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en:start [2017/01/02 12:22] – [Classification] Domperssen:start [2021/12/03 18:18] (current) – external edit
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 <WRAP round info 400px center> <WRAP round info 400px center>
-For more information(and before strolling "on" in our shelves)we suggest you go for a walk in the office of [[admin|Librarian]] and we hope you even may consider reading the [[Rules]]. <-- Does not exist!!+For more information(and before strolling "on" in our shelves)we suggest you go for a walk in the office of [[admin|Librarian]] and we hope you even may consider reading the [[en:regles|Rules]].
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 18: Line 18:
 The [[en:oeuvres:start|Artworks]] section lists scattered work and it is particularly useful for collective works. Each piece is the property of its author but the "whole" can be read from a "draft" as well. The [[en:oeuvres:start|Artworks]] section lists scattered work and it is particularly useful for collective works. Each piece is the property of its author but the "whole" can be read from a "draft" as well.
-[[en:lieu:start|Places]] let's you know the way to different artworks in Khanat. (It 's especially useful in-game).+[[en:lieu:start|Places]] let's you know the way to different "work's" in Khanat. (It 's especially useful in-game).
 You only need to put links(or include) to the author pages, Like: "Original work here!". You only need to put links(or include) to the author pages, Like: "Original work here!".
 ===== Visitors ===== ===== Visitors =====
 Visitors have the possibility to leave annotations in the guestbook of it's own section((The discussion page of each article.)). Visitors have the possibility to leave annotations in the guestbook of it's own section((The discussion page of each article.)).
-===== Useing the books on the shelf =====+===== Using the books on the shelf =====
 Unlike other wikis of Khaganat(license: [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.fr|CC-BY-SA]] attributed to Khaganat), the Mediateki license remains.. but paternity is attributed to the authors of the work. The latter are there for the person to be credited, and to contact if you may want modification of the license. Unlike other wikis of Khaganat(license: [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.fr|CC-BY-SA]] attributed to Khaganat), the Mediateki license remains.. but paternity is attributed to the authors of the work. The latter are there for the person to be credited, and to contact if you may want modification of the license.
CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Driven by DokuWiki
en/start.1483359770.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:18 (external edit)

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