Table des matières


Function used in mission creation.

Objective: The player has to forage MPs in specified quantities and qualities.


name: Objective name, only used by the mission designer.

hide_obj (Boolean): Prevent the step to be displayed in the mission log.

overload_objective (Optional): Allow to set a specific a description of the mission. See text guidelines for the formatting requirements.

roleplay_objective (Optional): Allow to add a description to the step.

Item/quantity/quality: Array containing the description of the MPs that need to be foraged. See item_guidelines for the formatting requirements.

Default variables

For item number X

Variable name Formal expression Example
Item_type (item) $i<X>$ $i1$
Item_quantity (int) $qt<X>$ $qt1$
Item_quality (int) $quality<X>$ $qual1$