Table des matières


Talk with us on XMPP

Our rooms

You can join us on

These rooms are logged and the logs are freely accessible, as for IRC in the past, for 7 days. As a bonus, when logging in, you'll get the last messages1), which allows to keep up with the current talk.

You just have to click on the above links to join a webchat: it runs in your browser, no need for a software or registration, just choose a nickname before talking.

Throught a webchat

A webchat is nice, because it's simple.

You just have to click here, enter a nickname, and here you go!


Installing a client

A heavy client may be useful. But it's not as true as with IRC.

With XMPP, there are several interesting features, especially the ability to log in from various clients with the same account… hence following a talk from your PC, then your smartphone, then your browser, but still keeping the whole talk in history and receiving the messages sent to you while changing from one device to another. Incredible, isn't it ?

Depending on what you prefer and your devices, there is a tremendous choice of clients. We can propose you three picks to start: webchat, Gajim (desktop client), and if you prefer to use a console to access chats, Poezio. For anything else, let's join JabberFR, that's where you'll find the best french documentation2).

It's better to create an XMPP account to use these clients: the anonymous authentication is working more or less with them. The process is described in the article about Gajim.

How to start with Gajim(fr)? Follow the instructions in the dedicated guide(fr)! How to start with Poezio(fr)? Follow the other guide!

Feedback by our members

You'll find a list of XMPP clients here.


We have no feedback from Mac users, we're waiting for yours!

Anonymously or with an account ?

You can anonymously use XMPP without the need for an account. It's a convenient way to get started, but there are some limitations:

XMPP can be used with or without an account, be it on a web- or a desktop-client. You'll always have the most functionality when you're connected with an account.

Going anonymously online

The easiest way to go is to use the webchat, you'll be in an anonymous session. Some other services offer by default an anonymous session, like does

You also can connect anonymously with a desktop client. The condition being that the server you're connecting to accepts anonymous accounts. Poezio offers a server by default. With Gajim you'll have to specify one ; JabberFR suggests You just have to check the option “anonymous authentication” when creating an “account” on the client : locally a profile is created but it's not really an XMPP account.

Please note that you'll not be able to connect everywhere : as stated above, some servers reject anonymous connections or are blocking some “anon” server that are or have been de spam.

Creating an account without a client

This is as simple as choosing a XMPP server that allows online registration. We have a partnership with and we recommend them you to. They took over APINC domain names, what allows you to have choice in userID:

Our bots

For now we have less bots than we had in IRC.

Pendorid is still here. She logs, retrieves RSS feeds, and speaks: all that we need. She's based on Botlogmauve, a homemade bot.

Installing your own server

Because selfhosting is good!

It's absolutely *not* a requirement prior to using XMPP. If you just want to converse with us, this section is not for you.

Our XMPP services are currenty hosted by, what allows us to have as much services as they have instances, without having the hassle to manage all that… thank you !

More at xmpp_server(fr).

the 20 last messages are displayed depending on your client, and in any event you can scroll back the last few days: they're sent back to you by the server
you can also join to update the threads and improve the manuals
But if you can still pay for it, it helps maintaining it. On the other side it's better for your privacy not to use GooglePlay