent as he draws:
 \\ [[http://www.davidrevoy.com]] / [[http://deevad.deviantart.com]] \\ [[http://www.davidrevoy.com]] / [[http://deevad.deviantart.com]]
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 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-===== Banque de concept arts sous licence libre ===== +===== Bank of concept under free license ===== 
-La société Winch Game a libéré récemment tous les dessins qu'ils possédaient à l'origine du jeu [[http://ryzom.com/|Ryzom]], réalisés à l'époque de [[fr:credits_nevrax|Nevrax]]. De quoi découvrir le travail de grands dessinateurs dans un contexte de studio professionnel +The company "Winch Game" has recently released all the drawings that they had at the origin of the game [[http://ryzom.com/|Ryzom]], realized at the time of [[en:credits_nevrax|Nevrax]] . What to discover the work of great designers in a professional studio context
-  * [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/ryzom/sets/72157645935788203/|Album couleur]] +  * [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/ryzom/sets/72157645935788203/|Album color]] 
-  * [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/ryzom/sets/72157645463678069/|Album noir et blanc]]+  * [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/ryzom/sets/72157645463678069/|Black and White Album]]
 {{tag>illustrations}} {{tag>illustrations}}
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en/concepts_arts.1482769980.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:18 (external edit)

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