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College of Correctors

Maybe correcting texts is a passion of yours? You dream of reorganizing vast quantities of knowledge? Then subscribe to the “Correctors College” and join the elite!

If you would like to participate as much as possible in the “Mediateki”, then send a message to the Librarian so you may be added to the list of official editors. You will be able to act on all the open texts as well as on the sections whose authors have decided to trust the College.

List of correctors

  • Khagool, corrector armed with a wooden ruler graduated in logarithmic scale, and a sharp feather.
  • Lyne, intractable with shells and grammatical approximations.
  • Zatalyz, by the way.
  • Zakkk, chases off faulty agreements.
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en/college_correcteur.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 18:18 by

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