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Welcome !


For the most part we're French speakers so generally what we do is done in French, don't be surprised that links will lead you to pages written in French.

But feel reassured: we also speak English (more or less), and we'll do our best to translate everything you need into English if you ask for it. Some of us speak other languages too like German, don't hesitate to ask if anyone knows your language too. In all cases any of us know how to use an automatic translator.

You can speak in your favorite language on our XMPP channels but ... because we are a lot of french people, obviously we're chatting in our language.  Don't worry if you're asking for we can open a new channel in your language to stay in touch with us.

This forum also allows you to speak with us without any account, only pick a nickname en enjoy. We read everything, and we always try to answer as best as de can!

Please, prefer a language where you are the most comfortable with. Today, even if it's possible to understand a lot of languages with automatic translation tool, human always thinks better in their natural languages.

Welcome everyone !

Edit : Thanks to Klu and GPSqueeek to correct me ;)
Dernière édition: 26 Septembre 2019 à 20:45:12 par Zatalyz


Hello, thanks for your message!

I guess for the gitlab account it's easiest to coordinate on XMPP if you have to open the registrations manually? Around what time of day could i reach someone on XMPP that can open them?


I open now and leave open 24 hours. With a little luck, Gitlab filters work better on the latest versions. Otherwise, a spam day to clean up will not be that long (I hope!). So you can register you.

There's usually someone on XMPP between 9:00 and midnight (french timezone ; UTC = 7h / 22h if I don't mistake). Not sure if admin are here at this hour, but it's probable.

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