Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
Pages trouvées :
Résultats plein texte:
- _absorb_score.dfn
- ====== _absorb_score.dfn ====== Located in: ''DFN/game_elem/_brick/functionalities'' <WRAP center rou... cript, please document it! </WRAP> ===== Resist Score ===== // Selection list(based on [[en:ds:rcdstyp_scores|_scores.typ]]) // ===== Absorb Ratio ===== // Number with comma | Default = 0 // \\ Example: //1.0/
- Inheritance in datasheets
- card.. by doing it like this: * Put an underscore "_" at the beginning of parents' names to make th... e up first in a directory listing; * Use underscores "_" for name fields, like for example the code s
- character_characteristics.typ
- **|tbd|WalkSpeed| |**RunSpeed**|tbd|RunSpeed| |**Scores physiques**|tbd|Scores physiques| |**BaseHitPoints**|tbd|BaseHitPoints| |**MaxHitPoints**|tbd|MaxHitPo
- Translate the game
- ranslation_tools merge_words_diff </code> {{tag>traduction Ryzom_Core Serveur Client Tutoriel}}
- Possible properties of consumables
- HARGE**|tbd|tbd| |**CHARAC_UPGRADE**|tbd|tbd| |**SCORE_UPGRADE**|tbd|tbd| |**TA_TELEPORT**|tbd|tbd| |**T
- _ai_init_var_value.dfn
- "Type" Filename = "string.typ" Default = "Basics.Scores" /> ===== VarName ===== // Selection list(based
- _scores.typ
- ====== _scores.typ ====== Located in: ''DFN/game_elem/_role'' <WRAP center round tip 60%> Document gen
- The shops
- tor), so an npc_bot in the [[:tag:computers:ryzom_core:datasheet:Primitives:start|primitive]] <-- Needs
- Datasheets for Sound Management @en:ds:sound
- The basic datasheet type is, of course: [[en:ds:sound:rcdsdfnsound]] {{tag>datasheet Ryzom_core sound}}