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- Texture tools
- er containing the .bnp file and doing: * <wrap round safety> Under linux: ''./bnp_make -u filename.bnp'' </wrap> * <wrap round notice> on Windows: ''bnp_make.exe -u ol package. To unpack all bnp at once: * <wrap round safety>''for i in /working directory/*.bnp ; do ./bnp_make -u $i ; done''</wrap> * <wrap round notice>''for %i in (*bnp) do bnp_make.exe -u %i''
- Examples for the Wrap Plugin @en:wikitools:syntaxe
- ents to spans. ==== Boxes and Notes ==== <WRAP round box 570px center> //**__round box 570px center__**// * ''box'' creates a box around the container and... 'safety'' use safety colours (and no icons) * ''round'' can be added to anything with a background colo... **Alert**// <WRAP alert></WRAP> </WRAP> <WRAP round help 220px left> //**Help**// <WRAP round help>
- Deposits and technical collaboration on Khaganat
- al collaboration on Khaganat ====== <WRAP center round todo 60%> WIP : For each repository, there is an ... //develop// unless otherwise stated. <WRAP center round important 60%> We use an inspired organization of... be created!! ===== Deposits ===== <WRAP center round box 60%> <WRAP center align>**Adminsys**</WRAP> </WRAP> <WRAP left round box 46%> <WRAP center align>**Khanat code**</WRAP
- Download @en:readonly
- on the page: [[en:jouer|To play]]. <WRAP center round important 60%> ==== Information ==== For the ti... unch. <WRAP group> <WRAP column 30%> <WRAP center round box 100%> === Linux === <del>[[ </WRAP> </WRAP> <WRAP column 30%> <WRAP center round box 100%> === Windows === <del>[[https://clients.... ] </WRAP> </WRAP> <WRAP column 30%> <WRAP center round box 100%> === Mac === [[
- The System localization/translation of the Ryzom Core
- have to do this for each language. <WRAP center round tip 80%> To facilitate the translation work, it i... ion of this file for each language. <WRAP center round important 60%> NB: The first column **MUST** alwa... when there are pending diff files. <WRAP center round important 60%> It is strongly recommended that yo... s that describe the parameter list. <WRAP center round important 60%> By default it seems that the syste
- Installing the shard
- et/wiki/page ryzomcore original]]). <WRAP center round alert 60%> It remains to detail the deployment of... mation and packages for linux: ==== <WRAP center round tip 60%> To use php7 (7.3) you need to manually i... LES=OFF -DWITH_SOUND=OFF .. </code> <WRAP center round tip 90%> Note that the server must be compiled wi... ets ==== ===Compiler sheet_id.bin=== <WRAP center round important 60%> These steps(recompiling the datash
- Welcome to the Khaganat project
- the Khaganat project ====== </WRAP> <WRAP center round important 60%> OBS: There may still be guides in ... Share Alike 3.0]]. <WRAP centeralign><wrap info round 50%>If you are lost, the [[en:1erpas|introduction... help.</wrap></WRAP> <WRAP centeralign><wrap info round 50%>If you are very lost, do not hesitate to cont... ]] to ask any questions.</wrap></WRAP> <WRAP box round center 75%> <WRAP centeralign>//**The association
- Creating an object icon
- l'image tga ( normalement 1024 ) # function that rounds a number to the closest integer sub round { $_[0] > 0 ? int($_[0] + .5) : -int(-$_[0] + .5) } # open... élément de la ligne, nom de l'icone my $x1 = round($array[1]*$w); # coin supérieur gauche ( x ) my $y1 = round($array[2]*$h); # coin supérieur gauche ( y )
- Https and SSL certificates
- == Https and SSL certificates ====== <WRAP center round todo 60%> This article is a "draft form" and cont... ling a self-signed certificate ===== <WRAP center round important 60%> A self-signed certificate will gen... encrypt Sudo ./certbot-auto </code> <WRAP center round tip 90%> To renew everything automatically(withou... 3DES !MD5 !EXP !PSK !SRP !DSS !RC4" <WRAP center round help 60%> To be tested, new proposal is: ALL:!a
- Game server installation trace
- =OFF ..) Still on test development. <WRAP center round tip 60%> To have the debug symbols for gdb, think... adding: -DWITH_SYMBOLS=ON </WRAP> <WRAP center round important 60%> I found the line cmake of Liria fo... S=OFF -DWITH_LUA51=OFF .. it goes! <WRAP center round important 60%> Ma VM a été compilée avec les opti... copy them in its client(see below). <WRAP center round important 100%> Attention: it will be necessary t
- _item_basics.dfn @en:ds
- l allow access to the new inventory. <WRAP center round important 60%> The default file does not exist an... manufacturing plan for this object. <WRAP center round todo 60%> When this section is filled in, then ch... ault = false // \\ Example: //True// <WRAP center round important 60%> No information about this feature... Unknown // \\ Example: //TypeKami// <WRAP center round tip 70%> Effects to be tested!! This combines wit
- Creation of a new continent
- = Creation of a new continent ====== <WRAP center round important 60%> This tutorial is one in making, a... /code> Save the file and close it. <WRAP center round todo 60%> The links in this file are absolute, an... "LIGO bricks". - Save the project. <WRAP center round tip 60%> It is "NOT" a must to place the card at ... :\Database\Landscape\ligo\jungle\'') <WRAP center round todo 60%> Again, all this done in mind of the Win
- Installing a patch server
- n place for the connecting clients. <WRAP center round info 90%> Let's assume the identity of home-user(... irectory: '' /user '' to do tests. <WRAP center round info 90%> Now you need to(if you haven't done so ... ==== Creating the first patch ==== <WRAP center round info 90%> OBS: From here on, we assume that you a..."; </code> <WRAP center round tip 90%> OBS: It is now ''PatchUrl'' and NOT ''Pa
- Running the game
- Godot page! ** ===== Warning ===== <WRAP center round important 60%> For now, the server is in pre-alph... ==== <WRAP group> <WRAP column 30%> <WRAP center round box 100%> === Linux === <del>[[ </WRAP> </WRAP> <WRAP column 30%> <WRAP center round box 100%> === Windows === [[https://clients.lirri... ] </WRAP> </WRAP> <WRAP column 30%> <WRAP center round box 100%> === Mac === [[
- r "root". Be sure to write it down! <WRAP center round info 60%> You can ofcourse install Mysql instead ... hown -R www-data: www-data /var/www <WRAP center round info 90%> Alternative method: To add the lambda ... into account for the current user. <WRAP center round important 60%> It's better to let the www-data gr... nch Apache for this to take effect. <WRAP center round important 60%> Having a login other than "root" w