Hi All
Just have to give an absolutely massive thanks for this project and the time and effort to make a rational and coherent build chain with resources for the Ryzom core.. I have been working on following the docs as a learning exercise to familiarize myself with the ryzom core for fun and given what is out there the best description I can give is that it is fractured, especially on the server side.
Over the weekend I ended up pulling and comparing three whole repos from various stages of official to piece together a viable build... lol.
Your docs and git repositories have been awesome.. truly. The most compete working reference I have had.
I started with trying to replicate the old server VM from scratch using Debian bullseye x64 as a base.. this to run a similarly build client.. and my gods has this been a rabbit hole of cosmic proportions! .. I finally got the server runnable yesterday.. (not completely mind, but all the binary, config and system pieces in place - even revived and updated the old Nel server Admin web in the process, ported from the VM I had completely missed all references to it in the repositories ... not knowing where to look .. sigh) I was working on the AMS today while tracing the client login when I found your site and repositories today and you have the resources piece of the puzzle I have been pondering as well.. just fantastic.

. Up to there I was basically code diving to try understand what on earth was going on to stitch together an understanding of the layers.. and there are a LOT. Lol. Learning through immersion is far more educational... but a functional reference is something really useful to have to avoid beating your head against the proverbial wall.
I am looking forward to getting through this and honestly, finding your work has given me a good kick of confidence that it is possible, as well as details on some of the workings and resources.
I am really looking forward to working through more of the content you guys have pieced together and hope (one day soon to understand and have a complete chain and setup from scratch)... then to the next fun part!