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Hi All

Just have to give an absolutely massive thanks for this project and the time and effort to make a rational and coherent build chain with resources for the Ryzom core..  I have been working on following the docs as a learning exercise to familiarize myself with the ryzom core for fun and given what is out there the best description I can give is that it is fractured, especially on the server side.
Over the weekend I ended up pulling and comparing three whole repos from various stages of official to piece together a viable build... lol. 
Your docs and git repositories have been awesome.. truly.  The most compete working reference I have had.

I started with trying to replicate the old server VM from scratch using Debian bullseye x64 as a base.. this to run a similarly build client.. and my gods has this been a rabbit hole of cosmic proportions! .. I finally got the server runnable  yesterday.. (not completely mind, but all the binary, config and system pieces in place -  even revived and updated the old Nel server Admin web in the process, ported from the VM I had completely missed all references to it in the repositories ... not knowing where to look .. sigh)   I was working on the AMS today while tracing the client login  when I found your site and repositories today and you have the resources piece of the puzzle I have been pondering as well.. just fantastic.   :D.  Up to there I was basically code diving to try understand what on earth was going on to stitch together an understanding of the layers..  and there are a LOT.  Lol.  Learning through immersion is far more educational... but a functional reference is something really useful to have to avoid beating your head against the proverbial wall.

I am looking forward to getting through this and honestly, finding your work has given me a good kick of confidence that it is possible, as well as details on some of the workings and resources. 
I am really looking forward to working through more of the content you guys have pieced together and hope (one day soon to understand and have a complete chain and setup from scratch)... then to the next fun part!

Dernière édition: 29 Mai 2020 à 00:09:31 par nSigma


You are welcome! It's really nice to see that our resources are useful.

Setting up a Ryzom Core server is something complex; using all its possibilities is a titanic task. It is also very instructive. Beyond the complexity of the code, some libraries that have become obsolete in modern OS make the tutorials quickly obsolete.

As our team is French-speaking, the majority of our resources are in this language. Our motto: better to document anyhow than not to document at all! If you need a resource that hasn't been translated, ask us, we will motivate someone to translate. If you have found a way to improve the documentation, we will be happy to see you writing on the wiki.

And if you have more question, just ask, we'll try to find a answers together !


Thanks for the welcome  ^^  I hope the language barrier is not an issue.. so far google translate has been good to help with viewing the content you have.  I hope that my posts could translate as well into French!

For the most part, much of the complexity I have hit has been with the varying versions and states of repositories and getting familiar with the general project structure.  It is apparent that there was ordered process behind the original build, I very much wish I could see an original setup lol.  There are Makefile references and a great hint in the tools/scripts/linux folder to the original chain.  So much of the work thus far has been trying to form a rational (and scripted) framework .. lol,   as you well said.. titanic task! 
I just got the full chain working and the client logging in to the character creation... after fighting the db and shard unifier over the the TPublicLevel enum naming ul_* vs pl_* in the db enums.. and lastly the ring session entry in the db.  (Again - your site notes were the key  :)) )  The next hurdle was the faction count with the addition of the marauder..  There is just such a tremendous amount to grasp and follow, let alone trace and resolve.  Thankfully the db is quite simple and the code followable.

I've been accumulating a lot of notes and fixes for the rather terrifying construction that is the code base I've been merging and assembling along the way while wrestling with the compiler and deps at times.  I do hope to rationalise the effort into hopefully useful contributions.

I really want to get to understand the concepts of the shard/domain/session... playing with the db session I get the sense that this is effectively the instancing engine.. but what I don't understand yet is how the db configuration eg: shard/domain IDs tie back to the assets and on disk configuration.  Browsing through the files you can see remnants of the original per race starter island configs and holes where I assume the mainland was stripped .. and at other layers where presumably other shard configs would reside.. but what is not apparent yet is the layering for all of this.  It IS there.. I'm sure, lol.  Need to find the key.   :Oo:


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