Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
Pages trouvées :
- item_crafting_tool.typ
- The workflow type of work
- _add_valid_target_type.dfn
- _ai_static_type.dfn
- _ai_type_def.dfn
- _ai_creature_type.typ
- _ai_type.typ
- _brick_energy_type.typ
- _brick_type.typ
- _classification_types.typ
- _suffix_type.typ
- edit.typ
- item_crafting_tool.typ
- item_damage_type.typ
- item_slot_type.typ
- item_type.typ
- Type of MP according to artisanal use
- _type.typ
Résultats plein texte:
- Client interface's configuration
- Note:** Local localisation's identifier of string type (reference to an //id// from [[gitlab>khaganat/kh... ation/work/wk.uxt|wk.uxt]] for exemple). The grid type of the localisation identifier is //integrate//. ... resize it| ===== VIEWS ===== A //VIEW// have a type which is define by the ''type=""'' parameter. All the //VIEWS// share this parameters : ^ Element ^
- XML syntax of the patch server!
- <_Category> <_Name type="STRING" value="khanat_lirria"/> <_IsOptional type="SINT32" value="0"/> <_UnpackTo type="STRING" value="./unpack/"/> <_IsIncremental type="SINT32" value="1"/> <_Fi
- Datasheets
- > </code> The first thing to indicate is the file type: <code xml> <?xml version="1.0"?> </code> Then, i... definition(and therefore all the definitions and types it contains) before running this data form. \\ S... king at how to define Definitions(.dfn files) and Types(.typ files). ===== The two basic types: .typ and .dfn ===== There are two basic types: .typ (type) an
- Hardcoded information
- _nature.h: nature of possible actions; * animal_type.h: Types of animals; * animal_orders.cpp & animal_orders.h: Orders for animals; * armor_type.cpp & armor_type.h: armor types * bg_downloader.cpp & bg_downloader.h:? Download wallpapers? * body
- _classification_types.typ @en:ds
- ====== _classification_types.typ ====== Located in: ''/DFN/game_elem'' This is the list of different creature types: ^ * **Unknown** : Valeur="Unknown" * **TypeAll** : Valeur="TypeAll" * **TypeHumanoid** : Valeur="TypeHumanoid" * **TypeHomin** : Valeur="TypeHo
- The System localization/translation of the Ryzom Core
- }} As you can see in the diagram, there are four types of files that operate the location-system. Each ... ‘score’ | ‘sphrase’ | ‘characteristic’ | ‘damage_type’ | ‘literal’ clauseList : clauseList clause | cl... point of view from the translator ===== ==== File types of "* .uxt" in the client ==== These files conta... parameters. These parameters can be of different types: * item, //(object)// * place, //(emplacemen
- Nel files
- ] 2016/12/18 02:08// </WRAP> ===== Basic Classes/Types ===== To start some base classes that will be ... n ===== And finally the documentation of all the types. In the list above you see which classes are doc... pty 0 to NumValue (16), i - 1 byte number, Type[i] - 4 bytes number, Number Vertices ... NumValue (16), i - Flags bit i set - Type[i] equal 0 - Double - Type[i]
- _item_basics.dfn @en:ds
- to see what should be specified depending on the type of object being created. ===== name ===== //Stri... == // Selection list(based on [[en:ds:rcdstypitem_type|item_type.typ]]) // \\ Example: //Magician Staff// The specific type of object in question. This is apparently an esse
- Ryzom Core Game Client Commands
- e | set the defense mode to dodge | <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)> | | parry | set the defense mode to parry | <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)> | | respawnAfterDeath | respawnAfterDe... alid (validated by PC and usable) | <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)><Respawn idx> | | resurrected | Another... esurrect PC by giving some energy | <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)><Hp gived><Sta gived><Sap gived><Focus
- Installing a patch server
- - xdelta The installation is quite easy, just type the following: <code bash> ~/$ sudo aptitude inst... xml> <xml> <_Categories> <_Category> <_Name type="STRING" value="khanat_lirria"/> <_IsOptional type="SINT32" value="0"/> <_UnpackTo type="STRING" value="./user/"/> <_IsIncremental type="SINT32" val
- _brick_basics.dfn @en:ds
- ection list(based on [[en:ds:rcdstyp_brick_energy_type|_brick_energy_type.typ]]) // <ELEMENT Name = "Cost" Type = "Type" Filename = "formulae.typ" Default = "0.1 *" HP Default " ===== Difficulty ===== //Whole numb
- _brick_client.dfn @en:ds
- filename.typ]] <ELEMENT Name="IconBackColor" Type="Type" Filename="color.typ" Default="255,255,255"/> <ELEMENT Name="IconColor" Type="Type" Filename="color.typ" Default="255,255,255"/> <ELEMENT Name="IconOverColor" Type="Type" Filenam
- Added fishing activity
- temType" Value="Generic"/> <ATOM Name="sack_type" Value="1"/> <STRUCT Name="EquipmentInfo"> ... <STRUCT Name="crafting tool"> <ATOM Name="type" Value="Sharpener"/> </STRUCT> <STRUCT Na... ot;*3.536918"/> </STRUCT> <ATOM Name="type" Value="predator"/> </STRUCT> <STRUCT Nam... ry" Value="light"/> <ARRAY Name="protection type"> <ATOM Name="slashing" Value="Slashing"/
- Presentation of the original interface of Ryzom Core
- correct Bar Management on client --> type="I7" /> <leaf name="BULK_MAX" type="I32" /> </code> Pour avoir le paramètre de BULK_... e aucun élément //GROUP//. On y trouve le ''View type="pointer"'' ligne 2101 qui définit l'image de sou... -- * POINTER * --> <!-- *********** --> <view type="pointer" id="cursor" x="1"
- The shops @en:ds
- iled information ===== We can simply indicate the type of shop by three choices: STATIC_SHOP, DYNAMIC_SHOP or STATIC_DYNAMIC_SHOP ([[#type_de_la_boutique|see below]]), then the list of "ob... * Karavan * Tribe * Refugee ==== Tools ==== Types of tools: * CRAFTING_TOOL * HARVEST_TOOL * TAMING_TOOL * TRAINING_TOOL ==== Type of shop ==== Type of shop: * STATIC_SHOP, Sell