Function used in mission creation.
Specific type of step_dyn_chat that allows only one “I agree” answer to the player. If the linear_dyn_chat_continue is timed out, it executes the next step of the branch. This is designed for the situations where a player can move away from the giver or just ignore the NPC but the mission needs to carry on to the next step despite the player’s lack of answer.
name : Name of the step, can be used as Jump_to destination and should thus be named as a C++ object (no blank, no special character …)
npc_name : Tag of the npc that does the chat.
hide_obj (Boolean) : Prevent the step to be displayed in the mission log.
overload_objective : Allow to set a specific a description of the mission. See text guidelines for the formatting requirements.
roleplay_objective (Optional): Allow to add a description to the step.
phrase : NPC speech that leads to the phrase_yes button. See text guidelines for the formatting requirements.
phrase_yes : Text displayed in the interface to be clicked by the player. See text guidelines for the formatting requirements.
Also see step_dyn_chat, linear_dyn_chat_retry, linear_dyn_chat_fail.