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Il y a troplong temp que je nais pas practiquer ma fancais, alor pardon moi, je vais erir en anglais.. souete que vous pouver compredre :)

Hi name is Matt, The "dscript guy".
Thank you soo much for using Dscript :)

Sorry, I have been living in China for 8 years now and y french is very out of practice.. especially since chinese took so much to learn.. but with a week back in a french environment im sure I would be right back on the horse :)

I just noticed your project and though I would stop by and offer help if you like. It can take a while to master dscript, and it looks liek you are adapting it to lojban :D awesome :D.. how is it going.. have you redesigned the alphabet?

I do nto want to "intrude".. if someone else is takign creaive lead i will not step on any toes... i would in fact be honored if someone was doing a lojban version of dscript.

anyways, I have plenty of experience wrtitting Dscript artisticaly and have mastered several method of produceing dscript graphics.. if I can lend a hand in any way I woudl lvoe to.


Matthew DeBlock
Dernière édition: 01 Janvier 1970 à 01:00:00 par Guest


Hi Matt

First of all, thanks you for taking the time to inquire about our goals and projects for dscript. One of us took contact with you some time ago, but we had not yet had time to developp all the ideas we have in mind.

As you can see here ( ) we are building a mixed science-fiction/fantasy-medieval universe for the pleasure to write stories, but also as a background for a MMORPG  project.

For now, we use the lojban to name place, but we also plan to use it for some sacred old language writing.
The dscript seem to be the scripting of choice for these texts.
We already used Dscript for some of these texts (but written in French for now, as we don't master lojban enough). You can see here some tablets (in french) : ... so_hyt_sen

As it is an open project, we are always happy to welcome people interested, and sure we would be pleased to have you onboard, as you are the true DScript expert :-)
In future, we plan to include lojban/Dscript texts assets in the MMORPG, to texturize some artefacts, name places etc.
And in fact we would be very interested by some of your resources :
  • the assets (pictures) of your Dscript pdf manual, if possible, to translate it in French (as we are French only for now, and some of us can't speak English) ;
  • If the script generator is open source we would be happy to access to the source code  as we would be interested to developp it :
    • to process longuer texts ;
    • to manage accentued characters like "é è à..."

We are usually on IRC Freenode, channel #khanat (UTC+1) if you want to come and have a chat, but beware that not everybody can speak English if you come :-)

Best regards
YannK and Liria for the Khanat Team
Dernière édition: 01 Janvier 1970 à 01:00:00 par Guest



sorry for the late response, been job hunting recently.

here is the source code and fonts for the generator. it is very basic. You will probably want to do what I did later for the story art and use vectors, but that requires drawing every word individually.

I would be happy to help with some dscript art. just give me some text and I can do it in Dscript :) ill do it many forms so you can choose which you like.

as for the pictures in the manual, most are available on, feel free to copy anything you like. unfortunately the original file for the PDF intro is on another computer so I cant just pull up the original with all the pics right now.

I will gladly help translate, but I doubt I could write good enough french for a clear explaination. If someone else wants to translate i would be happy to proof that it is accurate. I would even post the french version on my dscript sites with credit for translation and likes to your project.

I would love to help, i think the best way for now would be to produce dscript text art that you can use in 3d and graphics..
so.. accepting text requests. Ill send back high quality vecotr graphics :)
Dernière édition: 01 Janvier 1970 à 01:00:00 par Guest


Hi Matt,

Thank you, I hope to have the time this week to study the code generator.
By the way we did not think initially to have the posibility to "calligraphy" texts in dscript by hand. But it's a fantastic perspective.

Dernière édition: 01 Janvier 1970 à 01:00:00 par Guest


Hi Matt,
your proposal of high quality D-Script will be great for assets I am sure. Thanks to you, we have met some lojbanists so we should be able to have more texts to write in holy scripting :)
In the meantime, if you want to have some fun, you could have a look on some of our mobs names on this page : ... aune:start (apart of salamandre, which is not yet the definitive name) and see if some of them inspire you for nice dscript names :-).
Dernière édition: 01 Janvier 1970 à 01:00:00 par Guest

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