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- Client interface's configuration
- l edition of the interface with graphics tools. <WRAP center round todo 60%> Even it's partially correc... ] --- //[[user:yannk|YannK]] 2016/12/21 23:24// </WRAP> {{INLINETOC}} ===== Interface's command ===== ... rol has a type define by the type="" paramater. <WRAP prewrap 650px> <code xml> <ctrl type="" tooltip="" // contextual help by default tooltip_i18n="
- Examples for the Wrap Plugin @en:wikitools:syntaxe
- ====== Examples for the Wrap Plugin ====== ===== Basic syntax ===== An uppercase **%%<WRAP>%%** (or alternatively **%%<block>%%** or **%%<di... surrounding** paragraphs, lists, tables, etc. <WRAP classes width :language> "big" content </WRAP> or <block classes width :language> "big" co
- Texture tools
- folder containing the .bnp file and doing: * <wrap round safety> Under linux: ''./bnp_make -u filename.bnp'' </wrap> * <wrap round notice> on Windows: ''bnp_make.exe -u filename.bnp'' </wrap> At the moment it is better to work only on .tga
- Welcome to the Khaganat project
- ~~NOTOC~~ <WRAP centeralign> ====== Welcome to the Khaganat project ====== </WRAP> <WRAP center round important 60%> OBS: There may still be guides in need of translation. However, we a... eel totally free to translate you favorite ones.</WRAP> This wiki works as a "guide" into the khaganat
- Deposits and technical collaboration on Khaganat
- and technical collaboration on Khaganat ====== <WRAP center round todo 60%> WIP : For each repository,... the basic procedure of: [[en:workflow_type]]. </WRAP> {{ :fr:safe-913452_640.jpg?direct&300|Safe, pub... heir branch //develop// unless otherwise stated. <WRAP center round important 60%> We use an inspired or... on of [[fr:gitflow|GitFlow]] for our additions. </WRAP> If you are a "neophyte", you can learn the [[[
- The game server database
- meaning to the various values of the database. <WRAP center round todo 60%> This document is in progre... Do not hesitate to help for faster completion!! </WRAP> The layout respects the tree structure in the d... eb_host_php * description === permission === <WRAP center round info 60%> In this table the fields U... foreign keys, but they are not defined as well </WRAP> * PermissionId: Permission ID number * UId:
- Download @en:readonly
- re available on the page: [[en:jouer|To play]]. <WRAP center round important 60%> ==== Information ===... k us out on the forum or on the irc-channels. </WRAP> Short info: We are having some concerns regard... prepared/installed.. prior to its first launch. <WRAP group> <WRAP column 30%> <WRAP center round box 100%> === Linux === <del>[[https://clients.lirria.khaga
- Missions @en:world_editor
- "mission tree" window will open in both cases. <WRAP center round tip 60%> To have sureness of compili... with a huge bunch of primitives for one area!! </WRAP> The Mission property window opens. {{:fr:worl... hat a single player can take it and validate it. <wrap todo> "Group" concerns group quests(to be tested?... ed at the level of the guild(also to be tested) </wrap>. * **auto_remove_from_journal**: <wrap todo> o
- Nel files
- t classes that can be serialized to/from a file. <WRAP center round info 60%> For now only the Classes n... [[user:siela1915|Sit Melai]] 2016/12/18 02:08// </WRAP> ===== Basic Classes/Types ===== To start some... base classes that will be reused a lot: <hidden> <WRAP prewrap 650px> <code> Version - 1 byte number, ver if ver = 0xFF - 4 bytes number, ver Do
- Inheritance in datasheets @en:ds
- ving between 0 and 10 as values. One could have: <WRAP left 40%> <code=xml my_object01> A = 2 B = 3 C = 4 D = 5 </code> </WRAP> <WRAP left 40%> <code=xml my_object02> A = 2 B = 3 C = 4 D = 9 </code> </WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP> One sees that A, B and C are
- Installing the shard
- ryzomcore original]]). <WRAP center round alert 60%> It remains to detail the deployment of AMS (Account Management System) </WRAP> First of all, make sure you have a well-configu... dating information and packages for linux: ==== <WRAP center round tip 60%> To use php7 (7.3) you need ... nsion|Tutorial for mcrypt on php7.3 or php7.2]] </WRAP> <code> sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-u
- Text guidelines reference document @en:primitive:mission
- rs to an existing string in the translated file. <WRAP box 95%> Example: \\ **PHRASE_TAG** \\ There must... the translated file with the “PHRASE_TAG” tag. </WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP> For objectives with several items (kill different creatures, forage different MPs …) the
- Presentation of the original interface of Ryzom Core
- n client en indiquant dans son ''client.cfg'' : <WRAP prewrap 650px> <code> XMLInterfaceFiles = { "config.xml", "widgets.xml", "inventory.xml", "interact... , "encyclopedia.xml", "commands.xml" }; </code> </WRAP> Cela permet de réduire au minimum les fenêtres ... nir les données de jeudu serveur (apparemment). <WRAP center round tip 60%> Voir l'importance de ce fic
- Running the game
- ate. See the Godot page! ** ===== Warning ===== <WRAP center round important 60%> For now, the server i... ssword couple which you've used somewhere else! </WRAP> ===== Download ===== <WRAP group> <WRAP column 30%> <WRAP center round box 100%> === Linux === <del>[[https://clients.lirria.khaga
- The System localization/translation of the Ryzom Core
- ings of text that must follow the constraint of "<wrap hi> the identifier C </ wrap>", with a small difference. An identifier C must contain only the followin... ep, you will have to do this for each language. <WRAP center round tip 80%> To facilitate the translati... oWorld () { Hello [Bonjour le monde!] }</code> </WRAP> In a case like this, the translation system alw