Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
Pages trouvées :
- _add_valid_target_type.dfn
- _ai_static_type.dfn
- _ai_type_def.dfn
- _ai_creature_type.typ
- _ai_type.typ
- _brick_energy_type.typ
- _brick_type.typ
- _classification_types.typ
- _suffix_type.typ
- edit.typ
- item_crafting_tool.typ
- item_damage_type.typ
- item_slot_type.typ
- item_type.typ
- Type of MP according to artisanal use
- _type.typ
Résultats plein texte:
- _item_basics.dfn
- to see what should be specified depending on the type of object being created. ===== name ===== //Stri... h it belongs. This explains it's usage. ===== ItemType ===== // Selection list(based on [[en:ds:rcdstypitem_type|item_type.typ]]) // \\ Example: //Magician Staff// The specific type of object in question. This is ap
- _brick_basics.dfn
- mily|_position_in_family.typ]]) // ===== EnergyType ===== // Selection list(based on [[en:ds:rcdstyp_brick_energy_type|_brick_energy_type.typ]]) // <ELEMENT Name = "Cost" Type = "Type" Filename = "formulae.typ" Default = "0.1 *" HP Defaul
- _brick_client.dfn
- filename.typ]] <ELEMENT Name="IconBackColor" Type="Type" Filename="color.typ" Default="255,255,255"/> <ELEMENT Name="IconColor" Type="Type" Filename="color.typ" Default="255,255,255"/> <ELEMENT Name="IconOverColor" Type="Type" Filenam
- sound.dfn @en:ds:sound
- the client without having it defined by the file type: XXX.sound. ===== Definition of the type of sound ===== The first line in a DFN is defined as follows: '' <ELEMENT Name = "SoundType" Type = "DfnPointer" /> '' This means that we must indicate(in our datasheet) what type of sound that'
- _ai_type_def.dfn
- ====== _ai_type_def.dfn ====== Located in: ''DFN/game_elem/_ai'' <WRAP center round tip 60%> Document ... ally by script, please document it </WRAP> ===== Type ===== // Selection list(based on [[en:ds:rcdstyp_ai_type|_ai_type.typ]]) | Default = sint32 // <ELEMENT Name="Value" Type="Type" Filename="string.typ" Defa
- simple_sound.dfn @en:ds:sound
- filename.typ]] <ELEMENT Name="MinDistance" Type="Type" Filename="distance.typ" Default="1.0" /> <ELEMENT Name="MaxDistance" Type="Type" Filename="distance.typ" Default="15.0" /> <ELEMENT Name="Alpha" Type="Type" Filename="alpha.t
- stream_file_sound.dfn @en:ds:sound
- cument it </WRAP> <ELEMENT Name="MinDistance" Type="Type" Filename="distance.typ" Default="1.0"/> <ELEMENT Name="MaxDistance" Type="Type" Filename="distance.typ" Default="15.0"/> <ELEMENT Name="Alpha" Type="Type" Filename="alpha.ty
- stream_sound.dfn @en:ds:sound
- ocument it </WRAP> <ELEMENT Name="MinDistance" Type="Type" Filename="distance.typ" Default="1.0"/> <ELEMENT Name="MaxDistance" Type="Type" Filename="distance.typ" Default="15.0"/> <ELEMENT Name="Alpha" Type="Type" Filename="alpha.typ
- The craft tools
- le of a complete datasheet for a creature of this type: <code=xml armortool01.sitem> <?xml version="1.0"... ly" Value="crafting tool"/> <ATOM Name="ItemType" Value="ArmorTool"/> <ATOM Name="Drop or Se... <STRUCT Name="crafting tool"> <ATOM Name="type" Value="ArmorTool"/> </STRUCT> <STRUCT Na... played in the client. For objects, it's the filetype ''item_words_XX.txt'' (XX denoting the ISO code o
- The shops
- iled information ===== We can simply indicate the type of shop by three choices: STATIC_SHOP, DYNAMIC_SHOP or STATIC_DYNAMIC_SHOP ([[#type_de_la_boutique|see below]]), then the list of "ob... EST_TOOL * TAMING_TOOL * TRAINING_TOOL ==== Type of shop ==== Type of shop: * STATIC_SHOP, Sell NPC items only * DYNAMIC_SHOP, Resends player obje
- Consumable items
- example of a "complete datasheet" for this object type: <code=xml speedegg01.sitem> <?xml version="1.0"?... "> <STRUCT> <COMMENTS>Egg accelerating this type:</COMMENTS> <STRUCT Name="basics"> <ATO... mable'' characteristic, in addition to the family type. <WRAP center round todo 60%> We should test to ... y be able to dislplay them. For objects, the file type is: ''item_words_XX.txt'' (XX denoting the ISO co
- Cosmetics
- "family" Value="cosmetic"/> <ATOM Name="ItemType" Value="Tatoo Female"/> <ATOM Name="Saleabl... "family" Value="cosmetic"/> <ATOM Name="ItemType" Value="HairMale"/> <ATOM Name="Price" Valu... "family" Value="cosmetic"/> <ATOM Name="ItemType" Value="HairColorFemale"/> <ATOM Name="Pric... to display the objects. For objects, it's file type is: ''item_words_XX.txt'' (XX denoting the ISO c
- _ai_creature_elem.dfn
- lection list(based on [[en:ds:rcdstyp_ai_creature_type|_ai_creature_type.typ]]) // ===== Quantity ===== //Whole number // \\ Example: // 1 // \\ Based on ... Class ===== // Selection list(based on [[en:ds:rcdstyp_ai_creature_type|_ai_creature_type.typ]]) //
- _ai_creature_spawn.dfn
- Based on [[en:ds:rcdstypfloat|float.typ]] ===== Type ===== //File name// \\ Example: //my_file.ext/ \\... lection list(based on [[en:ds:rcdstyp_ai_creature_type|_ai_creature_type.typ]]) // ===== Name ===== // String // \\ Example: //machainedecaracteres// \\ Ba... on [[en:ds:rcdstypstring|string.typ]] ===== UserType ===== // Selection list(based on [[en:ds:rcdstypg
- _ai_manager_param.dfn
- ng|string.typ]] <ELEMENT Name = "SpawnName" Type = "Type" Filename = "string.typ" Array = "true" /> ===== Creature ===== // Subset of characteristics(ba... f characteristics(based on [[en:ds:rcdsdfn_ai_static_type|_ai_static_type.dfn]] - Array values ARRAY) //