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datasheet : “leveldesign/DFN/game_elem/region_list.typ”

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<TYPE Type="String" UI="NonEditableCombo" Default="unknown" Revision="$Revision: 1.1 $" State="modified">
  <DEFINITION Label="unknown" Value="Unknown"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Bounty Bay" Value="Bounty Bay"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Cascading Falls" Value="Cascading Falls"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Cities of Intuition" Value="Cities of Intuition"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Dunes of Exile" Value="Dunes of Exile"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Grove of Umbrae" Value="Grove of Umbrae"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Haven of Purity" Value="Haven of Purity"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Heretics Hovel" Value="Heretics Hovel"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Libertine Lake" Value="Libertine Lake"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Maiden Grove" Value="Maiden Grove"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Majestic Gardens" Value="Majestic Gardens"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Nexus Minor" Value="Nexus Minor"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Oflovaks Oasis" Value="Oflovaks Oasis"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Outlaw Canyon" Value="Outlaw Canyon"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Resting Waters" Value="Resting Waters"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Sawdust Mines" Value="Sawdust Mines"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Droplets" Value="The Droplets"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Fleeting Gardens" Value="The Fleeting Gardens"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Fount" Value="The Fount"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Frahar Towers " Value="The Frahar Towers "/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Grove of Confusion" Value="The Grove of Confusion"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Hidden Source" Value="The Hidden Source"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Imperial Dunes" Value="The Imperial Dunes"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Knolls of Dissent" Value="The Knolls of Dissent"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Knot of Dementia" Value="The Knot of Dementia"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Savage Dunes" Value="The Savage Dunes"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Scorched Corridor" Value="The Scorched Corridor"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Void" Value="The Void"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Upper Bog" Value="Upper Bog"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Under Springs" Value="The Under Springs"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Land of Continuity" Value="The Land of Continuity"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Sunken City" Value="The Sunken City"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Forbidden Depths" Value="Forbidden Depths"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Abyss of Ichor" Value="The Abyss of Ichor"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Windy Gate" Value="Windy Gate"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Elusive Forest" Value="The Elusive Forest"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="Gate of Obscurity" Value="Gate of Obscurity"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Trench of Trials" Value="The Trench of Trials"/>
  <DEFINITION Label="The Isles of Immunity" Value="The Isles of Immunity"/>
  <LOG>Wed Dec 18 16:11:37 2002 (fleury) Type Type = String
Wed Dec 18 16:11:37 2002 (fleury) Type UI = NonEditableCombo
Wed Dec 18 16:12:23 2002 (fleury) Type Predef = 
Wed Dec 18 16:31:26 2002 (fleury) Type Predef = 
Wed Dec 18 16:38:46 2002 (fleury) Type Predef = 
Wed Dec 18 16:38:50 2002 (fleury) Type Default = unknown</LOG>
datasheet/khaganat/leveldesign/dfn/game_elem/region_list.typ.txt · Dernière modification : 2021/12/03 19:18 de