Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
Résultats plein texte:
- depositzone
- art|mission creation]]. ===== Constraints ===== The "ecotypezone" primitives set where ar located the terrains corresponding to the ecosystems. For example, at the north-west of the Matis territory there's an ecotype of the Desert typ
- npc_group_parameters
- rp_parameters :** This is a set of parameters for the group. This is a list of « keywords : parameters ... _attackable * player_attackable : Indicate that the player can attack the npcs of the goups, bots also suffer area effect of player weapon. No parameters. * bot_attackable :
- npc_bot
- Properties ===== **chat_parameters:** Describe the reference chat for the bot. Chat is specified with a series of keywords followed by a colon then by pa... ated list of shop category or alias as defined in the file [[ en:rcprimitiveshop#product_codes|shop_cat... d list of shop item. Items are sheet name without the trailing ‘.item’. * **-item:** a space separat
- npc_group
- h ‘bot_’ are field that are default value for all the bots in the group. In certain case, they can be replaced or merged in the bot definition. **autoSpawn :** if checked, the bots of the group are automatically spawn when the g
- user_model
- y, a user_model is a script in which you describe the properties of the npc and their values. The user_models are loaded and unloaded along with the primitive which contains them. If the model contain
- mission_tree
- ission framework containing a variable folder and the mission step arborescence. Generic mission param... oint. ===== Properties ===== **name**: name of the mission, will be used as name base for all texts produced for the mission. See [[en:primitive:mission:rite_nomencla... tags for rites. **audience**: Indicates whether the mission is designed for a single player, a group
- group_fauna
- n creation]]. ===== Properties ===== **name** : the symbolic name for the fauna group. Used only for level designer readability. **autoSpawn** : if checked, the fauna creatures are automatically spawned when the group is spawn. Otherwise, there must be a state ma
- pre_requisite
- allows to set special conditions that will allow the player to select the mission. If he doesn’t meet the requirements the mission isn’t available for the player (icon is disabled in the task giver menu). *
- Text guidelines reference document
- a phrase tag that refers to an existing string in the translated file. <WRAP box 95%> Example: \\ **PHRASE_TAG** \\ There must be a phrase in the translated file with the “PHRASE_TAG” tag. </WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP> For objectives with several it... kill different creatures, forage different MPs …) the nomenclature would be the following: <WRAP box 95
- linear_dyn_chat_continue
- dyn_chat that allows only one “I agree” answer to the player. If the linear_dyn_chat_continue is timed out, it executes the next step of the branch. This is designed for the situations where a player can move away from the giv
- teleport_destination
- st be one destination per room in a building, but the system automatically declines them by player and ... d” ===== Properties ===== **name :** name of the destination. 2 destination CANNOT SHARE THE SAME NAME. **type :** * **Uninstanciated** : this is a standard teleportation : the destination is unique and not shared between ins
- linear_dyn_chat_retry
- dyn_chat that allows only one “I agree” answer to the player. If the linear_dyn_chat_retry is timed out, the script executes a jump_to the previous talk_to instruction. This is designed for the debriefing situat
- Script organization reference document
- creation]]. ===== Mission script elements ===== The mission script is based on a linear execution of ... sed when a script will use several occurrences of the same element. That greatly helps in case one wants to modify the value of this element without having to find any of its occurrences in the script. \\ Variables are [[en:primitive:mission:v
- destroy_item
- :start|mission creation]]. Action which destroys the items that match the given filters: * The item sheet must match. * The quality must be at least the one wanted. * At max quantity of the ite
- linear_dyn_chat_fail
- dyn_chat that allows only one “I agree” answer to the player. If the linear_dyn_chat_fail is timed out, it executes a fail action. This is designed for the briefing situations at the beginning of a mission, where a player can move away from the giver or just